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学习啦在线学习网   《简·爱》是一部家喻户晓的小说,夏洛蒂·勃朗特女士一次与妹妹们的争论是它诞生的导火索。下面是学习啦小编带来的简爱的经典英文段落赏析,欢迎阅读!


学习啦在线学习网   But the answer my mind gave -- Leave Thornfield at once -- was so prompt, so dread, that I stopped my ears. I said I could not bear such words now. That I am not Edward Rochester's bride is the least part of my woe, I alleged: that I have wakened out of most glorious dreams, and found them all void and vain, is a horror I could bear and master; but that I must leave him decidedly, instantly, entirely, is intolerable. I cannot do it.


学习啦在线学习网   But, then, a voice within me averred that I could do it and foretold that I should do it. I wrestled with my own resolution: I wanted to be weak that I might avoid the awful passage of further suffering I saw laid out for me; and Conscience, turned tyrant, held Passion by the throat, told her tauntingly, she had yet but dipped her dainty foot in the slough, and swore that with that arm of iron he would thrust her down to unsounded depths of agony.

学习啦在线学习网   但是,我内心的另一个声音却认为我能这样做,而且预言我应当这么做。我斟酌着这个决定,希望自己软弱些,以躲避已经为我铺下的可怕的痛苦道路。而良心己变成暴君,抓住激情的喉咙,嘲弄地告诉她,她那美丽的脚已经陷入了泥沼,还发誓要用铁臂把她推入深不可测的痛苦深渊。

  Let me be torn away, then I cried. Let another help me!

学习啦在线学习网   “那么把我拉走吧!”我嚷道,“让别人来帮助我!”

  No; you shall tear yourself away, none shall help you: you shall yourself pluck out your right eye; yourself cut off your right hand: your heart shall be the victim, and you the priest to transfix it.

学习啦在线学习网   “不,你得自己挣脱,没有人帮助你。你自己得剜出你的右眼;砍下你的右手,把你的心作为祭品而且要由你这位祭司把它刺穿。

  I rose up suddenly, terror-struck at the solitude which so ruthless a judge haunted, -- at the silence which so awful a voice filled. My head swam as I stood erect. I perceived that I was sickening from excitement and inanition; neither meat nor drink had passed my lips that day, for I had taken no breakfast. And, with a strange pang, I now reflected that, long as I had been shut up here, no message had been sent to ask how I was, or to invite me to come down: not even little Adele had tapped at the door; not even Mrs. Fairfax had sought me. Friends always forget those whom fortune forsakes, I murmured, as I undrew the bolt and passed out. I stumbled over an obstacle: my head was still dizzy, my sight was dim, and my limbs were feeble. I could not soon recover myself. I fell, but not on to the ground: an outstretched arm caught me. I looked up -- I was supported by Mr. Rochester, who sat in a chair across my chamber threshold.

学习啦在线学习网   我蓦地站了起来,被如此无情的法官所铸就的孤独,被充斥着如此可怕声音的寂静吓坏了。我站直时只觉得脑袋发晕。我明白自己由于激动和缺乏营养而感到不舒服。那天我没有吃早饭,肉和饮料都没有进过嘴。带着一种莫名的痛苦,我忽然回想起来,尽管我已在这里关了很久,但没有人带口信来问问我怎么样了,或者邀请我下楼去,甚至连阿黛勒也没有来敲我的门,费尔法克斯太太也没有来找我。“朋友们总是忘记那些被命运所抛弃的人,”我咕哝着,一面拉开门闩,走了出去。我在一个什么东西上绊了一下。因为我依然头脑发晕,视觉模糊,四肢无力,所以无法立刻控制住自己。我跌倒了,但没有倒在地上,一只伸出的手抓住了我。我抬起头来。——罗切斯特先生扶着我,他坐在我房门口的一把椅子上。


  You come out at last, he said. Well, I have been waiting for you long, and listening: yet not one movement have I heard, nor one sob: five minutes more of that death-like hush, and I should have forced the lock like a burglar. So you shun me? -- you shut yourself up and grieve alone! I would rather you had come and upbraided me with vehemence. You are passionate. I expected a scene of some kind. I was prepared for the hot rain of tears; only I wanted them to be shed on my breast: now a senseless floor has received them, or your drenched handkerchief. But I err: you have not wept at all! I see a white cheek and a faded eye, but no trace of tears. I suppose, then, your heart has been weeping blood?


  Well, Jane! not a word of reproach? Nothing bitter -- nothing poignant? Nothing to cut a feeling or sting a passion? You sit quietly where I have placed you, and regard me with a weary, passive look.


学习啦在线学习网   Jane, I never meant to wound you thus. If the man who had but one little ewe lamb that was dear to him as a daughter, that ate of his bread and drank of his cup, and lay in his bosom, had by some mistake slaughtered it at the shambles, he would not have rued his bloody blunder more than I now rue mine. Will you ever forgive me?

学习啦在线学习网   “简,我决不想这么伤害你,要是某人有一头亲如女儿的母羊,吃他的面包,饮用他的杯子,躺在他怀抱里,而由于某种疏忽,在屠场里宰了它,他对血的错误的悔恨决不会超过我现在的悔恨,你能宽恕我吗?”


  Reader, I forgave him at the moment and on the spot. There was such deep remorse in his eye, such true pity in his tone, such manly energy in his manner; and besides, there was such unchanged love in his whole look and mien -- I forgave him all: yet not in words, not outwardly; only at my heart's core.


  You know I am a scoundrel, Jane? ere long he inquired wistfully -- wondering, I suppose, at my continued silence and tameness, the result rather of weakness than of will.

学习啦在线学习网   “你知道我是个恶棍吗,简?”不久他若有所思地问——我想是对我继续缄默令神而感到纳闷,我那种心情是软弱而不是意志力的表现。

  Yes, sir.


学习啦在线学习网   Then tell me so roundly and sharply -- don't spare me.

学习啦在线学习网   “那就直截了当毫不留情地告诉我吧——别姑息我,”“我不能,我既疲倦又不舒服。我想喝点儿水。”

  I cannot: I am tired and sick. I want some water. He heaved a sort of shuddering sigh, and taking me in his arms, carried me downstairs. At first I did not know to what room he had borne me; all was cloudy to my glazed sight: presently I felt the reviving warmth of a fire; for, summer as it was, I had become icy cold in my chamber. He put wine to my lips; I tasted it and revived; then I ate something he offered me, and was soon myself. I was in the library -- sitting in his chair -- he was quite near. If I could go out of life now, without too sharp a pang, it would be well for me, I thought; then I should not have to make the effort of cracking my heart-strings in rending them from among Mr. Rochester's. I must leave him, it appears. I do not want to leave him -- I cannot leave him.
