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学习啦在线学习网   英语作为一门国际通用语,在21世纪已经向着多元化、多功能化的方向发展。小编精心收集了简短英语段落翻译,供大家欣赏学习!


  黄河(the Yellow River)为中国第二大长河,也是世界著名的长河之一。黄河流经九个省区,在中国北方蜿蜒流动。从髙空俯瞰,它非常像一个巨大的“几”字,又隐约像是我们民族那独一无二的图腾(totem)—龙。由于河流中段流经中国黄土高原(Loess Plateau)地区,因此夹带了大世的泥沙(sediment),所以它也被认为是世界上含沙量最多的河流。在中国历史上,黄河给人类文明带来很大的影响,是中华民族最主要的发祥地之一,因此中国人称其为“母亲河”。


学习啦在线学习网   The Yellow River, the second longest river in China, is one of the most famous long rivers in the world. The Yellow River flows through nine provinces,meandering in northern China. Seen from the sky, it is much like a huge Chinese character “ji” (meaning a few), and it is also a bit like the unique totem of Chinese nation dragon. Since the middle part of the river flows through the Loess Plateauin China, a lot of sediment is carried away. Therefore, it is also considered as the river with the most sediment in the world. In Chinese history, the Yellow River has significant influence on human civilization and it's one of the most important birthplaces of the Chinese nation, so Chinese people call it the "Mother River".

  1.黄河为中国第二大长河:可译为The Yellow River, thesecond longest river in China。首句译文通过使用主语的名词同位语结构,很好地表达了作为中国第二长河的黄河在世界上的位置。

学习啦在线学习网   2.在中国北方蜿蜒流动:此处可译为非谓语形式meanderingin northern China。

学习啦在线学习网   3.高空俯瞰:可译为seen from the sky,是过去分词结构作状语。

学习啦在线学习网   4.大量的:可译为a lot of, lots of, a great/large amount of, a great/large quantity of, plenty。

  5.被称为:常见表达方法有be called, be known as或be referred as。

  6.最主要:除了用the most important,还可用main来表达。

  7.中华民族的发祥地:可译为birthplace of the Chinese nation。


  黄山(the Yellow Mountain)是中国最著名的国家级风景区之一,被列为世界文化与自然遗产。它不仅以雄伟俏丽、多姿多彩的景色闻名于世,而且资源丰富、生态完整,具有重要的科学和生态价值。黄山无处不松,最著名的有迎客松、卧龙松(Crouching Dragon pine)。它们迎着太阳屹立于峭壁之上,经历风吹雨打并吸取岩石中的水分和营养。凭峰眺望,连绵云海,浩瀚无际,或与朝霞、落日相映,美不胜收。美丽的黄山充满热情地时刻准备着迎接海内外的朋友们。


  The Yellow Mountain is one of China's most celebrated national scenic spots and is listed as a world cultural and natural heritage.It is famous for its magnificence, beauty and the colorfulness of the scenery.It also has rich resources, boasts wonderful ecological integrity and is of great scientific and ecological value.Pine trees can be found everywhere on the Yellow Mountain, of which the most famous are the Guest-greeting pines and the Crouching Dragon pines.The pine trees stand on the cliff facing the sun, absorbing water and nutrients from the rock and withstanding wind and rain.When seen from the peak, the clouds surrounding the Yellow Mountain appear as boundless as the sea.The reflection of the sunrise or sunset on the clouds is a breathtaking scene.The beautiful Yellow Mountain stands ready to warmly welcome all tourists home and abroad.

学习啦在线学习网   1.最著名的:可译为most famous或most renowned。

学习啦在线学习网   2.被列为:即be listed as...


  4.具有重要的科学和生态价值:可使用be of+名词短语结构表示“具有…的性质”。

学习啦在线学习网   5.黄山无处不松:即“黄山到处是松树”,可译为Pine trees can be found everywhere on the Yellow Mountain。

  6.迎客松、卧龙松:其中“迎客松"可译为Guest-greeting pine; “卧龙松”则可用Crouching Dragon pine表达。

  7.迎着太阳:即“面对太阳”,可译为face the sun。

  8.屹立于峭壁之上:可译为stand on the cliff。其中cliff意为“峭壁”。

  9.经历风吹雨打:可译为withstand wind and rain。

  10.连绵云海,浩瀚无际:即“云像大海一样没有边界”,可译为the clouds surrounding the Yellow Mountain appear as boundless as the sea。


  上海位于长江入海口(river mouth),是中国最大的城市,同时也是一座历史文化名城和著名的旅游城市。上海是中国最大的经济中心,是全国最重要的工业基地,也是重要的贸易、金融和文化中心。上海港是世界第三大港。东方明珠电视塔(Oriental Pearl TV Tower)是上海的标志性建筑,矗立立在黄浦江边,塔髙468米, 是目前世界第三、亚洲第一髙塔。外滩(The Bund)是上海最著名的旅游景点之 —,其建筑风格多样,有古今,有中外,享有“万国建筑博览会”之称。


学习啦在线学习网   Located in the river mouth of the Yangtze River,Shanghai is China's largest city and a famoushistorical, cultural and tourist city. It is China'slargest economic center, the most important nationalindustrial base, and an important center of trade,finance and culture as well. Shanghai is the world's third largest port. The Oriental Pearl TVTower is a landmark in Shanghai. It stands along the Huangpu River, with a height of 468meters, and it is the world's third highest and Asia's highest tower. The Bund is one ofShanghai's most famous tourist attractions. The architectural style there is diverse, bothancient and modern, home and abroad, thus making the Bund enjoy the title of the“exhibition of the world's architecture”.

学习啦在线学习网   1.位于长江入海口:可译为located in the river mouth ofthe Yangtze River。

学习啦在线学习网   2.上海是中国最大的经济中心,是全国最重要的工业基地,也是重要的贸易、金融和文化中心:三个分句之间是并列关系,译成英语时也相应地译为并列句。

学习啦在线学习网   3.世界第三、亚洲第一高塔:可译为the world's thirdhighest and Asia's highest tower。

  4.旅游景点:可译为tourist attraction。

学习啦在线学习网   5.有古今,有中外:可译为both ancient and modern,home and abroad。

学习啦在线学习网   6.万国建筑博览会:可译为exhibition of the world's architecture。





