学习啦在线学习网 我们学习英语的过程中是一定不可以偷懒的,学习英语是要持之以恒的,只要我们多多看一些英语,所以小编今天给大家整理了英语的文摘,大家快点学习起来,有需要的同学可以收藏起来哦,大家快点来学习一下哦。
学习啦在线学习网 What Are Fingernails?
Fingernails. They’re good for scratching, biting, clipping, and polishing. But what are they, in fact?
学习啦在线学习网 手指甲可以被用来划,咬,剪,磨。但是事实上,它们究竟是什么呢?
Although nails may look simple, they actually have various parts: a root buried beneath the skin at the base of the nail, the nail matrix, part of which is seen through the nail body as the white, half-moon shape where the nail meets the skin, the nail body–the part on the outside–and a nail bed that connects the nail to underlying tissue.
学习啦在线学习网 虽然指甲看起来很简单,但是实际上它们由几个不同的部分组成:深埋在甲根处皮肤下的根基、指甲基质(指甲基质部分由甲体上的白色部分组成,也就是指甲和皮肤连接处的半月形状)、甲体(也就是我们能看到的外面的部分)以及甲床(连接指甲和底部组织的部位)。
Nail growth begins at the root, which produces the cells that form the nail body. As these cells form they produce keratin, the substance that makes the nail body hard and durable. As new cells form, the existing keratin-filled cells are pushed forward, away from the root. When these cells lose contact with the root and form the nail body, they die. That’s why it doesn’t hurt when you trim your nails.
学习啦在线学习网 指甲的生长从根基处开始,那里可以产生形成甲体的细胞。这些细胞形成后会产生角蛋白,正是这种物质使得我们的指甲坚固且耐用。随着新细胞的形成,被角蛋白 填充的已有的细胞被向前推进,逐渐远离根基。当这些老化的细胞失去和根基的联系时,它们便形成了甲体,此时它们已经死亡。这就是你修剪指甲时不会感觉到痛 的原因。
学习啦在线学习网 Once nails start growing, they don’t stop. Nails grow continuously, and if not trimmed can become extremely long. Nails protected from wear will eventually grow in long, twisted shapes, like a ram’s horn.
学习啦在线学习网 When kept at a proper length, nails can be useful in many ways, including acting as a barometer of a person’s health. Because the nail root is sensitive to changes in the body, the appearance of nails can sometimes provide clues to certain illnesses.
学习啦在线学习网 如果被修剪成适当的长度,指甲也会有很多的用途。例如,指甲可以作为健康的晴雨表。因为指甲的根基对于身体的变化非常敏感,所以指甲的外观有时候可以告诉我们是否患有某种疾病。
学习啦在线学习网 During extreme stress, extended fever, or in response to poisonous drugs, fingernails can crack, become thinner or thicker, and can even be shed.
学习啦在线学习网 学会欣赏一首使你着迷的歌,因为还有人听不到;学会欣赏日落的美景,因为还有人看不到;学会享受家庭的温暖与安全,因为还有人无家可归;学会享受与朋友共度的时光,因为还有人感到孤独。这些点点滴滴的小事其实就是生活的全部
A very special teacher in a high school had a husband who died suddenly of a heart attack. About a week after his death, she shared some of her thoughts with a classroom of students. As the late afternoon sunlight shined through the classroom windows, and when the class was nearly over, she moved a few things aside on her desk and sat down there.
With a gentle look on her face, she paused and said,Before class is over, I would like to share with all of you a thought which I feel is very important. Each of us is put here on earth to learn, share, love, appreciate and give of ourselves...and none of us knows when this fantastic experience will end. It can be taken away at any moment. Perhaps this is a sign that we must make the most out of every single day.
学习啦在线学习网 她脸上带着温柔的表情,稍稍停顿了一下,便开始讲话:“在放学前,我想跟你们分享一种我认为很重要的想法。我们每个人都生活在地球上,学习、分享、爱护别人、欣赏和付出自我,却没有一个人知道这种美好的体验什么时候就会结束了。它随时都可能被带走。也许这预示着我们必须最大限度地利用每一个日子。”
Her eyes beginning to water, she went on,So I would like you all to make me a promise...from now on, on your way to school, or on your way home, find something beautiful to notice. It doesn't have to be something you see---it could be a scent---perhaps of freshly baked bread wafting out of someone's house, or it could be the sound of the breeze slightly rustling the leaves in the trees, or the way the morning light catches one autumn leaf as it falls gently to the ground. Please, look for these things, and remember them.
For, although it may sound silly to some people, these things are the 'stuff' of life. The little things we are put here on earth to enjoy. The things we often take for granted. We must make it important to notice them, for at any time...it can all be taken away.
The class was completely quiet. We all picked up our books and filed out of the room silently. That afternoon, I noticed more things on my way home from school than I had that whole semester. Every once in a while, I think of that teacher and remember what an impression she made on all us, and I try to appreciate all of those things that sometimes we all overlook.
Take notice of something special you see on your lunch hour today. Go barefoot. Or walk on the beach at sunset. Stop off on the way home tonight to get a double dip ice cream cone. For as we get older, it is not the things we did that we often regret, but the things we didn't do.
学习啦在线学习网 人生,一定要有自己的方向,不管起点有多低,都要坦然接受!这么多年以来,吉米老师做过餐厅服务员,工作到半夜下班;摆过地摊,在寒风中卖几个小东西;做过电话销售,每小时打几十个电话;做过医生,各种酸甜苦辣,现在是全力教英语,开办听力口语特训班,自己的网络学校。承蒙大家信任与支持,7个多月时间,384个同学报名学习,学员来自全球各个国家和地区,国内各个省份,香港,澳门,国外纽约,堪培拉,多伦多,迪拜,所罗门群岛,伦敦,冰岛。因为是在线网络教学,所以不限地点甚至不限时间。上课是网络教室,直接可以互动,课后布置作业,每个月参加考试,完整跟踪学习进度。如果你愿意花一年时间好好攻克英语,你可以和我一起学习。学员很多,但是分班教学,保证上课质量,不用担心。登陆chuanke.com搜索听力口语特训班,可以看到详细内容。我还有英语口语广播节目,手机下载荔枝FM,在左下角点击「发现」,搜索FM354673就可以收听订阅我的英语广播节目。报名请加吉米老师微信791026787 PS:我的私人微信号非报名特训班或者ABC套餐学员不加。 特训班和ABC详情可直接百度搜索:吉米老师听力口语特训班 ; 吉米老师ABC套餐 ;搜索结果第一条百度传课网的就是啦。
学习啦在线学习网 如果你真心要学好英语,就不要再犹豫了,时间不会等你,从来不犹豫地溜走,现在学习,还不晚,Better late than Never !
亲爱的同学,如果你决心学好英语,难以坚持,没有方法,虽然一直苦苦学习却仍然没有突破,或者没有学好,讲不出来,更别说漂亮流利的英语了;那么吉米老师给到你的建议是:不要自己摸着石头过河了!要有好的老师,好的班级,教导你,指引你,鼓励你,把英语真正地学成一门技能,为你所用!Trust me , you absolutely will speak excellent English , what you need is a scientific training ! Join my online English class , and I will help you finally master English !