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学习啦在线学习网   1.When spring came, she found the earth cold and bare, but she soon changed all that, and by the time summer arrives, the world is a very different place. It is a green world now, green leaves on the trees, green grass in the fields, green plants crowding in the hedges, and flowers opening everywhere.

学习啦在线学习网   春天到来的时候,乍暖还寒,大地空旷,草木未长;而夏季到来之时,世界成了另一番景象:是一片绿的世界---绿的树叶,绿的草地,树篱间植物葱郁,到处鲜花盛开。

  2、All around us, I can smell spring. The trees are green and leafy. I can hear the sounds of children playing their yards and the lawn mowers kicking into gear. And the air has a warm breeze to it – the kind that warms the hairs on your arms as it blows by.

学习啦在线学习网   我似乎闻到了环绕我们的春天的气息,树林已是枝绿叶茂。我听到了孩子们在院子中嬉戏的声音;我还听到了绿地上割草机的轰鸣声。空气中洋溢着和煦的微风—它拂暖了你臂膀上的汗毛。

  3、Sometimes I will see falling stars draw bright lines in the sky. There is harmony between the moon and stars in the quiet sky and the slow pace of the village. I really enjoy the peaceful summer evenings in the village.

学习啦在线学习网   有时我得到流星在天空中划出明亮的线条,宁静的夜空中挂着一轮明月和闪烁的星星,与慢节奏的村庄形成一幅和谐的美景。我非常喜欢村庄宁静的夏夜。

学习啦在线学习网   4、The next day, the sunlight woke him very early, hiding the stars under a pink blue and blue sky. But the stars kept watching him from above.

  第二天,日出的光线很早就将他唤醒。夜晚的星星都被阳光藏在粉蓝色的天空下。 但是它们仍然从天上看着他。