学习啦在线学习网 1.Sometimes I will see falling stars draw bright lines in the sky. There is harmony between the moon and stars in the quiet sky and the slow pace of the village. I really enjoy the peaceful summer evenings in the village.
学习啦在线学习网 有时我得到流星在天空中划出明亮的线条,宁静的夜空中挂着一轮明月和闪烁的星星,与慢节奏的村庄形成一幅和谐的美景。我非常喜欢村庄宁静的夏夜。
2.All around us, I can smell spring. The trees are green and leafy. I can hear the sounds of children playing their yards and the lawn mowers kicking into gear. And the air has a warm breeze to it – the kind that warms the hairs on your arms as it blows by.
3.It was cold and bleak in the late winter. The night was dark, not a star was to be seen in the gloomy and dismal sky. The north wind was howling dreadfully outside the house, like the screams of some wounded wild beasts.
4.A hot summer day is not without charm. If you get up before dawn, you may take a pleasant walk. You will se there is just a faint light in the eastern sky and the stars are beginning to fade. A cool breeze blows. The grass is cool, the shadowy trees are rustling their leaves, and the air is full of fragrances.