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学习啦在线学习网   Sailing Home

  This novel was about an unbelievable but genuine adventure. Its author was a black businessman who was brought up in America. In 1956, he visited Africa, his birthplace. One day, when he was wandering on the pavement near the bay enjoying the sea scenes, he lost his money and passport that he kept in an envelope. So he went to the embassy to seek help, but the ambassador with rude manners didn’t permit his staff to help though he bowed to him. Staring at his impatient face, he understood that it was the fault of his skin color that accounted for their refection. So he decided to take a chance to sail on a small boat home.xiao84.com

  He met a large amount of difficulty but was never stopped. On the contrary, difficulty pushed him to go ahead harder. Three months later, he was spotted by a ship by accident. He was in rags indeed. A maid even screamed when bringing him a steak and pineapple dessert. Aboard, he earned his passage by working as a barber and got home finally. As for the name of his novel, he couldn’t think of a better one than the phrase “Go Ahead”.





  Balanced Diet

学习啦在线学习网   Wang Peng earned his living by running a barbecue restaurant, which served delicious bacon, fried chicken breast and mutton roasted with pepper and garlic. But his food and discount attracted fewer and fewer customers. Finally, he was in debt. Yong Hui’s slimming restaurant served fresh peas, carrots, eggplants, and raw cucumbers with vinegar. As the hostess, she said fibers benefited customers' digestion the most. In order not to let Yong Hui get away with telling lies, Wang Peng spied on Yong Hui despite her glare. But he was surprised that she was losing her customers, too.巴士英语www.xiao84.com

学习啦在线学习网   Curiosity drove Wang Peng to consult an expert. The expert sighed and said, “Both of your menus have weakness and limited strength. Your customers put on weight too easily, while Yong Hui’s lose weight too quickly. So, Wang Peng, cut down the fat of your food and increase vegetables and fruits, like nuts, beans, mushrooms, peaches and lemons. You ought to combine the two menus and provide a balanced diet.”

  Before long, Wang Peng won his customers back.



学习啦在线学习网   好奇心驱使王鹏去咨询专家。那位专家叹息着说:“你们俩的菜单都缺点明显、优点有限。你的顾客很容易就发胖,而永慧的顾客体重却减轻得太快。所以嘛,王鹏,你要减少你的食物中的脂肪含量,增加蔬菜和水果,例如坚果、豆类、蘑菇、桃子和柠檬之类。你应该把两份菜单结合起来,给顾客提供平衡的膳食。”



  An Interesting Festival

学习啦在线学习网   The Agricultural Feast takes place after the Independence Day. It is not a worldwide celebration. Only Christians in Mexico look forward to its arrival for its religious origin:xiao84.com

  Long ago, humans’ ancestors were bad. They fooled and played tricks on each other and never kept their word. So God turned up and drowned all their crops. Humans starved day and night, weeping. In order to gain God’s forgiveness, a woman poet set off to see God. She admired God and kept apologizing. God was moved. With his permission, humans finally had good harvests again. So, to wipe sadness and remind themselves of the belief in God, people began the festival.

学习啦在线学习网   On the festival, people gather in open air, such as playgrounds or parking lots, and energetically have fun with each other all night long, as though they were never tired. When a beauty dressed up in lovely clothing reads poems in memory of the poet, everyone holds their breath. Then, it is the custom that the bone of a rooster head is given to her as an award.

学习啦在线学习网   Obviously, the story is not true, but the festival is interesting.



学习啦在线学习网   很久以前,人类的祖先很坏,他们互相欺骗,耍诡计,从不遵守诺言。于是,上帝出现了,淹死了他们所有的作物。人们日夜挨饿,哭泣着。为了获得上帝的原谅,一位女诗人出发去见上帝。她对上帝的赞美和怀有的歉意感动了上帝,有了他的允许,人类终于又获得了丰收。因此,为了抹去忧伤并提醒自己对上帝的信仰,人们开始举办这个节日。


学习啦在线学习网   很明显,这个故事不是真的,但是节日却很有趣。

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