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  关于万圣节在每年的11月1日是西方传统的鬼节 ——万圣节。10月31日是万圣节前夕,通常叫做万圣节前夜。小编精心收集了关于万圣节英语故事,供大家欣赏学习!


学习啦在线学习网   HALLOWEEN

  One story about Jack, an Irishman, who was not allowed into Heaven because he was stingy with his money. So he was sent to hell. But down there he played tricks on the Devil (Satan), so he was kicked out of Hell and made to walk the earth forever carrying a lantern.

  Well, Irish children made Jack's lanterns on October 31st from a large potato or turnip, hollowed out with the sides having holes and lit by little candles inside. And Irish children would carry them as they went from house to house begging for food for the village Halloween festival that honored the Druid god Muck Olla. The Irish name for these lanterns was "Jack with the lantern" or "Jack of the lantern," abbreviated as " Jack-o'-lantern" and now spelled "jack-o-lantern."

  The traditional Halloween you can read about in most books was just children's fun night. Halloween celebrations would start in October in every elementary school.

学习啦在线学习网   Children would make Halloween decorations, all kinds of orange-paper jack-o-lanterns. And from black paper you'd cut "scary" designs ---an evil witch with a pointed hat riding through the sky on a broomstick, maybe with black bats flying across the moon, and that meant bad luck. And of course black cats for more bad luck. Sometimes a black cat would ride away into the sky on the back of the witch's broom.

学习啦在线学习网   And on Halloween night we'd dress up in Mom or Dad's old shoes and clothes, put on a mask, and be ready to go outside. The little kids (children younger than we were) had to go with their mothers, but we older ones went together to neighbors' houses, ringing their doorbell and yelling, "Trick or treat!" meaning, "Give us a treat (something to eat) or we'll play a trick on you!" The people inside were supposed to come to the door and comment on our costumes.

  Oh! here's a ghost. Oh, there's a witch. Oh, here's an old lady.

学习啦在线学习网   Sometimes they would play along with us and pretend to be scared by some ghost or witch. But they would always have some candy and maybe an apple to put in our "trick or treat bags." But what if no one come to the door, or if someone chased us away? Then we'd play a trick on them, usually taking a piece of soap and make marks on their windows. .And afterwards we would go home and count who got the most candy. One popular teen-agers' Halloween trick was to unroll a roll of toilet paper and throw it high into a tree again and again until the tree was all wrapped in the white paper. The paper would often stay in the tree for weeks until a heavy snow or rain washed it off. No real harm done, but it made a big mess of both the tree and the yard under it. One kind of Halloween mischief.



学习啦在线学习网   After the stealing of fire,Zeus became increasingly unkind to men.One day he

学习啦在线学习网   ordered his son Hephaestus to build an image of a beautiful maiden out of clay.He then asked the gods and goddesses to award her with different kinds of gifts.A charming young lady,she was the first woman that ever lived.Zeus called her Pandora.Because she had received from each of the gods and goddesses a gift.The gift was harmful to men.

  Zeus decided to send her down to men as a present. So Hermes them essenger brought her to Epimetheus, brother of Prometheus. The greatness of her beauty touched the hearts of all who looked upon her, and Epimetheus happily received her into his house. He had quite forgotten Pometheus' warning: never to accept anything from Zeus.

  When he was busy with teaching men the art of living, Prometheus had left a bigcask in the care of Epimetheus. He had warned his brother not to open the lid. Pandora was a curious woman. She had been feeling very disappointed that her husband did not allow her to take a look at the contents of the cask. One day, when Epimetheus was out, she lifted the lid and out it came unrest and war, Plague and sickness, theft and violence, grief, sorrow, and all the other evils. The human world was hence to experience these evils. Only hope stayed within the mouth of the jar and never flew out. So men always have hope within their hearts.


学习啦在线学习网   宙斯决定把她作为礼物送给世间的男子。于是信使赫耳墨斯将她带给普罗米修斯的弟弟厄庇墨透斯。她姿容绝美,见者无不为之倾心。厄庇墨透斯兴高采烈地把她迎入屋内。普罗米修斯警告过他不得接受宙斯的任何馈赠,而他已将之忘于脑后。这一对夫妻有过一段幸福的生活,但不久灾难却降临人间。




  Room on the Broom


  The witch had a cat and a hat that was black, And long ginger hair in a braid down her back.


  How the cat purred and how the witch grinned, As they sat on their broomstick and flew through the wind.


  But how the witch wailed and how the cat spat, When the wind blew so wildly, it blew off the hat.


  "Down!" cried the witch, and they flew to the ground. They searched for the hat, but no hat could be found.


  Then out of the bushes on thundering paws There bounded a dog with the hat in his jaws.


学习啦在线学习网   He dropped it politely, then eagerly said (As the witch pulled the hat firmly down on her head), "I am a dog,as keen as can be. Is there room on the broom for a dog like me?"

  小花狗把帽子轻轻一放,接着急急忙忙开了腔(女巫急忙把帽子紧紧戴到了头上): “我是一只小花狗,聪明伶俐人人夸。像我这样一只狗,扫帚上可否坐得下?”

学习啦在线学习网   "Yes!" cried the witch, and the dog clambered on. The witch tapped the broomstick andwhoosh! they were gone.


  Over the fields and the forests they flew. The dog wagged his tail and the stormy wind blew. The witch laughed out loud and held on to her hat, But away blew the bow from her brain--just like that!

学习啦在线学习网   飞过森林,飞过稻田,大家一路嘻嘻哈哈。大风呼呼迎面吹,小狗开心得摇尾巴。女巫哈哈大声笑,可把帽子抓得牢。没料到,辫子上的蝴蝶结,却一下子给吹掉。

  "Down!" cried the witch, and they flew to the ground. They searched for the hat, but no hat could be found.


  Then out from a tree with an ear-splitting shriek, There flapped a green bird with the bow in her beak. She dropped it politely, and bent her head low, Then said (as the witch tied her braid in the bow), "I am a bird, as green as can be. Is there room on the broom for a bird like me?"


学习啦在线学习网   "Yes!" cried the witch, so the bird fluttered on. The witch tapped the broomstick and whoosh! they were gone.

学习啦在线学习网   “坐得下!”女巫说道。小翠鸟马上飞上扫帚。女巫又拍拍扫帚。呜!——他们就飞走。

  Over the reeds and the rivers they flew. The bird shrieked with glee and the stormy wind blew. They shot through the sky to the back of beyoud. The witch clutched her bow-- but let go of her wand.

学习啦在线学习网   飞过芦苇,飞过小河,大家一路嘻嘻哈哈。大风呼呼迎面吹,小鸟乐得吱吱喳。他们飞过天空,飞到很远很远的地方。女巫把蝴蝶结抓得牢,可这回却掉落了魔棒。

学习啦在线学习网   "Down!"cried the witch, and they flew to the ground. They searched for the wand, but no wand could be found.


  Then all of a sudden from out of a pond Leaped a dripping wet frog with a dripping wet wand. He dropped it politely, then said with a croak (As the witch dried the wand on a fold of her cloak), "I am a frog, as clean as can be. Is there room on the broom for a frog like me?"

  忽然从池塘里,跳出一只湿答答的小青蛙。青蛙拿着那根魔棒,魔棒也是湿答答。他轻轻放下魔棒,礼貌的开始呱呱讲(女巫,急忙用她的外套擦干那根魔棒): “我是一只小青蛙,讲究卫生人人夸。像我这样一只青蛙,扫帚上可否坐得下?”

  "Yes!" said the witch, so the frog bounded on.


  The witch tapped the broomstick and whoosh! they were gone. Over the moors and the mountains they flew. The frog jumped for joy and...

学习啦在线学习网   他们飞过沼泽,他们飞过群山,青蛙乐得蹦蹦跳,可突然。。。。。。


  咔嚓一声—— 扫帚一下子断成了两半!

学习啦在线学习网   Down fell the cat and the dog and the frog. Down they went tumbling into a bog. The witch's half-broomstick flew into a cloud, And the witch heard a roar that was scary and loud...

学习啦在线学习网   猫啊,狗啊,还有青蛙,全都往下掉,连同半根魔扫帚。他们一个一个倒载葱,掉进了一个烂泥溏里头。可女巫和那另外半根魔扫帚,却飞入了云中。云中忽然传来一声咆哮,吓得女巫的心扑通扑通。。。。。。

学习啦在线学习网   "I am a dragon, as mean as can be, And witch with french fries tastes delicious to me!" "No!" cried the witch, flying higher and higher. The dragon flew after her, breathing out fire.

  “我是一条大恶龙,恶得不能再恶!我要拿女巫加上土豆条当作点心吃了!” “不行!”女巫大声喊道,飞得更高更高。大恶龙紧紧跟在她后面,喷出火舌去把她烧。

  "Help!" cried the witch, flying down to the ground. She looked all around but no help could be found. The dragon drew near with a glint in his eyes, And said,"Just this once I'll have witch without fries."

学习啦在线学习网   “救命啊!救命!”女巫大声叫。飞回地面上,她往东望望,往西瞧瞧,看来不会有谁来帮忙。大恶龙越逼越近。他舔着嘴巴狞笑:“也许这一回就光吃女巫,不加土豆条!”

学习啦在线学习网   But just as he planned to begin on his feast, From out of a ditch rose a horrible beast. It was tall,dark,and stickly, and feathered and furred. It had four frightful heads, It had wings like a bird.


  And its terrible voice, When it started to speak, Was a yowl and growl and a croak and a shriek. It dripped and it squelched as it strode from the ditch, And it sain to the dragon, "Buzz off!-- THAT'S MY WITCH!"

学习啦在线学习网   说起话来那声音,又是汪汪,又是喵喵,又是呱呱,还会叽叽喳喳叫。听了叫人吓得起鸡皮疙瘩。怪物大摇大摆地从泥塘里走出来,身上的泥浆还往下掉,脚步声叽咕,叽咕,叽叽咕咕。它对大恶龙怒叫: “快滚开—— 别动我的女巫!”

学习啦在线学习网   The dragon drew back and he started to shake. "I'm sorry!" he spluttered. "I made a mistake. It's nice to have met you, but now I must fly." And he spread out his wings and was off through the sky.

  大恶龙吓坏了,浑身直哆嗦。 “对不起!是我的错!” 他结结巴巴地说, “幸会,幸会,我这就走,这就走。” 他赶紧张开翅膀,腾空开溜。

  Then down flew the bird and down jumped the frog. Down climbed the cat, and,"Phew!" said the dog. And, "Thank you, oh, thank you!" the grateful witch cried. "Without you I'd be in that dragon's inside."

  这时候,从怪物的最上面飞下来一只小鸟,接着跳下来一只青蛙,再接着爬下来的是那只猫,小花狗在最底下。 “哦,谢谢你们!谢谢你们啊!” 女巫满心感激, “要是没有你们,我这会儿已经到了恶龙的肚子里。”

  Then she filled up her cauldron and said with a grin, "Find something, everyone, throw something in!" So the frog found a lily, the cat found a cone, The bird found a twig, and the dog found a bone.

  接着女巫生好火,支起了锅。她神秘地笑了笑说: “你们各去找样东西来,放进这大锅!” 小鸟衔来一根树枝,猫咪找来一个松果,小花狗叼来一根骨头,青蛙找来一朵大百合。

  They threw them all in and the witch stirred them well, And while she was stirring, shemuttered a spell. "Iggety, ziggety, zaggety,ZOOM!"

  他们把这些东西统统放进锅。女巫把它们搅啊搅,搅来又搅去。她一面搅,一面念咒语: “咪哩吗哩轰!”

  Then out rose...

学习啦在线学习网   变出来的东西世间真少有。。。。。。



学习啦在线学习网   With seats for the witch and the cat and the dog, A nest for the bird and a pool for the frog.


  "Yes!" cried the witch, and they all clambered on. The witch tapped the broomstick and whoosh! they were gone.

学习啦在线学习网   “上去吧!”女巫叫道。于是大家爬上扫帚。一个挨一个,排排都坐好。女巫拍拍扫帚,呜!——他们就飞走。





