学习啦 > 学习英语 > 英语阅读 > 英语故事 > 关于丑小鸭的经典英语故事


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  One evening, the sun was just setting in with true splendor when 1)a flock of beautiful large birds appeared out of the bushes. The duckling had never seen anything so beautiful. They were dazzlingly white with long waving necks. They were swans and uttering a peculiar cry. They spread out their magnificent broad wings and flew away from the cold regions toward warmer lands and open seas.

  They 2)mounted so high, so very high, and the ugly little duckling became strangely uneasy. He circled around and around in the water like a wheel, 3)craning his neck out into the air after them. Then he uttered the shriek so 4)piercing and so strange that he was quite frightened by himself. Oh, he could not forget those beautiful birds, those happy birds and as soon as they were out of sight. He 5)ducked right down to the bottom and when he came up again, he was quite beside himself. He did not know what the birds were or where’d they flew. But all the same, he was more drawn towards them than he had ever been by any creatures before. He did not envy them in the least. How could it occur to him even to wish to be such a marvelous beauty? He wouldn’t be thankful if only the ducks would have tolerated him among them, the poor ugly creature.

  Early in the morning, a peasant came along and saw him, he went out onto the ice and hammered a hole in it with his heavy wooden shoe, and carried the duckling home to his wife. There, it soon 6)revived. The children wanted to play with it. But the duckling thought they were going to ill use him and rushed in and he frightened to the milk-pan, and the milk 7)spurted out all over the room. The woman shrieked and threw up her hands. Then it flew to the butter-cask and down into the meal-tub and out again. Oh, just imagine what it looked like by this time. The woman screamed and tried to hit it with the 8)tongs, and the children 9)tumbled over one another in trying to catch it, and they screamed with laughter.

  By good luck, the door stood open and the duckling flew out among the bushes and the new fallen snow. And it lay there, thoroughly exhausted, but it would be too sad to mention all the privation and misery had to go through during that hard winter. When the sun began to shine warmly again, the duckling was in a marsh, lying among the rushes. The

学习啦在线学习网   larks were singing, and the beautiful spring had come. Then all at once, it raised its wings and they flapped with much greater strength than before and bore him off vigorously. Before he knew where he was, he found himself in a large garden with the apple trees were in full blossom. And the air was scentedly with lilacs, the long branches of which overhung the indented shores of the lake. Oh, the spring freshness was so delicious. Just in front of him, he saw three beautiful white swans advancing towards him from a 10)thicket. With 11)rustling feathers, they swam lightly over the water. The duckling recognized the majestic birds, and he was overcome by a strange melancholy. 内容来自www. .com

学习啦在线学习网   “I will fly to them, the royal birds, and they will hack me to pieces because I who am so ugly venture to approach them. But it won’t matter. Better to be killed by them than be snacked up by the ducks, 12)pecked by the hens, or 13)spurned by the hen wife, or suffer so much misery in the winter.” So he flew into the water and swam towards the stately swans. They saw him and darted toward him with ruffled feathers. “Kill me, oh, kill me.” said the poor creature. And bowing his head towards the water, he awaited his death. But what did he see? Reflected in the transparent water, he saw below him his own image, but he was no longer a clumsy dark gray bird, ugly and ungainly. He was himself, a swan.


学习啦在线学习网   一天晚上,当太阳正在美丽的霞光中落下去的时候,有一群俏丽的大鸟从灌木林里飞出来,小鸭素来不看到过这样漂亮的东西。他们白得发亮,颈项又长又柔软。这就是天鹅。他们发出一种奇异的啼声,发展美丽的长翅膀,从酷寒的地带飞向暖和的国度,飞向不结冰的湖上去。




学习啦在线学习网   “我要飞向他们,飞向这些高贵的鸟儿!可是他们会把我劈碎的,因为我是这样丑,居然敢濒临他们。不过这没有什么关系!被他们杀死,要比被鸭子咬、被鸡群啄,被照管养鸡场的那个女佣人踢跟在冬天受苦好得多!”于是他飞到水里,向这些高贵优雅的天鹅游去:这些动物看到他,立即就竖起羽毛向他游来。“请你们弄去世我吧!”这只可怜的家伙说。他把头低低地垂到水上,只等待着逝世。然而他在这清澈的水上看到了什么呢?他看到了自己的倒影。但那不再是一只粗笨的、深灰色的、又丑又令人讨厌的鸭子,而却是--一只天鹅!



  Act 1


  The Ugly Duckling Hatches


  (A mother duck sits on many eggs.)

学习啦在线学习网   (鸭妈妈正在孵蛋.)

学习啦在线学习网   Motber Duck: Oh,I am tired.I hope these eggs hatch soon. I wnat to swim in the water.



学习啦在线学习网   (噼啪!噼啪!)

  Duckling 1: Peep,peep!Where am I?


学习啦在线学习网   Duckling 2: Peep,peep!Where is Mommy?


学习啦在线学习网   Motber Duck: Quack,quack!Oh,my babies.I am here.

学习啦在线学习网   鸭妈妈:嘎,嘎!哦我的宝贝们.我在这儿.

学习啦在线学习网   (Finally,the last egg hatches.)


学习啦在线学习网   Ugly Duckling: Peep,peep!Mommy!


  Motber Duck: Oh,my!You are ont like the other ducklings.you are big and ugly!

学习啦在线学习网   鸭妈妈:噢,天呐!你和其他小鸭子长得不一样.你又大又难看.(The mother duck takes her ducklings to the water.)


学习啦在线学习网   Duckling 1: Wow!It is fun to swim in the water.

学习啦在线学习网   小鸭子1: 哇!在水里游泳真好玩儿.

  Ugly Duckling: Can I play with you?

学习啦在线学习网   丑小鸭: 我能和你们玩儿吗?

  Duckling 2: No!You are too big and ugly.We don't want to play with you.

  小鸭子2: 不行!你太大太难看了.我们不想和你玩儿.

  Ducklings: Go away!

  小鸭子们: 走开!

  (The Ugly Duckling goes to a farm.)

学习啦在线学习网   (丑小鸭来到一个农场.)

学习啦在线学习网   Ugly Duckling: Hi!Can I play with you?

  丑小鸭: 嗨!我能和你们玩儿吗?

  Farm Animals: No,you can't.We don't like you.You are a big ugly duckling.Go away!

学习啦在线学习网   农场的动物: 不,你不能.我们不喜欢你.你是一只又大又难看的小鸭子.走开!

学习啦在线学习网   Ugly Duckling: (crying)Nobody likes me!will run away.

  丑小鸭: (哭着说)谁也不喜欢我!我要跑得远远的.Act 2


  Nobody likes the Ugly Duckling


  (The Ugly Duckling runs to a matsh.)


  Ugly Duckling: Oh,there are big marsh ducks!(to a marsh duck)I want to play with you.

学习啦在线学习网   丑小鸭: 哦,那儿有一群大野鸭!(对一只大野鸭说)我想和你们玩儿.

  Marsb Duck: No!You don't look like us.Look into the water.You are an ugly duckling!

学习啦在线学习网   野鸭: 不行!你和我们长得不一样.对着水照照.你是一只丑小鸭!

  Ugly Duckling: (looking into the water)The marsh duck is right.I am an ugly duckling.(sighing)I am sad.

  丑小鸭: (往水里看去)野鸭是对的.我是一只丑小鸭.(叹了口气)我很难过.(The Ugly Duckling runs to a house.There is a big dog.)


  Big Dog: Growl!Who are you?

  大狗: 汪!你是谁?

  Ugly Duckling: Hello!I am Ugly Duckling.Can I live in this house with you?

  丑小鸭: 你好!我是丑小鸭.我能和你一起住在这栋房子里吗?

  Big Dog: Growl!No,you can't.I don't want to live with an ugly duckling.

学习啦在线学习网   大狗: 汪!不,你不能.我不想和一只丑小鸭住在一起.

  (The Ugly Duckling runs to a pond and sees beautiful swans.)


学习啦在线学习网   Ugly Duckling: The swans are beautiful.They are swimming in the pond.(sighing)I want to be like them.

  丑小鸭: 天鹅真美呀.他们在池塘里游泳.(叹了口气)我想和他们一样.Act 3


  The Ugly Duckling in winter


  (It is winter.The Ugly Duckling is in the pond.)


学习啦在线学习网   Ugly Duckling: Oh,it is so cold.The water is frozen.I must keep swimming,or I will die.But I can't crack the ice.I can't swim.(A man sees the Ugly Duckling.)

学习啦在线学习网   丑小鸭: 噢,太冷了.水都结冰了.我必须不停地游泳,要不我会死的.但是我破不开冰.我没法游泳.(一个人看见了丑小鸭.)

  Man: Oh,poor duckling!You are freezing.Don't worry.I will take you to my house.It is warm there.

学习啦在线学习网   男人: 喔,可怜的小鸭子!你冻僵了.别担心,我会把你带回家.那儿很暖和.(in the man's house)

学习啦在线学习网   9在那个人的房子里)

  Ugly Duckling: It is very warm.I can move now.

  丑小鸭: 真暧和.我现在能动了.

  Cbildren: (laughing)Ha-ha!You are a big and ugly duckling.We don't like you.Go away!

  孩子们: (笑着说)哈哈!你是一只又大又难看的小鸭子.我们不喜欢你.走开!

学习啦在线学习网   Ugly Duckling: The children are bad to me.I am tired.I will run to the marsh.

  丑小鸭: 孩子们对我一点儿都不好.我好累呀.我要跑回沼泽去.

  (in a cold home by the water)


  Ugly Duckling: It is cold here.(crying)I am alone.I am lonely.

学习啦在线学习网   丑小鸭: 这儿真冷呀.(哭着说)就我一个人.我很孤独.Act 4


学习啦在线学习网   The Ugly Duckling Becomes a Swan


  (Soon winter is past. It is spring.)


  Ugly Duckling: Oh,it is warm.Look!The birds are singing.The sun is shining.But I am still alone.

  丑小鸭: 哦,天气暖和了.看呐!鸟儿在唱歌.太阴在照耀.可我还是一个人.

学习啦在线学习网   (The Ugly Duckling looks up and points at the sky.)


学习啦在线学习网   Ugly Duckling: There are beautiful swans flying in the sky!I want to fly like them.OK!I will try.(The Ugly Duckling runs and runs.He spreads his wings.)

  丑小鸭: 美丽的天鹅在天上飞!我想象他们那样飞.好!我要试一试.(丑小鸭跑起来.他张开了翅膀.)Ugly Duckling: Yes,yes!I can fly!(to a swan)Look at me!I am an ugly duckling.But I can fly!

  丑小鸭: 噢,噢!我可以飞了!(对一只天鹅说)看看我!我是一只丑小鸭.但是我会飞!

  Swan: Yes,you can fly.But you are not a duckling.Look into the water.You are a swan now.

  天鹅: 是的,你会飞.但你不是一只小鸭子.对着水照照.你现在是一只天鹅了.

学习啦在线学习网   Ugly Duckling: waht?(The Ugly Duckling looks into the water.)

  丑小鸭: 什么?(丑小鸭往水里看去.)

学习啦在线学习网   Ugly Duckling: Oh,is that me?I am not an ugly duckling any more.(happily)I am a swan!

  丑小鸭: 噢,那是我吗?我不再是一只丑小鸭了.(高兴地)我是一只天鹅!


学习啦在线学习网   One lovely summer in the country, Mother Duck sat on her nest.She had been waiting for her eggs to hatch for a long time.Finally one egg began to crack.And then another.From each shell came a tiny golden creature crying,”Peep!Peep!” Soon all the eggs were hatched,except one.

  At last the largest egg hatched.A young bird peeked out,crying “Peep!Peep!”like the others.But this ducking was gray and quite larger,and very ugly.

  Mother Duck stared at her new baby.”You are not like my other ducklings,”she said,”I wonder if you are really my turkey,and not a duckling at all?”

学习啦在线学习网   She took her ducklings to the riverbank to practice their swimming.Mother Duck watched her largest baby,because it is well known that turkeys cannot swim.

  All the ducklings jumped fearlessly into the river, Even the ugly duckling swam gracefully. thought Mother Duck:” He is not a turkey at all.”

  Mother Ducj brought her family to live on the nearby farm, but the ugly duckling was very unhappy there.All the other ducks picked on him, calling him names and stealing his food.Even the chickens laughed at the ugly duckling, and one turkey pecked at him in a most vicious way. The poor duckling decided he must run away.” There is no home for an ugly duckling, “he said miserably. He closed his eyes and waddled away.

  Through the winter he almost starved and nearly froze.Then,one day the warm spring came,The duckling tested his wings and found that they were strong.He dlew,landing by chance in a beautiful garden with a very clear pond.And in the pond were three beautiful white swans.

  The duckling swam toward the beautiful swans, though he knew they would laugh and tell him to go away.”I’d just like to see them,if only for a moment, “thought the ugly duckling.

学习啦在线学习网   But the swans did not laugh or tell him go away. The swans stroked his neck and welcomed him.The duckling happened to glance down at the watermwhere he saw his own reflection. He was no longer a gray,ugly bird.He had grown up to be a beautiful white swan!


学习啦在线学习网   最后,最大的蛋也钻出来一个哭闹的小鸭。但这小鸭是灰色的,相当大的,很难看。

学习啦在线学习网   鸭妈妈盯着她新生的婴儿。“你是不是像我的其他的小鸭子,”她说着,把鸭子带到河边练习游泳。鸭妈妈看着她最大的婴儿,会不会游泳。

学习啦在线学习网   所有的小鸭无畏地跳到河里,甚至丑小鸭游的也很棒。

学习啦在线学习网   母亲带着她的家人住在附近的农场,但丑小鸭很不高兴在那里。所有其它的鸭子欺负他,连鸡都嘲笑他是丑小鸭。可怜的小鸭决定他要逃跑。他蹒跚着走开了。


学习啦在线学习网   丑小鸭游向这些美丽的天鹅,尽管他知道他们会笑着告诉他走开。“我想看到他们,即使只有片刻,”丑小鸭在想。






