A Jew, an Indian and a black were lined up to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
学习啦在线学习网 一位犹太人、一位印第安人和一位黑人列队进入天国之门。
学习啦在线学习网 Said the Jew to St. Peter, 66 Frankly, I'm rather surprised to be here. All my life Christians have despised and reviled me. "
"That's a great sorrow to us," said St. Peter, "but you won-t find that kind of prejudice here. Here, all are truly equal. Just spell God and you may enter. "
Next,the Indian came forward and said,"St.Peter,all my life I suffered from poverty and discrimination,and could only live in a reservation.Will I truly be free here?"
那名犹太人正确地拼出 God后,被招入门内。 接着印第安人走向前说道“圣彼得,我一辈子饱受贫穷和种族歧视的打击,而且只能住在居留地内,我在这里能得到真正的自由吗?”
学习啦在线学习网 "My son, your troubles are over. Just spell the word God you will be free as a bird. "
The Indian obliged and he, too, entered the Heavenly Kingdom.
学习啦在线学习网 Next, the black man strode forward. "St. Peter," he said, "all my life people looked down on me and treated me unfairly. That won't happen here, will it?"
"Of course not, my boy. We don't do that kind of thing here. Just spell" onomatopoeia "and the Kingdom of Heaven is yours "
学习啦在线学习网 “当然不会,我的弟兄,我们不会做那样的事,只要拼出onomatopoeia这个词,天堂之国就是你的了!”
The black couple already had eight children, and Lula May was pregnant with her ninth. Finally she convinced her husband to get a vasectomy.
学习啦在线学习网 一对黑人夫妇已有八个小孩,而鲁拉·梅又怀了第九个小孩,最后她说服了她先生去做男性绝育手术。
On the morning of the operation, she was surprised to see her husband putting on a tuxedo and getting into a limousine for the short ride to the hospital.
学习啦在线学习网 手术的早晨,她惊讶地看见她老公穿着礼服,乘坐一辆礼车到不远的医院去。
"Say, honey, what's all this about?" asked Lula May.
学习啦在线学习网 "Baby, if you gonna be important, you gotta look important.
学习啦在线学习网 Smith was the manager of a construction',event)">construction company and was taking bids on a new project. The first bidder was a Polish company, and their representative offered to do the job for $ 400,000.
学习啦在线学习网 "That seems reasonable," said Smith. "Can you give me a breakdown on that?"
学习啦在线学习网 史密斯是一家建设公司的经理,他正负责一个新工程的招标案。第一位投标的是一家波兰公司,他们的代表出价四十万元接那个案子。“似乎很合理,”史密斯说。“你可不可以给我一张明细表呢?”
"Sure," said the Pole, " 0, 000 for labor and $ 200,000 for materials. "
学习啦在线学习网 “当然没问题,”波兰公司代表说道,“廿万元工资,廿万元材科费。”
Next to make a bid was the Standard American Construction',event)">Construction Company, which bid $ 800,000.
"Hmm, that seems a bit high," said Smith. "What's the breakdown?"
学习啦在线学习网 “嗯,这个价钱似乎有些偏高,”史密斯说道。“你们有明细表吗?’
" $ 400,000 0n materials, $ 400,000 0n labor. "
"I'll get back to you. "
学习啦在线学习网 “我以后再同你联系。”
学习啦在线学习网 Finally the representative of Cohen, Goldstein and Leibowitz entered Smith's office.
学习啦在线学习网 " $ 1,200,000 is our bid," said the agent." 200, 0001 That' s way out of line," exclaimed Smith. "Can you give me a brea kdown on that?"
学习啦在线学习网 “一百廿万元这个标高得太过分了,”史密斯叫道:“你可以给我一张明细表吗?"
学习啦在线学习网 "No problem," replied the rep. " 0, 000 for me,$ 400 , 000 for you and $ 400 . 000 for the Polacks.