Ever since I can remember I have been sensitive. So it should’ve been no surprise to me the events that would take place in my early twenties.
I am in the military and so, because of this, cannot identify specific locations since this particular incident took place on a military installation.
学习啦在线学习网 I was 21, fresh out of boot camp and well into my final stages of technical training. I was training to be an avionics specialist, a primarily male-dominated field of maintenance and therefore I was always on guard trying to be the best and not be any less than that. So I was naturally distracted by my goals and not in touch with my normal sense of intuition.
学习啦在线学习网 We had just been assigned a class on the midnight shift when it started happening. At first I chalked it up to nerves and my body trying to adjust itself to sleeping during the day and going to school at night. About two weeks in I was finally acclimated and comfortable. Well, not exactly comfortable. You see, the base we were at was an older one as most Air Force bases usually are. But our schoolhouse was in what used to be the old training hospital during WWII, the Korean War, and then Vietnam. It wasn’t until those two weeks of adaptation had passed that one of my guys made the observation that the building was shaped like an H.
It made sense. The floors were all concrete linoleum and instead of stairs in the building there were two gurney ramps per floor, at 180 degree angles from each other that traversed you through the levels. It was not until one night, we were doing our clean up details (the military saves money on janitorial services by farming out its students to indentured servitude) that I got curious. I wanted to see what was on the top floor. From the outside it looked like there were three stories, not including the basement where our break room was located. So I, with my push broom in hand, climbed the ramps. I asked if anyone wanted to go with me. No one wanted to join me, so after resoundingly calling them all a pack of wises I ventured off solo.
学习啦在线学习网 I climbed seven floors. I counted. They all looked the same. I figured this was weird but was not too bothered by it. I stared up the next ramp into black abyss and decided that I should get back, for all I knew this could go on forever. I came back down to find my classmates staring at me. I looked at all six faces in puzzlement. Finally, my best friend, Lance, said, “Berk, why didn’t you answer us? Where did you go?” I answered that I just kept following the ramps but I could never find the top, which I found weird, why do you ask? They all chimed in that they had called me numerous times and even ventured up a couple ramps but couldn’t find me. I never heard them. No one believed me and just thought I was trying to be funny. I found it all a bit unsettling, but quickly became immersed in other things.
学习啦在线学习网 It was after these two weeks had past that I was awake enough to notice things. It’s odd, when I am tired but not totally downtrodden is when I am my most sensitive. Like a primal survival instinct moves to the forefront of my mind, or something. I started to feel uncomfortable in the bathroom. My eyes would always be drawn to the 2 x 2 foot air vent on the wall where it met the ceiling and went on through the labyrinth of the building. I always felt like if I looked up quickly enough, I would see a pair of red eyes or whatever it was that was watching me. I never saw anything but felt that there was something there, just out of sight in the gloom, breathing and watching.
学习啦在线学习网 One night I went to the latrine while everyone went down to the basement break room. I came out, hurrying as usual, and proceeded down the ramps. When I got to the first floor I stopped. This was the floor that we had our original class room. We called it the meat locker because no matter how hot it was outside or even in the hallway; you could almost see your breath as soon as you crossed the threshold.
学习啦在线学习网 一天晚上,我去上厕所,其他人都去了地下休息室。我从厕所里出来,像平时一样急急得走下斜坡。当我走到第一层时,我停住了。我们的教室原来就在这一层,我们都叫它冷柜因为不管外面或是走廊上天气有多热,只要你一跨进门槛,就能看到自己呼出的水汽。
学习啦在线学习网 I focused in on what had caught my attention. It was a flickering florescent light at the end of the hall by the exit door that led out to the enclosed external stairwell. I didn’t think much of it till it went out completely. As I was about to walk away, it came back on as the light in front of it flicked off. It did this in rapid succession down the hall towards me, faster and faster. The truly terrifying part was not the lights but the racing shadow it created on the floor. It was as if an impenetrable black mass was charging me at ramming speed. Filled with inexplicable horror and certainty that this was the same ominous thing in the bathroom, I turned on my heels and started down the ramp only to be shoved, hard, by something. I tumbled all the way down and somehow managed to roll into a crouching position, sprang to my feet and kept running till I hit the bottom ramp. Whereby I collected myself enough to catch my breath and walk the rest of the way down. In passing the two big shut doors adjacent to the last ramp I had another weird feeling of certainty and realization: this was a hospital (we already know that.) This basement used to be the morgue. The first level with the meat locker classroom was the operating wing that would explain the red linoleum versus the equally aged brown stuff on the subsequent floors; for all the blood spillage during surgeries. You know there were a lot of deaths here; it was a training hospital during war time.
学习啦在线学习网 我看着刚刚吸引我视线的东西。那是在大厅尽头的出口处的一盏忽亮忽灭的灯,出口是通往外面的楼梯的。我没想太多,直到那灯完全熄灭。但正当我要离开的时候,那灯又亮了,而它前面的那盏灯则熄灭,就这样,大厅里的灯这盏亮那盏灭的一直快速重复着,速度越来越快,朝着我的方向延伸过来。真正吓人的不是那些灯,而是灯忽明忽灭在地上产生的那些像是奔跑着的黑影。看起来就像是一个难以穿透的黑物正飞快得向我冲过来。怀着无以言表的恐惧,我确信这一定是浴室里的那个邪恶的东西在作祟,我拔腿向斜坡下跑去,却被什么东西狠狠得撞了一下。我跌倒并沿着斜坡向下滚去,中途我顺利得转换成蹲伏的姿势,我赶紧跳起来,继续沿着斜坡向下跑去,直到跑到最底层的那个斜坡。我屏住呼吸向下走去,当走过与这个斜坡紧挨着的那两扇门时,我又有了诡异的感觉:这儿原来是家医院(这我们已经知道了),这地下室以前是个停尸房。冷柜那一层原来是做手术的地方,这就能充分解释红色油毡和它下边那几层的陈旧的褐色东西的来历了,那些褐色的东西是在手术过程中流的血。你知道这儿以前是战时实习医院,这儿死过很多人。
In the following weeks I saw many things that would’ve normally unnerved me a bit. I saw more ghosts than I can count. More than I ever did in childhood. In some ways it was comforting knowing that I still had this sensitivity but sad to know that I will always know way more than I ever wanted to. I saw nurses and doctors mostly. Irritatingly enough, it was usually when I was alone, not that I wanted to share it with anyone. I wouldn’t want them to think I was buckling under the pressure.
学习啦在线学习网 接下来的几周我见到了更多若在平时准能让我不安的东西。我见过数不清的鬼魂,比我童年时见过的还多。一方面,我很欣慰的知道我依然还有儿时的敏感。另一方面,我得面对自己不愿见到的东西。我最常见到的是医生和护士们。让人气愤地是,我见着这些鬼魂的时候通常都是单独一个人的时候,我倒也不想告诉任何人这些事,我不想让他们觉得我是屈服于他们的压力了。
学习啦在线学习网 The only time I was ever scared was on the first floor with the red linoleum. About a week before we were due to graduate I found myself alone on this floor. I always got cold and anxious there. Finally, I saw him. It was strange. I felt the animosity, believe me it was almost overpowering, but it was like being in the eye of a raging storm. He was in a green army air corps uniform. Handsome. Angry. Dead. I don’t know why he chose me as the focal point of his anger. I still don’t. But I know that I will never forget that moment. It was as if time stood still. In that instance he just stared holes into me. I don’t know if it was to show me that he could have done something more but chose to show benevolence or if he saw something strong in me, like one warrior sizing up another.
We graduated shortly thereafter. As we were marching home, I turned to look at the schoolhouse. And who should I see, but my soldier in the first floor window. Just staring. I haven’t thought too much about him since then, but I’m sure we’ll meet again when I go back to be an instructor.
学习啦在线学习网 The sun was unusually strong as it streamed across Michael's face, waking him gently. There was a surreal stillness filling the room as Michael lay still, trying to work out which day it was. It felt as if he had only just lain down, but the room was hot and stuffy with the bright warmth of the sun. It was quiet and the mirror opposite him was reflecting the light into his eyes. He squinted, looking at the image of the door behind him. Something was moving, but he couldn't see what. He sat up, his stomach strangely tight, and his breathing cautious. Michael felt the warmth leave his back. Shadows crept into the room as the sun hid behind the clouds that now filled the sky. Michael turned back to the mirror, and saw the blurred outline of his mother in the doorway. Smiling with relief, he turned around – and stared.
Empty sockets stared back, devoid of anything but filmy membranes across distant juicing flesh. Long, skeletal bones reached out, the remains of muscles clinging to the forearm. Skin covered her shoulders and legs, peeling off in random layers around her joints, and veins stretched over the mottled, translucent skin of her face as the bloody stump of her mouth spread into a smile. "Hello, darling."
学习啦在线学习网 Michael watched, frozen in horror. A bony white hand reached out, the nails ripped off revealing the tattered tissue beneath. The fingers stroked down his cheek, leaving a stripe of bloody mucus. He looked up, his eyes connecting with the empty pits of what was his mother's gaze. His stomach lurched; he fell out of bed, scrambling madly across the room. He did not try to understand, or to make it right. This was not his mother. This was not his life. Michael launched himself at the window, his mother's fingers scraping his neck. He grabbed randomly behind him; as the glass shattered around him, his hand caught a grip on bloody, matted hair. It ripped away from her as he flailed through the air.
学习啦在线学习网 迈克尔注视着,他被惊呆了,就在这时,一只瘦骨嶙峋、颜色苍白的手突然伸了过来,这只手的指甲盖全都给撕掉了,被扯烂的指尖露在外面,重重打在迈克尔的脸颊上,留下一道道的血迹,他的腹部接势突然一斜,整个人从床上掉了下来,接着他便在房间里发疯般地到处乱爬,他不想搞清楚这是怎么回事,也不想正视所发生的这一切,这绝不是他妈妈,他的生命不应如此结束,于是他从窗户跳了出去,而就在往外跳的一刹那间,他“妈妈”的手指一下子就碰到迈克尔的脖子,抓住了他,只见迈克尔在身后疯狂的乱抓乱挠,周围的玻璃全碎了,他的手上满是鲜血,抓到了一缕血迹斑斑、暗淡无光的头发,在被抛到空中的一瞬间迈克尔从骷髅头上扯下了这缕头发,攥在手心。
He smashed onto the concrete driveway.
学习啦在线学习网 Michael's mother slammed the brakes as the body of her son landed in front of her. She leapt from the car and fell to her knees by him, sobbing in shock and confusion. There was no need to look for a pulse. She collapsed over him and cried until neighbors dragged her back from the scene of flashing fluorescent lights.
学习啦在线学习网 迈克尔的尸体不偏不倚正好落在他妈妈的车前,这位可怜的妈妈将车马上停了下来,跳下车,跪在迈克尔的身边,抽搐地哭了起来,她被震惊了,脑海一片混乱。而迈克尔是必死无疑了,他妈妈伏在他的尸体上哭泣着,她已经完全崩溃了,最后,邻居们拖着她离开了这个警灯晃闪的现场。
The police prepared to leave the grisly scene in less than an hour, but the Chief Inspector stood silent on the driveway. He looked from the body bag being loaded effortlessly into the ambulance to the fragmented window above him, then to the crimson hair he now held in his hand.
Michael was the fifth to die that month.