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学习啦在线学习网   Halloween is on the last day of October, it is very popular in the western country. On that day, people will dress in the horrible style, especially for the kids, they will knock from door to door. If people don’t give them the candy, the children will play tricks on them. But in China, more and more young people like to follow this trend, they will play the roles and find some fun. As for me, I’d like to join some activities on the Halloween. My friends always have some funny costumes, so I will borrow one from them. Then we dress together, when night comes, we will come to join the party. We sing and dance. It is such a fun night. Before the midnight, we will get together and take some drinks. We talk about the happy hour. I like these activities.




  The Women’s Day is coming soon, when I search the Internet, there are a lot of products which are in sale, most are in low discount. What a great temptation for me, even though I don’t need these products, thinking about buying them in such low price, I feel the money deserves to be spent. When festivals come, the manufacturers will show the low discount and try to seduce people to buy their products, women are their main targets, because women have the inner desire to make purchase.So am I .The fact is that after buying these products, people will soon find them are of no use, they don’t know how to deal with these products. It is hard for people to resist the temptation of the low discount, we should think about if we really need them, or we can buy them in a few days, the time can test if we really need the products.

学习啦在线学习网   妇女节很快就要到了,在我上网的时候,看见很多正在打折的商品,大部分是低折扣。这对于我来说是多么大的诱惑啊,虽然我不需要这些产品,但是想到能以那么低的价格买下,我就觉得花钱很值得。当节日来临的时候,生产商会以低价格示人,引诱人们来买他们的产品,女人就是他们的主要目标,因为女人有天生的购物欲。本人也如此。事实上,在买了商品以后,人们很快就发现产品没用处,不知道该如何处理。人们很难抗拒低折扣的诱惑,我们应该考虑下是否真的需要这些产品,或者过些日子再买,时间能测验下我们是否真的需要这些产品。




  When we look at the commercial ads, we are easily attracted by the beautiful faces. All these perfect faces are made up. People are enjoying watching the attracting scenery, but when they are asked their opinion about the make-up, they are not that open. In my opinion, making up is everybody’s right.

学习啦在线学习网   当我们看到商业广告,会很容易被那些美丽的脸庞吸引。这些完美的脸蛋是经过化妆的。人们享受着观看这迷人的风景,但是当询问他们对于化妆的看法,就没有那么包容了。在我看来,化妆是每个人的权利。

  Early in the morning, my friend sent me the two pictures, I saw a girl’s face, one of the picture very beautiful, because the girl had made up, while the other looked not that beautiful, because she did not make up. My friend said so many people criticized this girl, for they thought she was ugly and her beautiful outlook was just the trick of make-up. They felt like being cheated.

学习啦在线学习网   一大早,我的朋友就给我发来了两张图片,我看到了一个女孩的脸,其中一张图片很漂亮,因为这个女孩化妆了,然而另外一张看起来没有那么好看,因为她没有化妆。我的朋友告诉我很多人批评这个女孩,因为他们觉得她很丑,美丽的外表不过也是化妆的把戏。他们觉得被欺骗了。

  Seeing these impolite words, I had to say that people are so mean to the people who have made up. It is everybody’s right, if making up can bring people confidence and happiness, then it is right to make up. The things that bring positive sides are worth to be done, we don’t have to care about other people’s judgment.

学习啦在线学习网   看到这戏不怀好意的话,我只能说人们对那些化妆的人真是苛刻。这是大家的权利,如果化妆能给人带来自信和幸福,那化妆也是正确的。能给人带来积极能量的东西是值得去做的,我们不要去介意别人的评判。





