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  "Pretty little hen,

  Pretty little cock,

  And beautiful brindled cow,

  What say ye to that?"

学习啦在线学习网   "Duks," said they. Then the girl went to the stove where the

  animals were lying, and petted the cock and hen, and stroked

  their smooth feathers with her hand, and caressed the brindled

学习啦在线学习网   cow between her horns, and when, in obedience to the old man's

  orders, she had made ready some good soup, and the bowl was

  placed upon the table, she said, "Am I to eat as much as I want,

学习啦在线学习网   and the good animals to have nothing? Outside is food in plenty,

  I will look after them first." So she went and brought some barley

学习啦在线学习网   and stewed it for the cock and hen, and a whole armful of sweet-

  smelling hay for the cow. "I hope you will like it, dear animals,"

  said she, "and you shall have a refreshing draught in case you

  are thirsty." Then she fetched in a bucketful of water, and the

学习啦在线学习网   cock and hen jumped on to the edge of it and dipped their beaks

  in, and then held up their heads as the birds do when they drink,

  and the brindled cow also took a hearty draught. When the animals

  were fed, the girl seated herself at the table by the old man, and ate

  what he had left. It was not long before the cock and the hen began

学习啦在线学习网   to thrust their heads beneath their wings, and the eyes of the cow

  likewise began to blink. Then said the girl, "Ought we not to go to bed?"

  "Pretty little hen,

  Pretty little cock,

学习啦在线学习网   And pretty brindled cow,

  What say ye to that?"

  The animals answered "Duks,"

学习啦在线学习网   "Thou hast eaten with us,

  Thou hast drunk with us,

学习啦在线学习网   Thou hast had kind thought for all of us,

学习啦在线学习网   We wish thee good-night."

学习啦在线学习网   Then the maiden went upstairs, shook the feather-beds, and laid clean

学习啦在线学习网   sheets on them, and when she had done it the old man came and lay

  down on one of the beds, and his white beard reached down to his

学习啦在线学习网   feet. The girl lay down on the other, said her prayers, and fell asleep.

  She slept quietly till midnight, and then there was such a noise

  in the house that she awoke. There was a sound of cracking

  and splitting in every corner, and the doors sprang open, and

  beat against the walls. The beams groaned as if they were being

学习啦在线学习网   torn out of their joints, it seemed as if the staircase were falling

  down, and at length there was a crash as if the entire roof had

  fallen in. As, however, all grew quiet once more, and the girl

  was not hurt, she stayed quietly lying where she was, and fell

  asleep again. But when she woke up in the morning with the

  brilliancy of the sunshine, what did her eyes behold? She was

学习啦在线学习网   lying in a vast hall, and everything around her shone with royal

学习啦在线学习网   splendor; on the walls, golden flowers grew up on a ground of

  green silk, the bed was of ivory, and the canopy of red velvet,

  and on a chair close by, was a pair of shoes embroidered with

学习啦在线学习网   pearls. The girl believed that she was in a dream, but three richly

  clad attendants came in, and asked what orders she would like to

学习啦在线学习网   give? "If you will go," she replied, "I will get up at once and make

学习啦在线学习网   ready some soup for the old man, and then I will feed the pretty

学习啦在线学习网   little hen, and the cock, and the beautiful brindled cow." She

  thought the old man was up already, and looked round at his

学习啦在线学习网   bed; he, however, was not lying in it, but a stranger. And while

  she was looking at him, and becoming aware that he was young

  and handsome, he awoke, sat up in bed, and said, "I am a King's

学习啦在线学习网   son, and was bewitched by a wicked witch, and made to live in

  this forest, as an old gray-haired man; no one was allowed to

  be with me but my three attendants in the form of a cock, a hen,

  and a brindled cow. The spell was not to be broken until a girl

学习啦在线学习网   came to us whose heart was so good that she showed herself full

  of love, not only towards mankind, but towards animals - and that

学习啦在线学习网   thou hast done, and by thee at midnight we were set free, and the

  old hut in the forest was changed back again into my royal palace."

  And when they had arisen, the King's son ordered the three attendants

  to set out and fetch the father and mother of the girl to the marriage

  feast. "But where are my two sisters?" inquired the maiden. "I have

  locked them in the cellar, and to-morrow they shall be led into the

学习啦在线学习网   forest, and shall live as servants to a charcoal-burner, until they have

  grown kinder, and do not leave poor animals to suffer hunger."





学习啦在线学习网   她感到很害怕,这时她发现了一丝亮光,就循着亮光来到一座小木屋前,她敲响了房门,一个很生硬的声音回答:“进来吧。”


  于是老人对她说:“你去准备一顿晚餐吧。”大女儿做了一桌子美食,然后和老人一起享用起来,完全没有想到动物们还在挨饿!饭后她问老人:“我累了,可以在哪睡觉呢?” 动物们听到后,十分气愤地说:“你们都吃饱,我们饿肚子,看你夜里在哪儿睡。”

学习啦在线学习网   “楼上房间有两张床,你去铺上白床单,一会我也去睡。”老人说。过了一会,老人走进房间,看见大女儿只铺好了自己的那张床就睡着了,于是非常生气地说:“你不配睡在这里!”说完就把她赶了进地窖。

学习啦在线学习网   樵夫饿了一整天,晚上回家责怪妻子,妻子很惊讶(surprise):“大女儿中午就去送饭了啊!一定是她没有看到标记迷了路。”




学习啦在线学习网   但豌豆这次被鸽子们吃光了,小女儿也迷失了方向,她想到父亲会挨饿,母亲会伤心,心里难过极了。直到天色昏暗,她仍没有走出森林,她也沿着远方的灯光,来到了白胡子老人的小屋,肯求老人能让她借宿一夜,老人仍然让动物们来决定,三个动物都很愿意,小女儿非常感激,就走过去摸了摸小母鸡和小公鸡的羽毛,抓了抓花奶牛头顶,对它们说:“谢谢你们这些好心的动物!”



学习啦在线学习网   深夜,她被房屋突然发出巨响惊醒,房间好像在迅速膨胀(expand),过了很久,声音渐渐平静,劳累了一天的小女儿再次进入了梦乡。第二天醒来,小女儿惊呆了,她发现自己居然睡在一座金碧辉煌的宫殿里,还有三个仆人在床前恭敬地问她早安:“美丽的小姐,您有什么需要吗?”“谢谢,我没什么需要”,她答道,“我要下去为老人和小动物准备早餐。”说着她向老人的床上看去,发现白胡子的老人不见了,却有一个漂亮的青年坐在那里。青年见她醒来就对她说:“我是这儿的王子,被巫婆施了巫术变成了老人。每天只有这些被变成动物的仆人陪伴着我。只有遇到一个对人和动物都充满爱心的女孩,才能为我们解除巫术。而你就是这样一个女孩,你的善良和博爱拯救了我们,你愿意做我的新娘吗?”“是的,我愿意。”小女儿羞涩地回答。

学习啦在线学习网   之后王子派人接来女孩的父母,还邀请了森林里的动物,他们在宫殿里举行了一场隆重的婚礼。






