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学习啦在线学习网   It was three hundred years before the birth ofChrist the Lord, and there lived a mother who hadtwelve sons, but she was so poor and needy that shedid not know how she would be able to keep themalive. She prayed daily to God that he might allowher sons to be together on earth with the promisedsavior. When her need became even GREater shesent them, one after the other, out into the world toseek something to eat.

学习啦在线学习网   the oldest one was named Peter. He went forth, and had already walked far, an entire day'sjourney, when he found himself in a GREat forest. He looked for a way out, but could not findone, going instead deeper and deeper into the woods. His hunger was so great that he couldbarely stand upright. He finally became so weak that he had to lie down, and he believed thathe was near death.

学习啦在线学习网   Suddenly there stood before him a small boy. He glistened, and was as beautiful and asfriendly as an angel. The child clapped his hands together, causing Peter to look up at him.Then he said, "Why are you sitting there so sadly?"

  "Oh," answered Peter, "I am walking about in the world seeking something to eat, so that Imight be able to see the promised savior, for that is my GREatest wish."

  the child said, "Come with me. Your wish shall be fulfilled."

学习啦在线学习网   He took poor Peter by the hand and led him between the cliffs to a large cave. They wentinside, and everything glistened with gold, silver, and crystal. In the middle there stood twelvecradles next to each other.

学习啦在线学习网   then the little angel said, "Lie down in the first one, and sleep a little. I will rock you."

学习啦在线学习网   Peter did this, and the little angel sang to him and rocked him until he fell asleep.

  While he slept the second brother came to him. He too had been brought there by hisguardian angel, and he too was rocked to sleep. In a like manner the others came as well, eachin turn, until all twelve were lying there asleep in the golden cradles. There they slept for threehundred years until the night when the savior of the world was born. Then they awoke and werewith him on earth, and they were called the twelve apostles.



学习啦在线学习网   小天使说:“躺到第一个摇篮里睡一会儿,我会摇你入睡的。”彼得照做了,天使边唱歌边轻轻晃动他着,最后摇他进入了梦乡。当他睡熟时,老二也被他的保护天使领来了,他也像哥哥一样被摇着进了梦乡;接着其他兄弟一个接着一个都来了,直到最后十二个兄弟都躺在金色的摇篮里睡着了。

学习啦在线学习网   他们睡啊,睡啊,一直到三百年后的最后一个晚上,救世主降临了,那时他们醒了,最终和救世主在一起,成了人们所说的耶苏的十二门徒。


  Once in the wintertime when the snow was verydeep, a poor boy had to go out and fetch wood on asled. After he had gathered it together and loadedit, he did not want to go straight home, becausehe was so frozen, but instead to make a fire andwarm himself a little first. So he scraped the snowaway, and while he was thus clearing the ground hefound a small golden key. Now he believed thatwhere there was a key, there must also be a lock, so he dug in the ground and found a littleiron chest. “If only the key fits!” he thought. “Certainly there are valuable things in thechest.” He looked, but there was no keyhole. Finally he found one, but so small that it couldscarcely be seen. He tried the key, and fortunately it fitted. Then he turned it once, and nowwe must wait until he has finished unlocking it and has opened the lid. Then we shall find outwhat kind of wonderful things there were in the little chest.

学习啦在线学习网   隆冬,积雪覆盖大地,一个贫苦的小男孩不得不出门,滑着雪橇去拾柴。拣到柴,把它们捆起来后,小男孩多么希望他不必立刻回家,能就地升上一堆火暖暖身子啊,他快冻僵了。於是他把雪扒到一边,清理出一块地方来,这时他发现了一把小小的金钥匙。他想,既然钥匙在,锁也一定就在附近,便往地里挖,挖出了个铁盒子。“要是这钥匙能配这铁锁就好了!”他想,“那小盒子里一定有许多珍宝。”他找了找,却找不到锁眼。最后他发现了一个小孔,小得几乎看不见。他试了试,钥匙正好能插进。他转动了钥匙,现在我们要等一等,待他把铁盒子打开,揭开盖子,就会知道盒子里有甚么好东西了。



2.格林童话 穷人和富人



5.经典格林童话 钉子




