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学习啦在线学习网   《格林童话》产生于十九世纪初,是由德国著名语言学家,雅可布·格林和威廉·格林兄弟收集、整理、加工完成的德国民间文学。它是世界童话的经典之作,自问世以来,在世界各地影响十分广泛。格林兄弟以其丰富的想象、优美的语言给孩子们讲述了一个个神奇而又浪漫的童话故事。《格林童话》带有浓厚的地域特色、民族特色,富于趣味性和娱乐性,对培养儿童养成真、善、美的良好品质有积极意义。下面学习啦小编为大家带来格林童话故事阅读,希望大家喜欢!


学习啦在线学习网   When God created the world and was about todetermine the duration of life for all the creatures,the donkey came and asked, "Lord, how long am I tolive?"

  "Thirty years," answered God. "Is that all rightwith you?"

学习啦在线学习网   "Oh, Lord," replied the donkey, "that is a longtime. Think of my tiresome existence carrying heavy loads from morning until night, draggingbags of grain to the mill so that others might eat bread, only to be cheered along and refreshedwith kicks and blows! Spare me part of this long time."

  So God had mercy and gave him eighteen years. the donkey went away satisfied, and thedog made his appearance.

  "How long do you want to live?" said God to him. "Thirty years was too much for thedonkey, but you will be satisfied with that long."

  "Lord," answered the dog. "Is that your will? Just think how much I have to run. My feet willnot hold out so long. And what can I do but growl and run from one corner to another after Ihave lost my voice for barking and my teeth for biting?"

  God saw that he was right, and he took away twelve years. then came the monkey.

学习啦在线学习网   "Surely you would like to live thirty years," said the Lord to him. "You do not need to worklike the donkey and the dog, and are always having fun."

  "Oh, Lord," he answered, "so it appears, but it is different. When it rains porridge, I don'thave a spoon. I am always supposed to be playing funny tricks and making faces so people willlaugh, but when they give me an apple and I bite into it, it is always sour. How often is sorrowhidden behind a joke. I cannot put up with all that for thirty years!"

学习啦在线学习网   God had mercy and gave him ten years. Finally man made his appearance. Cheerful,healthy, and refreshed, he asked God to determine the duration of his life.

  "You shall live thirty years," spoke the Lord. "Is that enough for you?"

  "What a short time!" cried the man. "When I have built a house and a fire is burning on myown hearth, when I have planted trees that blossom and bear fruit, and am just beginning toenjoy life, then I am to die. Oh, Lord, extend my time."

  "I will add the donkey's eighteen years," said God.

学习啦在线学习网   "That is not enough," replied the man.

  "You shall also have the dog's twelve years."

  "Still too little."

学习啦在线学习网   "Well, then," said God, "I will give you the monkey's ten years as well, but you shall receiveno more."

学习啦在线学习网   the man went away, but he was not satisfied.

学习啦在线学习网   Thus man lives seventy years. the first thirty are his human years, and they quicklydisappear. Here he is healthy and happy; he works with pleasure, and enjoys his existence. Thedonkey's eighteen years follow. Here one burden after the other is laid on him; he carries thegrain that feeds others, and his faithful service is rewarded with kicks and blows. Then comethe dog's twelve years, and he lies in the corner growling, no longer having teeth with which tobite. And when this time is past, the monkey's ten years conclude. Now man is weak headedand foolish; he does silly things and becomes a laughingstock for children.





学习啦在线学习网   In ancient times a giant was wandering along thehighway when suddenly a stranger jumped towardhim and shouted, "Stop! Not one step further!"

  "What?" said the giant. "You, a creature that Icould crush between my fingers, you want to blockmy way? Who are you that you dare to speak soboldly?"

  "I am Death," answered the other one. "No one resists me, and you too must obey myorders."

学习啦在线学习网   But the giant refused, and began to wrestle with Death. It was a long, violent battle, andfinally the giant got the upper hand, and knocked Death down with his fist, causing him tocollapse by a stone. The giant went on his way, and Death lay there conquered, so weak thathe could not get up again.

  "What is to come of this?" he said. "If I stay lying here in a corner, no one will die in theworld, and it will become so filled with people that they won't have room to stand beside oneanother."

  Meanwhile a young man came down the road. Vigorous and healthy, he was singing a songand looking this way and that. Seeing the half-conscious individual, he approached him withcompassion, raised him up, gave him a refreshing drink from his flask, and waited until heregained his strength.

学习啦在线学习网   "Do you know," asked the stranger, as he stood up, "who I am, and whom you have helpedonto his legs again?"

  "No," answered the youth, "I do not know you."

  "I am Death," he said. "I spare no one, nor can make an exception with you. However, soyou may see that I am grateful, I promise you that I will not attack you without warning, butinstead will send my messengers to you before I come and take you away."

  "Good," said the youth. "It is to my benefit that I shall know when you are coming, andthat I will be safe from you until then."

  then he went on his way, and was cheerful and carefree, and lived one day at a time.However, youth and good health did not last long. Soon came sickness and pain, whichtormented him by day and deprived him of his rest by night.

  "I shall not die," he said to himself, "for Death will first send his messengers, but I do wishthat these wicked days of sickness were over."

学习啦在线学习网   Regaining his health, he began once more to live cheerfully. then one day someone tappedon his shoulder.

学习啦在线学习网   He looked around, and death was standing behind him, who said, "Follow me. the hour ofyour departure from this world has come."

  "What?" replied the man. "Are you breaking your word? Did you not promise me that youwould send your messengers to me before you yourself would come? I have not seen a one ofthem."

  "Be still!" answered Death. "Have I not sent you one messenger after another? Did notfever come and strike you, and shake you, and throw you down? Has not dizziness numbedyour head? Has not gout pinched your limbs? Did your ears not buzz? Did toothache not biteinto your cheeks? Did your eyes not darken? And furthermore, has not my own brother Sleepreminded you every night of me? During the night did you not lie there as if you were alreadydead?"

  the man did not know how to answer, so he surrendered to his fate and went away withDeath.

学习啦在线学习网   古时后,有个巨人漫步在乡间的大道上,突然一个陌生人跳到他跟前说:“站住,不许再往前走一步!”“甚么?”巨人叫道,“你这小东西,我两根指头就能把你捏死,你敢挡我的路?你是甚么人,敢口吐狂言?”“我是死神,”他回答说,“没有人能反抗我,你也必须服从我的命令。”但巨人拒绝了,和死神打斗起来,这是一场持久而激烈的战斗,最后巨人佔了上风,一拳击倒了死神,使他瘫倒在一块石头旁。巨人凯旋而去,死神倒在那儿屈服了,他太虚弱了,竟爬不起来了。“现在我该怎么办呢?”他说,“如果就缩在这个角落里,世上就没人会死,那么必定会挤满人而无处容身了。”这时来了位年轻人,朝气蓬勃,一路高歌,并且在举目四顾。一看见这个半死半活的人,马上关切地走了上来,扶起他,从自己的瓶中倒了口水给他,看着他恢复了几分力气。那陌生人边爬起边说:“你可知道我是谁吗?你知道你帮了谁吗?”“不,”年轻人说,“我不认识你。”“我是死神,我从不放过任何人,你也不例外。但为了表示我的感激之情,我向你保证我绝不出其不意地降临於你,我会在来取你性命之前派我的报信使者通知你。”“好的,”年轻人说,“能知道自己的死期就足够了,至少在这以前我不用提心吊胆的。”然后他愉快地走了,无忧无虑地生活着。但青春和健康不会长久,很快病痛与悲哀都来了,它们开始一天天地折磨他。他自言自语道:“我不会死的,因为死神还没来,我真希望这病痛缠身的痛苦日子赶快结束。”后来他的病好了,他又过上了开心的日子。有一天,有人拍了拍他的肩膀,他扭头一看,发现死神就站在他身后。“跟我来,你和这个世界告别的时刻已经到了。”“甚么?”这人问道,“你怎能食言?你不是保证说你本人来之前会派信使来吗?”“别作声!”死神说,“我不是接二连三地差信使到这里了吗?寒热不是来打你、推你、摔倒你了吗?晕眩不是弄得你头昏脑胀吗?痛风病不是折磨你四肢吗?耳鸣有过吗?牙痛时不曾使面颊发肿吗?而且,我的兄弟'睡神'不是每晚向你提起我吗?夜里,你难道不是像死人那样地躺在那吗?”




2.格林童话 穷人和富人



5.经典格林童话 钉子




