
学会摆脱自负 Learning to Get Out of the Way(2)

时间: 若木631 分享


学习啦在线学习网   A society so arranged that there shall be a minimum of dangerous temptations--this is the end towards which,as a citizen,I have to strive.In my efforts to that end,I can make use of a great variety of means.Do good ends justify the use of intrinsically bad means?

  On the level of theory,the point can be argued indefinitely.In practice,meanwhile,I find that the means employed invariably determine the nature of the end achieved.Indeed,as Mahatma Gandhi was never tired of insisting,the means are the end in its preliminary stages.



  Men have put forth enoumous efforts to make their world a better place to live in;but except in regard to gadgets,plumbing and hygiene,their sussess has been pathetically small."hell,"as the proverb has it,"is paved with good intentions."And so long as we go on trying to realize our ideals by bad or merely inappropriate means,our good intentions will come to the same bad ends.In this consists the tragedy and the irony of history.

  Can I,as an individual,do anything to make future history a little less tragic and less ironic than history past and present?

学习啦在线学习网   I believe I can.As a citizen,I can use all my intelligence and all my good will to develop political means that shall be of the same kind and quality as the ideal ends which I am trying to achieve.And as a person,as a psychophysical roganism,I can learn how to get out of the way,so that the divine source of my life and consciousness can come out of eclipse and shine through me.



学习啦在线学习网   我相信,我能。作为公民,我能以我全部的智慧和全部的善意,运用与我为之奋斗的理想同种同质的政治手段。作为一个人,一种具备身心的有机体,我能学会如何摆脱自负,这样赋予我生命和意识的神的光芒就能驱散阴影,照亮我全身。