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学习啦在线学习网   一旦爱情得到了满足,他人魅力也就荡然无存了。下面是学习啦小编带来的一篇关于爱情的英语文章,欢迎阅读!


学习啦在线学习网   据英国《每日邮报》报道,一位浪漫的街头艺术家以女友最喜欢的迪斯尼电影中的人物为主题,画了一幅50英尺长的街头壁画,向女友求婚。



  a romantic street artist proposed to his girlfriend with a 50ft piece of street art featuring characters from her favourite disney film.

  it took henry barnes, 28, two days and 30 cans of paint to create the spray-painted masterpiece featuring the words stacey smith will you marry me.

  he then took fiancee stacey smith, 26, for a coffee and walked past the mural illustrated with characters from her favourite disney film beauty and the beast.

  upon realising her other half of three years was actually popping the question, stacey, a phd student at bristol university, burst into tears before saying 'yes'.

  she said: 'henry didn’t tell me what he was doing. i knew he was painting but i didn’t know what. 'it took him two days to finish the thing but he managed to keep it a secret from me.


学习啦在线学习网   The day before Mother's Day this year, police received a call from a wife frantic because her husband, who suffers Alzheimer's disease, had gone missing from the Little Rock, Arkansas home.


学习啦在线学习网   Police found Melvin Amrine two blocks from their home, unable to tell officers where he lives.

学习啦在线学习网   警察在离他们家两个街区的地方发现了梅尔文·爱莫林,当时他说不清自己家住哪里。

学习啦在线学习网   However, he wasn't confused as to where he was going: he was buying his wife Doris flowers for Mother's Day, as he had every year since she had given birth to their first child.


  Melvyn Amrine has been slowly deteriorating since he was diagnosed with the condition three years ago.


学习啦在线学习网   His wife has become her husband's carer, watching helplessly as the cruel disease steals her husband's memories and personality away from him.

学习啦在线学习网   妻子成了丈夫的护工,无助地眼睁睁看着疾病残忍地夺走丈夫的记忆和个性。

  Officers radioed dispatch to say they would take the elderly man straight home - but Melvyn Amrine was having none of that.

学习啦在线学习网   警察用无线电对讲机告知梅尔文·爱莫林的家人他们会把老人直接带回家,但是老人自己却不同意。

学习啦在线学习网   'He was pretty adamant,' Officer Troy Dillard told CBS. 'He wasn't going home until he got those flowers,' Officer Brian Grigsby said.


学习啦在线学习网   'That's what he wanted. He wanted flowers for his wife, because tomorrow was Mother's Day.'

学习啦在线学习网   “这就是他想要的,他想给妻子买鲜花,因为明天就是母亲节了。”

  So the officers decided to help Melvyn Amrine achieve his goal, secretly stopping in at a local supermarket and helping him select a bouquet of beautiful cream-colored roses.


  'We had to get those flowers,' Grigsby says. 'We had to get them. I didn't have a choice.'

学习啦在线学习网   “我们必须弄到那些鲜花,” 警官格雷斯比说,“我们必须买到鲜花交到他手中,别无选择。”

  The kind officers even surruptitiously slipped the cashier some extra bills when Melvyn couldn't cover the tab.

学习啦在线学习网   善良的警察甚至还在梅尔文·爱莫林付账钱不够的时候,偷偷地塞给收银员一些额外的小费。

学习啦在线学习网   A frantic Doris Amrine was relieved when she saw her husband of 60 years walking up their front stairs in the company of the police officers, but her relief turned to joy when he presented her with the carefully selected bouquet.

学习啦在线学习网   和妻子结婚已有60年的丈夫在警察的陪同下出现在家中的前楼梯,惊慌的妻子多莉丝·爱莫林看到丈夫终于松了一口气,随即在看到精心挑选的花束之后、多莉丝欣喜若狂。

  'As he came up those steps, and I saw those roses and the smile on his face, I just broke inside,' Doris told CBS. 'I just said, thank you, thank you. Because I saw his heart.'


  'It's special, because even though the mind doesn't remember everything, the heart remembers.'

学习啦在线学习网   "这很特别,因为即使大脑没有了记忆,心仍会记得爱。"


学习啦在线学习网   Brazil's loftiest teen is set to become the world's tallest bride after her compact fiancee popped the big question.


学习啦在线学习网   Aspiring model Elisany da Cruz Silva - who is a staggering 6ft 8ins tall - has been dating 5ft 4ins Francinaldo da Silva Carvalho for more than three years.

学习啦在线学习网   席尔瓦是一名有理想的模特,她身高达6英尺8英寸(约2米)。席尔瓦与身高5英尺4英寸(约1.6米)的男友已经相恋3年多了。

  Despite a massive 1ft 4ins between them, Francinaldo had no problem increasing the distance by dropping to one knee after a romantic stroll along the beach.

学习啦在线学习网   二人在沙滩上浪漫地散步,尽管他们身高相差1英尺4英寸(约40厘米),但“小男友”弗兰奇纳尔多从容地单膝跪地向席尔瓦求婚。

学习啦在线学习网   The lovestruck pair have shared a small home in the Brazilian town of Salinopolis for one year and are hoping to soon hear the pitter patter of tiny feet.


  Elisany is so stuck on having a child that she is willing to adopt if she does not fall pregnant soon - despite being only 18.


学习啦在线学习网   The youngster is worried that she may not conceive because of a form of gigantism that was caused when a tumour grew on her pituitary gland.


学习啦在线学习网   Despite this the couple are still looking forward to a long and happy life together.

学习啦在线学习网   不管席尔瓦能否怀孕,这对恋人都盼望着彼此幸福地携手度过此生、相爱相偎。

学习啦在线学习网   Remembering the romantic proposal, Elisany said: 'I told him many times, 'do not ask me to marry you because my answer will be no' . I was so nervous when I saw him there. I don't even know how I coped.'

学习啦在线学习网   回忆起相恋的过程,席尔瓦说道:“我告诉过他许多次不要向我求婚,因为我的答案肯定是拒绝。当他向我求婚时我真是紧张极了,都不知道是怎么答应他的。”

学习啦在线学习网   Construction worker Francinaldo added: 'I have always wanted to go out with a tall girl and she came and fitted into that perfectly.'


学习啦在线学习网   The couple are planning on a long engagement despite Elisany already having a dress for the big day. The newly engaged couple have not always seen eye to eye and Francinaldo had to work hard to get the ring on Elisany's finger.


  'When we met I had already turned 16,' she said. 'I was still a bit childish and so I was just playing around with him for a while and I got so annoyed with him - as if he was a rival that I hated. I just didn't like him and wanted to hit him every time we met.'

  “我们相遇时我16岁,” 席尔瓦说,“当时我还有些孩子气,在他身边玩耍时、感觉他很讨厌,就好像他是我憎恶的敌人一样。当时我就是不喜欢他,每次遇见他都想要揍他一顿。”

  But little Francinaldo has a big heart and remembers their meeting a little differently. He said: 'The first time I saw her I went to get some bread and I noticed her from a distance. I checked her out and she also checked me out straight away. Then I just thought, "I need to be with that girl". I always found her beautiful.'
