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  time capsule was returned to a widower that was hidden in 1966 by his late wife, bringing back a series of loving memories of their marriage.

学习啦在线学习网   一位鳏夫拿到了亡妻1966年埋藏的时间胶囊,早年婚姻的甜蜜记忆历历在目。

  Contractor John Murray, working with a construction crew on a North Phoenix four-bedroom home built in the 1950s, discovered the partially opened capsule.

学习啦在线学习网   美国北凤凰城,施工队的建筑工人约翰·默里在一所20世纪50年代建造的房子里施工时,发现了这个时间胶囊,目前这个时间胶囊部分内容公开。

  'It was on the floor over there with a pile of insulation,' Murray told KPNX. 'We’ve done hundreds of houses but never found anything like this.'


学习啦在线学习网   Inside the partially-opened capsule, there was a family photo and an open letter to future readers living in a different era.

学习啦在线学习网   在这个半开放的时间胶囊里,有一张全家福照片和一封给21世纪人们的公开信。

  The letter was written by 33-year-old Betty Klug, the station reports, and describes the social and political issues of the 1960s.

学习啦在线学习网   据报道,这封信是贝蒂·克鲁格在33岁时写的,信中描述了20世纪60年代的社会和政治时局。

学习啦在线学习网   'The Vietnam War is still going on,' it reads. 'Racial situation very serious. Boys have long hair resulting from the Beatle craze.'


  Bruce Klug, Betty's husband, was found living in Scottsdale and now 79 years old.

学习啦在线学习网   布鲁斯·克鲁格是贝蒂的丈夫,住在美国亚利桑那州的斯科茨代尔,现年79岁。

  Klug did not know that his wife buried the time capsule -- and that the letter she included in it was written on his birthday.


  Tragically, ten years after the capsule was hidden, Betty Klug died in a car crash.


  Bruce said, 'We had the best marriage. Not once did we argue about anything.'


  Bruce was thankful to revisit his memories of his wife and family. He laughed looking over notes his wife made about locations and places he recognized from the past.

学习啦在线学习网   布鲁斯很感激自己能通过时间胶囊重温和妻子及家人的记忆。时间胶囊中妻子写的一些地点和位置他都能从记忆中辨识出来,布鲁斯看着它们忍不住笑了起来。

  'I enjoyed it, thanks,' he told Murray.


学习啦在线学习网   Murray said that he was happy to return the capsule to Bruce. 'It's been an awesome experience, for sure,' he said.



学习啦在线学习网   跨国恋:艰辛的浪漫

  even though she has lived in beijing for several years, chinese men are still a closed book to cathie watson.

学习啦在线学习网   即使已经在北京生活多年,凯蒂?沃森对于中国男士还是知之甚少。

学习啦在线学习网   the 27-year-old from the uk says she is unable to read the signs - or rather, the lack of signs - given off by chinese men. “quiet”, “hard to reach out to” and “shy” are the words watson uses as she tries to describe them to china daily.

学习啦在线学习网   这位27岁的英国姑娘表示,自己难以读懂中国男士传达出的“信息”,确切的说是他们身上缺少这种信息。在接受《中国日报》采访时,她用“安静”、“拒人千里之外”、“腼腆”等词来描述中国男士。

学习啦在线学习网   in a country that is integrating with the world in dimensions across the spectrum, cross-cultural relationships have become more common.

学习啦在线学习网   在这个方方面面都与世界接轨的国度,跨国恋情越来越常见。

  however, different dating cultures, communication norms and personalities forged in various social contexts pose both challenges and opportunities for young people involved romantically with someone from another country.

学习啦在线学习网   然而,不同社会背景下造就了约会文化、交际规范以及个性上的各不相同,这在为年轻跨国情侣制造机会的同时,也带来了挑战。

  introverted men


  hu yiqiang, 31, a beijing-based online shop owner, has set his heart on finding a non-chinese wife or partner, mainly because he is frustrated at the demands made by some chinese women - a big apartment, a nice car and a good job are the usual requirements cited by chinese dates, hu says. that’s not what he wants.

学习啦在线学习网   31岁的胡义强(音译)是北京一家网店的店主,他一心想要找个外国人做老婆或女友。胡义强表示,这主要是因为,一些中国女性开出的大房子、名车、好工作等要求令他望而却步。而这种恋情并非他想要的。

  but according to women from abroad, chinese men are not easy to hang out with, either.


学习啦在线学习网   alicia feng, 26, who works for a law firm, recently arrived in china from the us and has found that people are very different from her peers back in california. “men here just appear more introverted,” she says.


学习啦在线学习网   different attitudes


  andrea bacon, 29, who works as a foreign expert in a meteorological lab, came to beijing more than 18 months ago with her chinese boyfriend, whom she met in the us. according to her, chinese men are very considerate and pay attention to every detail, which she thinks is very touching.


  “obviously, beijing is quite a strange place for me and at the beginning he tried to accompany me to many multicultural events so i could mingle in a familiar environment. i thought that was very sweet,” bacon says.


  however, bacon also admits that her boyfriend’s attitude is very chinese and the problems that face all young people in the big city, such as buying an apartment, weigh heavily on him. “he always seems to be under some sort of pressure, but i care more about how well we get along with each other,” bacon says.

学习啦在线学习网   尽管如此,培根承认男友的观念仍十分中国化,那些大城市年轻人所面临的买房等问题也深深困扰着他。“他看上去总是压力重重,但我更在乎我们之间如何更好地相处。”培根说道。

  bridging the dating gap


  for roy huggins, who has provided long-term counseling for many interracial couples in the us and other countries since 2010, overcoming cultural differences is crucial to ensuring the longevity of a relationship.


  “based on academic studies and my experience with clients from japan, southeast asia, and a few from china, being from a collectivist culture, chinese partners are likely to clash with american or other western partners about responsibility to family and helping each other meet individual needs,” he says. “for example, a chinese partner may think less of an american or canadian partner who seems ‘needy’.”


  in a recent article it’s hard to say “i love you” in chinese, on china file online magazine, roseann lake, a china-based writer from the us, discovered that chinese men find it very hard to cross the boundary into uncharted territory and express their love in a straightforward, direct way, even though they may be intensely in love with their partner or spouse.



学习啦在线学习网   A besotted blind couple who married yesterday have told how they fell in love - when their guide dogs also became an item.


  Claire Johnson, 50, first fell for Mark Gaffey, 51, from Stoke-on-Trent, when her pet Venice got friendly with his pooch Rodd at Guide Dog Training classes in 2012.

学习啦在线学习网   故事发生在2012年英国的斯托克市,在导盲犬培训期间,50岁的克莱尔爱上了51岁的马克。克莱尔的导盲犬威尼斯和马克家的路德相交甚好。

  The two dogs became inseparable and soon their owners, who are both registered blind, soon realised they were head over heels for each other too.


学习啦在线学习网   Just a year after meeting, Mark popped the question on Valentine's Day last year. And the happy couple married yesterday at a hotel in Stoke-on-Trent - with their dogs as ring-bearers.


学习啦在线学习网   Claire, who lost her sight due to diabetes when she was 24, beamed: 'I have no doubt that our guide dogs brought us together and helped me find my true love.


学习啦在线学习网   'Much like our two guide dogs, we are best friends and soul mates. Everyone used to joke about how Mark's dog Rodd and my dog Venice were meant to be together.'


学习啦在线学习网   The pair, met when they both took their dogs to Guide Dog Training course in Shrewsbury, in March last year.


学习啦在线学习网   Mark, who was blind from birth said: 'During the training our two dogs, Rodd and Venice, seemed to know something we didn't.


  'They were always playing together and nuzzling up together. The trainers said that they were the love and romance of the course, and they brought us together. We could have easily missed one another because it was a residential course and we just happened to be put on the same one.”


  'But we were purely in the right place at the right time. I have never believed in fate, but it does seem like it was meant to be. Each time we met the lunches were getting longer and the waitresses were tapping their fingers waiting for us to leave.'


  'We chatted about anything and everything. I trusted in the luck I didn't seem to know existed. Now we joke that with every guide dog you get a free wife. I love Claire's personality and her laugh is infectious. We've never had an argument, we just seem to click.'
