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学习啦在线学习网   在新的世纪里,随着经济快速发展,社会建设对于机械工程技术提出了新的要求,我国的工程技术面临着新的挑战。下面小编整理了机械类英文文章,希望大家喜欢!



学习啦在线学习网   Angle milling cutter. An angle milling cutter is employed in cutting dovetail grooves, ratchetwheels, and the like. Fig.12.4e indicates a milling cutter of this type.

学习啦在线学习网   倾斜铣刀。倾斜铣刀用于切削燕尾槽、棘轮之类的。图12.4e显示了这类铣刀。

  T-slot cutter. As shown in Fig.12.4f, a T-slot cutter involves a plain milling cutter with anintegral shaft normal to it. As the name suggests, this type is used for milling T-slots.


学习啦在线学习网   End mill cutter. End mill cutters find common applications in cutting slots, grooves, flutes,splines, pocketing work, and the like. Fig.12.4g indicates an end mill cutter. The latter is alwaysmounted on a vertical milling machine and can have two or four flutes, which may be eitherstraight or helical.


学习啦在线学习网   Form milling cutter. The teeth of a form milling cutter have a certain shape, which is identicalto the section of the metal to be removed during the milling operation. Examples of this typeinclude gear cutters, gear hobs, convex and concave cutters, and the like. From millingcutters are mounted on horizontal milling machines.

学习啦在线学习网   成形铣刀。成形铣刀的齿具有特定的形状这个形状与铣削时要切削的那部分金属的形状一致。这类铣刀的例子包括齿轮铣刀、齿轮滚刀、凸形和凹形铣刀等等。成形铣刀安装在卧式铣床上。



  Materials of Milling Cutters.The commonly used milling cutters are made of high-speed steel,which is generally adequate for most jobs.

学习啦在线学习网   铣刀的材料。普通使用的铣刀用高速钢制造。这对一般大多数工作已足够。

  Milling cutters tipped with sintered carbides or cast nonferrous alloys as cutting teeth areusually employed for mass production, where heavier cuts and/or high cutting speeds arerequired.




学习啦在线学习网   Although small tolerances give higher quality work and a better operating mechanism, the cost of manufacture increases rapidly as the tolerances are reduced, as indicated by the typical curve of Fig14.1. It is therefore important that the tolerances be specified at the largest values that the operating or functional considerations permit.


  Tolerances may be either unilateral or bilateral. In unilateral dimensioning, one tolerance is zero, and all the variations are given by the other tolerance. In bilateral dimensioning, a mean dimension is used which extends to the midpoint of the tolerance zone with equal plus and minus variations extending each way from this dimension.

学习啦在线学习网   公差既可以是单向的也可以是双向的。单向标注有一公差为零.所有变化都由另一公差给定。而双向标注则采用一平均尺寸.它将公差带中点从该尺寸双向扩展为相等的正负变化范围。

  The development of production processes for large-volume manufacture at low cost has been largely dependent upon interchangeability of component parts. Thus the designer must determine both the proper tolerances for the individual parts, and the correct amount of clearance or interference to permit assembly with the mating parts.


  The manner of placing tolerances on drawings depends somewhat on the kind of product or type of manufacturing process. If the tolerance on a dimension is not specifically stated, the drawing should contain a blanket note which gives the value of the tolerance for such dimensions.

学习啦在线学习网   在图纸上标注公差的方法相当程度上依赖于产品的性质或制造工艺的类型。如果尺寸公差没有特别注明.图纸应该包含一个给出这些尺寸公差值的普遍适用注释。

  However, some companies do not use blanket notes on the supposition that if each dimension is considered individually, wider tolerances than those called for in the note could probably be specified. In any event it is very important that a drawing be free from ambiguities and be subject only to a single interpretation.
