学习啦在线学习网 Revenge of the petrolheads
学习啦在线学习网 Fossil-fuel cars are getting much cleaner, making life hard for green ones
THE Chevrolet Volt, a compact, petrol-electric hybrid launched by GM a year ago, was already selling poorly before it emerged last month that its batteries had caught fire in crash tests.
GM is likely to fall several thousand short of its target of selling 10,000 Volts this year.
Despite subsidies, electric cars and hybrids (which can run off batteries or a generator powered by an engine) are shifting sluggishly.
The Volt's battery problem should be fairly easy to fix.
But the profusion of hybrid and all-electric cars now hitting the roads faces a far bigger challenge.
Petrol- and diesel-engined vehicles are becoming much more fuel-efficient.
That means motorists will remain reluctant to pay a fat premium for a green car.
学习啦在线学习网 Reprints Between now and 2025 regulators in Europe, America and elsewhere plan to impose ever greater curbs on cars' emissions of carbon dioxide (or higher fuel efficiency, which has much the same effect).
学习啦在线学习网 从现在到2025年,在欧美和其他地区的监管机构对汽车的二氧化碳排放将出台更高限制的新标准(或要求更高的燃油效率,其限制结果是一样的)。
学习啦在线学习网 This is forcing carmakers to invest both in developing electrics and hybrids and in making the conventional engine cleaner.
学习啦在线学习网 这迫使汽车制造商加大电动和混合动力汽车研发投入,或使传统发动机更高清洁。
学习啦在线学习网 Ricardo, an engineering consultancy, and Sanford C. Bernstein, an investment bank, have crunched a bunch of numbers on the technology race between conventional and green vehicles.
学习啦在线学习网 里卡多工程咨询公司,和Sanford C. Bernstein投资银行,汇总处理了传统和绿色汽车技术竞赛中的不少数据。
学习啦在线学习网 They conclude that petrol and diesel cars will keep closing the emissions gap (see chart), while hybrids and, especially, electrics, will be more expensive to own for years to come.
学习啦在线学习网 他们得出结论说,汽油和柴油汽车的排放量将越来越接近(见图表),而混合动力车、特别是电动车,将在今后几年更为昂贵。
The internal-combustion engine will still be king of the road in the early 2020s, when only a fifth of cars sold in Europe will be hybrid or electric.
学习啦在线学习网 在21世纪20年代初,燃油车仍将是路上行驶车辆的主宰,欧洲销售的汽车中只有五分之一是混合动力或电动的。
学习啦在线学习网 America's regulators are only now getting tough on fuel efficiency, so its cars are guzzling as much petrol as they did 20 years ago. However, in Europe, which got strict sooner and where fuel is heavily taxed, petrol and diesel vehicles have become much cleaner.
学习啦在线学习网 因为美国监管局到现在才对汽车燃油效率的要求变的越来越严,所以美国的汽车和20年前的一样,依然是"油老虎"。但在欧洲燃油税很高,加油也得到了限制,汽油和柴油车已比以往干净多了。
学习啦在线学习网 The average new car sold in Britain now does 52.5 miles per gallon, up from 40.6mpg ten years ago.
学习啦在线学习网 现在英国出售的新车平均每加仑汽油跑52.5英里,比十年前40.6英里已经大大提高。
学习啦在线学习网 Even so, says Neville Jackson of Ricardo, there remains much scope for improvement: petrol and diesel cars still typically use less than a fifth of the energy stored in their fuel to turn the wheels.
学习啦在线学习网 Plenty more miles can be squeezed out of each gallon. It is simply a matter of cost.
学习啦在线学习网 To meet a series of deadlines to cut emissions, carmakers are putting into their cheaper models all sorts of gear hither to mostly seen on pricey high-performance cars:
学习啦在线学习网 要满足一系列减排标准的最后期限,汽车制造商正把过去用在高性能汽车上的配置使用到他们的廉价车型中:
学习啦在线学习网 turbochargers and superchargers (which mean the engine can be smaller and more fuel-efficient), fancy fuel-injection systems and valve trains; grilles with variable aerodynamics, and so on.
Next year Ford will offer a new Focus compact car in Europe, with a one-litre, three-cylinder engine that performs as well as the 1.6 litre, four-cylinder engine it replaces, yet uses about 20% less fuel.
明年福特将在欧洲亮出一个紧凑型轿车的新焦点 —— 设计1升三缸发动机,其性能可与1.6升四缸发动机相媲美,但可节省20%左右的燃料。
Joe Bakaj, an engineer at Ford, says that even American buyers of the company's F-150 pickups, who would normally scoff at anything with less than a V8 engine, are switching to a new V6 version that performs at least as well but drinks less fuel.
The analysis by Ricardo and Bernstein shows the carmakers are in a tight spot: given motorists' aversion to the cost of electrics and hybrids, the quickest route towards meeting the deadlines for cutting emissions is to invest heavily in cleaning up their petrol and diesel cars.
But to squeak past the finishing line they will still need a small proportion of hybrids and electrics.
学习啦在线学习网 So they will have to keep spending on designing these, without their reaching a level of sales that will make them profitable.
Stefanie Lang of Bernstein says this will force carmakers to work together on developing new technology: Toyota, for example, has agreed to work with Ford on hybrid sport-utility vehicles and with BMW on both electric batteries and diesel engines.
学习啦在线学习网 伯恩斯坦的斯黛芬尼?朗说,这将迫使汽车制造商共同开发新技术:例如,丰田已同意与福特联合研制混合动力运动型多用途车,并和宝马联合研制电动电池和柴油发动机。
学习啦在线学习网 Carmakers are also dabbling in battery leasing (Renault) and car-sharing (Daimler) as they seek ways to persuade motorists that electric cars are affordable.
学习啦在线学习网 Hybrids and electrics will be a drag on carmakers' profits for years.
But they are a useful marketing tool.
GM has found that adding the hybrid Volt (pictured) to its model range is enticing into its showrooms the sort of young urban buyers who normally ignore Detroit-made cars.
Many balk at the Volt's ,000 price (after a generous government subsidy), but some end up driving away in a petrol-engined car like the Cruze, costing around half as much.
Even for a foreign visitor to Shanghai, renting an electric car is easy. All that's required is a validdriver's license and a passport. And it's surprisingly cheap: eHi Car Service Ltd. charges theequivalent of just a day for a Chinese-built Roewe with a range of about 90 kilometers.
就连外国游客都能在上海轻而易举地租辆电动汽车,只需要一张有效驾照和一张护照。而且租金还出奇地便宜:一嗨汽车租赁有限公司(eHi Car Service Ltd.)一辆续航里程90公里的国产荣威(Roewe)租金仅相当于25美元/天。
But having completed the paperwork, picked up the keys and eased silently into Shanghai'schaotic traffic, the first-time electric car driver in the city quickly notices that nobody elseappears to be driving one. In fact, there are at most 500 electric cars in Shanghai out of a totalof about one million passenger vehicles, according to Zhang Dawei, the founder of EV Buy, aShanghai company that sources and services electric cars for individuals and corporate users.
但在填完表格、拿到钥匙、悠然加入到上海车流之中后,你很快就会发现,似乎别人没有开电动汽车的。事实上,高瞻电动车(EV Buy)创始人张大伟说,在上海的大约100万乘用车保有量中,电动汽车顶多只有500辆。高瞻电动车是一家上海公司,面向个人和企业用户提供电动汽车经销、配套服务等业务。
学习啦在线学习网 In fairness, electric cars have met consumer resistance everywhere, not just in China.Carmakers around the world have struggled to improve battery technology. Still, Shanghai'sdismal failure to popularize electric vehicles, despite a national auto policy to go electric--andgenerous subsidies for consumers--speaks to the immense challenges that China's leadersface in rolling out an ambitious program of economic overhauls approved at a Communist Partymeeting this month. Those policies are intended to encourage innovation that leads tohigher-quality and more sustainable growth driven by consumption--precisely the logic behindChina's drive to build an electric car industry.
学习啦在线学习网 平心而论,电动汽车在全球各地都遭遇了消费阻力,不止是在中国。全球汽车制造商都在竭力提高电池技术。尽管中国汽车政策的方向是推广电动汽车,而且还为消费者提供慷慨补贴,但上海普及电动汽车的努力还是遭遇了挫败,这体现出中国领导人在贯彻三中全会经济改革方面面临的巨大挑战。经济改革的目标是鼓励创新,并以此实现高质量的、更加可持续的消费驱动型增长模式,而这正是中国打造电动汽车行业计划的初衷。
学习啦在线学习网 More than a decade ago, state industrial planners seized upon electric cars as the answer to aset of industrial, environmental and national-security dilemmas. Developing electric cars, theplanners thought, would enable China to leapfrog the world's leading manufacturers ofcombustion engine vehicles, who China otherwise could never hope to challenge. It would alsoreduce China's rapidly growing dependence on imported oil, which leaves the world's second-largest economy vulnerable to destabilizing supply shocks. And it would mitigate chronicpollution in Chinese cities.
In the West, many assumed that these policy imperatives, combined with China's vauntedprowess at rolling out transport infrastructure--as well as government ownership of thecountry's big carmakers--would assure the success of the national push for electric vehicles.China, it was widely thought, had the chance to lead the world in an emerging technology,while pioneering a more sustainable urban growth model. Even Warren Buffett took a stake inShenzhen-based battery and electric carmaker BYD in 2008.
西方国家很多人认为,考虑到中国的这些政策规定,再加上中国在交通基础设施建设方面的高歌猛进,以及大型汽车制造商的国有性质,中国推动电动汽车发展的战略必将取得成功。外界曾经广泛地认为,在探索更具可持续性的城镇化增长模式的同时,中国将有可能引领全球新兴科技的潮流。就连巴菲特(Warren Buffett)也在2008年入股总部位于深圳的电池和电动汽车生产商比亚迪(BYD)。
学习啦在线学习网 But China's electric car strategy hasn't worked out. Why?
First, state planners badly miscalculated consumer demand. The wealthy elite have little interestin buying an electric car to flaunt their concern for the environment: For them, a car is still theprized marker of wealth and social status. The less well off, particularly first-time car buyers,who constitute the vast majority of car buyers in China, aspire to the thrill and freedom of theroad--and a limited driving range is a turn-off.
学习啦在线学习网 On the supply side, state carmakers dropped the ball, says Greg Anderson, a U.S.-based autoindustry consultant and the author of the book 'Designated Drivers: How China Plans toDominate the Global Auto Industry.' The incentive for state auto firms isn't to innovate, but'to get as big as possible, as fast as possible, and make as much money as possible,' he says.That's best achieved by milking their existing joint ventures with foreign auto makers ratherthan sinking resources into new technologies.
学习啦在线学习网 美国的汽车行业咨询师、《代驾司机:中国如何计划占领全球汽车市场》(Designated Drivers: How ChinaPlans to Dominate the Global Auto Industry)一书的作者Greg Anderson说,在供应方面,中国国有汽车制造商犯了一个错误,它们的动机不是创新,而是尽可能快地做大,赚尽可能多的钱。它们一心利用与海外汽车厂商组建的现有合资企业赚钱,而不是投入资源进行技术革新。
State carmakers all paid lip service to the government's electric car strategy by coming up withworking models, says Mr. Anderson. But they failed to deliver breakthroughs in coretechnologies, including batteries and battery management systems. So today, while hundredsof combustion engine car models compete in the world's largest car market, there are only ahandful of electric vehicles in production for consumers to choose from.
学习啦在线学习网 Anderson表示,对于中国政府发展电动汽车的战略,国有汽车厂商往往通过设计一些模型来敷衍了事。在电池和电池管理系统等核心技术方面,它们都未能取得突破。因此在中国这个全球最大的汽车市场,现在虽然有上百种内燃发动机汽车,却只有少数几种已经投产的电动汽车可供消费者选择。
For its part, the government failed to deliver the infrastructure. According to China's currentfive-year plan--a holdover strategy from the Stalinist economy--there are supposed to bemore than 400,000 charging piles nationwide by 2015. But in today's Shanghai, a city of 24million people, only 1,000-2,000 have so far been installed, says Mr. Zhang of EV Buy--far offthe pace required to help China achieve its goals.
学习啦在线学习网 从政府这方面来讲,它没有做到给市场发展提供完善的基础设施。根据当前的“十二五”规划,到2015年中国将建成超过40万个充电桩。但是高瞻电动车的张大伟说,在拥有2,400万人口的上海,目前只建成了1,000-2,000个充电桩,远远达不到实现“十二五”目标的速度。
Bureaucratic infighting partly explains the inertia in developing the industry. For example, StateGrid Corp, the near-monopoly grid operator, has been pushing to own the battery market bypromoting a national battery swapping system for car owners, says Axel Krieger, a principal inthe Beijing office of McKinsey & Co. That arrangement would give it a large part of theindustrial value chain, but is resisted by car manufacturers, who want to use their ownbatteries.
学习啦在线学习网 官僚斗争也是造成电动汽车行业发展缓慢的一个原因。比如,麦肯锡(McKinsey & Co., Inc.)北京分公司的管理人士柯明逸(Axel Krieger)就指出,国家电网公司(State Grid Corporation of China)通过推进构建覆盖全国的智能充换电服务网络,希望藉此控制电池市场。这种模式将使国家电网占据行业价值链的一大部分,但遭到了电动汽车厂商的抵制,后者希望使用自己的电池。
In addition, local governments have been promoting their own technical standards as aprotectionist measure to support local car makers. It's hard to drive an electric car from onecity to another when plugs aren't compatible. 'Every local warlord defends their own standardsand technologies,' says Mr. Krieger.
学习啦在线学习网 Finally, foreign auto makers have been scared away by government attempts to force them tohand over their intellectual property in electric vehicles in exchange for market access.
学习啦在线学习网 最后,中国政府要求外国汽车厂商交出电动汽车知识产权以换取市场准入的做法也吓跑了许多外国厂商。
The upshot of all this is that China is hopelessly behind on its target for electric car ownership.The five-year plan calls for 500,000 battery-electric and plug-in electric vehicles by 2015, andfive million by 2020. But last year, Chinese consumers bought only 11,375 electric cars and1,416 plug ins, according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers. That's despitesubsidies that go as high as ,000 per car.
学习啦在线学习网 由此造成的结果是,中国电动汽车的保有量远远落后于目标。根据“十二五”规划,到2015年中国纯电动汽车和插电式混合动力汽车的数量将达到50万辆,并在2020年达到500万辆。但中国汽车工业协会(ChinaAssociation of Automobile Manufacturers)的数据显示,2012年中国消费者仅购买了11,375辆纯电动汽车和1,416辆插电式混合动力汽车,尽管每辆车政府最高给予2万美元的补贴。
The Chinese government's new strategy appears to be to promote plug-in hybrids as aninterim technology before fully electric cars kick in. That appears to be a pragmatic responseto the collapse of a key policy initiative. But it's a lesson in the potholes that President ____ faces on his long road to creating an innovative economy.
After 500,000 miles of road tests, Google's self-driving car team gave New Yorker writerBurkhard Bilger unusually deep access for a profile this week.
经过50万英里的道路测试之后,谷歌(Google)的自动驾驶汽车团队本周不同寻常地让纽约作家比尔格(Burkhard Bilger)深度了解了这款汽车的情况。
It's still unclear whether the larger idea of autonomous cars will work at all - the mostoptimistic estimate seems to be that they will come to market in five to 10 years.
学习啦在线学习网 现在还不清楚自动汽车这一宏大概念能否行得通――最乐观的估计似乎是,它们将在5到10年内进入市场。
But self-driving cars are what put Google on the map as a company that tries to make sciencefiction into reality, so the tale of how they came to be is compelling.
The hero of Bilger's story is 33-year-old engineer Anthony Levandowski, who joined Googleafter building a self-driving motorcycle for the DARPA Grand Challenge (though it sounds likethat didn't work all that well). Levandowski was toiling away on Google Street View with themore-famous inventor/professor Sebastian Thrun before the two of them got the go-aheadfrom Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin to start working on self-driving cars.
比尔格报道的主角是33岁的工程师莱万多斯基(Anthony Levandowski),他加入谷歌之前为美国无人驾驶汽车挑战赛(DARPA Grand Challenge)设计了一款自动驾驶摩托车(不过听上去这款车运行起来不怎么样)。莱万多斯基在谷歌与更有名的发明家兼教授特龙(Sebastian Thrun)一起埋头开发谷歌街景(Google StreetView),后来他们二人得到谷歌联合创始人佩里(Larry Page)和布林(Sergey Brin)的许可,开始致力于自动驾驶汽车专案。
What made the difference? A TV show producer's wacky idea for a stunt, believe it or not.
学习啦在线学习网 From Bilger's piece:
'In February of 2008, Levandowski got a call from a producer of 'Prototype This!,' a series onthe Discovery Channel. Would he be interested in building a self-driving pizza delivery car?Within five weeks, he and a team of fellow Berkeley graduates and other engineers hadretrofitted a Prius for the purpose. They patched together a guidance system and persuadedthe California Highway Patrol to let the car cross the Bay Bridge-from San Francisco to TreasureIsland. It would be the first time an unmanned car had driven legally on American streets.'
2008年2月,莱万多斯基接到探索频道(Discovery Channel)系列节目“Prototype This!”一位制作人的电话,问他有没有兴趣打造一款自动驾驶的披萨配送车?在五个星期内,他和一个由伯克利校友以及其他工程师组成的团队就改造了一辆普瑞斯(Prius)。他们拼凑出一个导航系统,并说服加州高速公路巡警(CaliforniaHighway Patrol)让这辆车驶过海湾大桥――从旧金山行驶到金银岛。这是无人驾驶汽车首次合法地在美国街道上行驶。
The successful bridge crossing earned Page and Brin's go-ahead within a few months, accordingto Thrun.
学习啦在线学习网 Then the two Google co-founders, 'like boys plotting a scavenger hunt,' gave the self-drivingcar team a set of 10 100-mile itineraries. 'The roads wound through every part of the Bay Area-from the leafy lanes of Menlo Park to the switchbacks of Lombard Street. If the driver took thewheel or tapped the brakes even once, the trip was disqualified.' The team completed all 10 in ayear and a half.
学习啦在线学习网 接下来,谷歌的两位共同创始人像计划着进行“寻物游戏”的孩子一样,给自动驾驶汽车团队设定了10条100英里的路线。这些路线经过了湾区的每一个部分,从门洛帕克(Menlo Park)的林荫道到隆巴德街(LombardStreet)之字爬坡路线。如果驾驶者动了方向盘或是踩了刹车,这次行程就算没通过。在一年半的时间里,团队完成全部10条路线。
学习啦在线学习网 There's a lot more to the story, but the real question is, what's next for the self-driving car?There are challenges on multiple fronts, now that the scavenger-hunt phase is over. 1)Jumping over legal hurdles. 2) Figuring out how to bring the cars to market, given carmakersare allergic to the word 'self driving' (though they're OK with smaller and subtler tweaks, wheremachine smarts help drivers out). And 3) Making next technological leaps forward in sensorsand machine learning. Even if autonomous cars are statistically safer, any mistake will tarnishthe entire endeavor.
As Bilger reports, 'The car has trouble in the rain, for instance, when its lasers bounce off shinysurfaces. (The first drops call forth a small icon of a cloud onscreen and a voice warning thatauto-drive will soon disengage.) It can't tell wet concrete from dry or fresh asphalt from firm.It can't hear a traffic cop's whistle or follow hand signals.'
At the same time, the car is often smarter than a human. For instance, it can prepare to brakepreemptively based on traffic data about a slowdown coming ahead, or slow to a crawl atnighttime on a wooded road when it senses a deer walking on the shoulder.
And improvements are coming, says Bilger: 'At the tech meeting I attended, Levandowskishowed the team a video of Google's newest laser, slated to be installed within the year. It hadmore than twice the range of previous models - eleven hundred feet instead of two hundredand sixty - and thirty times the resolution. At three hundred feet, it could spot a metal plateless than two inches thick. The laser would be about the size of a coffee mug, he told me, andcost around ten thousand dollars-seventy thousand less than the current model.'
学习啦在线学习网 比尔格说,会不断地有所改进。他说,在我参加的这次科技会议上,莱万多斯基向团队展示了一个谷歌最新激光装置的视频,按计划该激光装置将在今年内装备到汽车上;新装置的探测范围是以前型号的两倍――从260英尺增加到1,100英尺,分辨率是以前型号的30倍。在300英尺远的地方,该装置可以发现厚度小于两英寸的金属牌;他告诉我,这一激光装置的尺寸只有一只咖啡杯大小,价格为1万美元,比当前的型号要低大约7万美元。