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  9 Ways to Stop Overeating

学习啦在线学习网   Overeating is a serious problem for lots of folks. While many attribute overeating to a lack of willpower, it’s more complex than that. Scientists say people who overeat exhibit different brain activity than those who don’t.

  Fortunately, there are ways to stop overeating that don’t rely on willpower or rewiring your brain. Let’s explore nine of them.

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学习啦在线学习网   1. Eat breakfast.

  Skipping breakfast is a big no-no. Research shows people who don’t eat breakfast are more prone to overeating later in the day and have a higher incidence of coronary heart disease. Another study showed that eating eggs in the morning can help you eat less throughout the day.

学习啦在线学习网   2. Slow down.

  It may sound obvious, but eating slowly and mindfully is one of the best strategies for combating overeating. Eating slower helps you feel full faster.

学习啦在线学习网   3. Use smaller plates.

  The larger the plate, the more likely you are to overeat, says food researcher Brian Wansink. Most standard dinner plates are around 12 inches in diameter. Switch to a 9-inch plate and you’ll eat less.

  4. Pay attention to your emotions.

学习啦在线学习网   You need to become aware of your reasons for wanting to eat junk food to understand why you overeat. For example, maybe you eat compulsively to make yourself feel better or to combat stress. Identify your triggers, and you’ll be more likely to create personalized strategies to deal with them.

  5. Exercise more.

  Research shows that your responsiveness to food cues is significantly reduced after exercise. In other words, you’re less likely to want to indulge when you see a picture of a giant ice cream sundae.

  Not to mention the fact that exercise is a keystone habit that can change your life.

学习啦在线学习网   6. Choose nutrient-dense foods.

学习啦在线学习网   “Nutrient density” means the amount of nutrition packed into a particular volume of food. For example, you can eat a giant plate of broccoli to get the same amount of calories in a tiny cup of ice cream because vegetables are generally more nutrient-dense.

学习啦在线学习网   Steer clear of foods like sweets, cheese, and soda, which don’t offer a lot of nutritional bang for your buck. Choose healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, lean meats, healthy oils, and beans instead.

  7. Pack healthy snacks for when you’re on the go.

学习啦在线学习网   Healthy snacks are an essential tool to help you avoid overeating. Studies show that snacking on healthy foods like almonds can help you avoid food cravings. So pack healthy snacks like nuts, seeds, fruit, and vegetables with hummus and take them with you to work, school, or other places you go throughout the day.

学习啦在线学习网   8. Allow for one cheat meal each week.

学习啦在线学习网   Cheat meals are when you reward yourself for eating healthy by splurging on something you love. This doesn’t mean have a free-for-all at the buffet. But having one or two pieces of pizza is okay. Completely depriving yourself makes it much more likely you’ll give in to food cravings and overeat.

  9. Plan for setbacks.

  Implementation intentions help you plan for bumps in the road. The basic setup for an implementation intention is this:

  If this happens, I’ll do that.

  For example, if you find yourself getting stressed and reaching for a bag of chips even though you’re not hungry, write down the following implementation intention: “If I get stressed and reach for chips, I will grab a piece of fruit instead” or “If I get stressed and reach for chips, I will go for a walk instead.” This is a powerful strategy that uses proven principles of behavioral psychology. A little planning goes a long way.

  Overeating can be a tough thing to overcome, but these methods will help. The more you can work to develop healthier habits, the less likely you’ll be to overeat. Take one step at a time, focus on the small wins, and you’ll crack this bad habit for good.


学习啦在线学习网   If You’re Already Overweight, Here’s How To Start Exercising

学习啦在线学习网   When you are overweight it can be more difficult to get started on an exercise program. Being overweight lends itself to certain issues that need to be addressed prior to starting a new workout regimen.

学习啦在线学习网   Here are 9 steps to do in order to correctly begin, healthily sustain, and help your chances at being more successful in your exercise program.

  1. Always start with contacting your doctor to see if there are particular exercises that you should avoid.

  For example, if someone has diabetes, doing exercises barefoot would not be advised. Diabetes can cause damage to the blood vessels in the feet which may prevent a person from knowing if their foot is injured. Plus, an injury to the foot may develop into an ulcer or a serious infection.

  2. Find a certified personal trainer who works with weight loss clients.

  It has been my experience as a personal trainer that it is generally in the beginning where most people get hurt.

  People who have never worked out or have been sedentary for a while may easily get hurt when trying to do exercises they are not used to or have never done before.

  Getting injured in the first few weeks of exercising can be a debilitating blow to morale and will be another obstacle to overcome on the road to better health. Therefore, find a personal trainer who understands your needs and can help you navigate an exercise program that will prevent injury and help you get to your fitness goals.

学习啦在线学习网   There are many options for personal training to meet most budgets, from one-on-one, small group, to online coaching.

学习啦在线学习网   3. One way to start exercising is to begin a walking program.

  Walking is one of the best exercises for the body. In general, it is a gentle activity that can be done by most people. Walking burns calories, helps prevent osteoporosis, and is free.

  A walking program is a concerted effort to walk for a set amount of time each day and throughout the week.

学习啦在线学习网   Walking can be done every day; an example program can be Mon–Fri walk 30 minutes a day, and Sat–Sun walk for 1 hour each day.

  Make walking fun by inviting a friend or adopting a dog. You can also join walking clubs which you can find on sites like Craigslist.

  4. Find an activity you enjoy and do it consistently.

  Exercising doesn’t necessarily mean having to go to the gym. Gardening, dancing, or even dart throwing are all physical activities that burn calories. But in order for such activities to help you lose weight, they must be done regularly.

  For example plan to garden for 2 hours each weekend or for however long you are able, and do it consistently. Add this activity to your walking program and be active daily.

学习啦在线学习网   5. Effective weight loss programs are where results are measured so that one is aware of their progress.

  There are many ways to measure results. The usual measurements are weight, circumference, body composition, and Body Mass Index (BMI).

  For a new exerciser, unless you are working with a personal trainer, in which the techniques mentioned above are the best, I advise using a more readily available tool such as your clothes and cell phone camera.

  A tight pair of jeans are the perfect piece of clothing to measure yourself with to see if you are making headway in your exercise program. Take note how snug your jeans are, then every two weeks, check to see if those same pair of jeans are getting looser! Take a whole body picture in your undergarments and do so every few weeks to see if you are looking slimmer.

  If you are not seeing and feeling the changes you want, go back to your program and see what you can do to create improvement. With my clients, I always advise a holistic approach which translates to: are you moving enough, are you eating correctly, and is your mindset optimal?

  Mindset is key to achieving any goal. One’s mental and emotional state can either drive one to success or impede their efforts.

学习啦在线学习网   6. Prepare your mind.

  Get it clear in your head why you want and need to implement this exercise program. Dig deep to find the reasons that will motivate you to succeed. The more compelling the reasons, the better your chances.

  Write down these reasons so that if a moment of weakness arises, you can remind yourself why you must keep pushing forward.

学习啦在线学习网   7. Develop a success-promoting tier of goals.

学习啦在线学习网   This means creating short-term goals that are easily attainable that help support your long-term aspirations.

  It is crucial to feel good in the beginning stages of an exercise program because this builds momentum. One way to increase your chances of success is to see yourself accomplishing some of your goals early on.

  For example, an immediate goal could be to make a doctor or personal training appointment and go to it. Next, you may give yourself a goal of walking 30 minutes, 3 times within your first week. Let these small accomplishments motivate you to pursue your larger fitness goal.

  8. Choose a holistic approach.

  A holistic approach means to view the problem in its entirety; from its immediate effects, to its underlying cause.

  We know that weight gain is not caused by one thing. It is usually triggered by a combination of factors some of which are: not moving enough, an emotional reason, a health condition, eating too much, and / or eating the wrong things. Therefore, to be successful at solving the situation, a multiple of approaches must be considered.

  In previous steps I mentioned, movement and mindset are aids to weight loss, but even more important is eating healthily.

  One cannot lose weight by exercise alone because you cannot out-run a bad diet. You simply cannot burn enough calories within a day to combat a destructive eating habit.

  Add a nutrition component to your exercise program and find long-lasting weight loss success.

  9. Recruit people to help you stay on track.

学习啦在线学习网   When a person tells other people about their plans, it creates a “silent” contract of accountability. Most people want others to believe that they keep their promises and are the kind of people who “do what they say.”

  There are many ways to have this type of accountability. One is to enlist a good friend or relative. Tell your friend that you plan to start an exercise program. Ask him or her to periodically check in on you to see how you’re doing and to be supportive when you’re together by helping you make healthy choices.

  Personally, I have used Instagram for just this type of accountability measure. Instagram has a very supportive and engaging community of exercisers. I use this inspiring community to support my efforts in becoming a better yogi and my aspiration of a free-standing handstand!

  Follow these 9 steps and I am certain you will see change and find success in your efforts to be healthier. Good luck!


  How To Get Rid of Love Handles: 5 Exercises That Don’t Totally Suck

学习啦在线学习网   1. Side Plank With Hip Dips

  Starting from an upper-pushup plank position, bring your right hand directly under your nose. Bring your feet together behind you, then roll to the outside edge of your right foot and stack your left foot on top of it. Lift your hand off the ground, so all your weight is balanced on your right hand and edge of your right foot. Pull your belly in toward your spine, then dip both your hips down until they almost touch the ground. Lift them back up toward the ceiling. Repeat this movement 10 times on each side, and do three sets. This is a fantastic exercise for your oblique muscles, those abdominal muscles that live on the sides of your core.

  2. Boat Pose With Twists

  This one’s a move derived from traditional Pilates: sit on the floor and lift your legs and feet away from the ground. Bend your knees at 90 degree-angles and lean your torso back about 45 degrees. Bring your arms our long in front of you and press your palms together like a prayer. (Your body should look like the letter “V,” but with bent knees.) Sit up tall on an inhale, then as you exhale, twist your arms over to the right until they touch the floor beside you. Inhale back to center, then exhale to twist the other way. Repeat 25 times.

  3. Plank With Knee Twists

  Start in an upper-pushup plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders, then come down to your forearms. Lift up your right foot, extending your leg out straight behind you. Take a deep breath in, then on the exhale bend your leg and bring your right knee to your left elbow. Extend the leg back and place it down, then switch sides. Repeat 10 times on each side.

  4. Leg Circles

学习啦在线学习网   Lie down on your back with your arms down by your hips, palm down. Pull your lower abdominal muscles in toward your spine, then lift your legs up toward the ceiling so your body forms an “L” shape. Pull your legs down toward the ground over to right, but before they touch the floor, bring them center so they’re hovering above the floor. Then pull them over to the left, and back up to center toward the ceiling; your legs should be making a big circle. Do it 10 times toward the right, then 10 times on the left.

学习啦在线学习网   5. Good Posture

学习啦在线学习网   Believe it or not, sitting up straight while you’re at your desk, having lunch, or just walking around can significantly impact your love handles. When you’re at your computer, for example, sit up tall and gently pull your stomach muscles in toward your spinal column. This slight, ongoing activation of your core muscles will help tone them while also burning more calories a day. It’s a subtle change that can make a big difference.

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