学习啦在线学习网 National Handwriting Day is on January 23rd. Its aim is to highlight the importance of the skill of handwriting. It is an important day in today’s world where people use a computer keyboard more than a pen or pencil. Some people are worried that in the future, handwriting might become a lost art. The Writing Instrument Manufacturers Association (WIMA) started National Handwriting Day in 1977. They chose January 23rd because this is the birthday of John Hancock, who was the first person to sign the American Declaration of Independence – one of the most important documents in America’s history. WIMA says: "National Handwriting Day is a chance for all of us to re-explore the purity and power of handwriting."
学习啦在线学习网 全国书法日定在了每年的1月23日。创立该节日的目的是为了让人们重视起书法技巧的重要性。在当今世界中,人们使用电脑的次数要多于使用铅笔和钢笔次数,这一节日更尤为重要。许多人担心将来的书法艺术将会失传。文具制作协会在1977年始创了该节日。他们选择1月23日的原因是这天是约翰·汉考克的生日,他是第一个签署美国独立宣言的人,这一文件是美国历史上所签署的最重要的文件之一。文具制作协会称:“全国书法日让我们有机会重新发现书法的力量和淳朴。
Handwriting is like an art. We can use it to express ourselves and be creative. It is almost like a craft.Traditional teachers like to teach their students ‘penmanship’, rather than simply ‘writing’. A higherart form is calligraphy. People can study how to write a single letter of the alphabet for many years. Everyone’s handwriting is unique. We only need to see the front of a letter to recognize the handwriting of someone we know. Some handwriting can be almost impossible to read. Doctors are famous for writing prescriptions that look like gobbledygook or ancient hieroglyphics. Experts can even analyze our handwriting and explain what kind of personality we have. What does your handwriting say about you?
学习啦在线学习网 书法就像是艺术。我们能够利用书法来表达情感,让人们变得更加富有创造力。书法就像是工艺品。传统老师喜欢教授学生“具有艺术风格的书法”而不是简单的写字。高等艺术被称之为书法。单个字也许就会花费多年的时间来学习。每个人的笔记是各不相同的。我们仅仅能够通过开头的几个字来认出我们所认识的人。许多笔记很难辨认。医生的处方笔记看起来像天书,或是古代的象形文字。专家能够从笔记中读出人们的性格。你的笔记能够告诉你什么呢?
National Hugging Day started on January 21, 1986. The Reverend Kevin Zaborney from the USAcreated the dayto promote the emotional benefits of hugging. This celebration has movedbeyond America’s borders and people now celebrate the benefits of a hug in Australia, Canada,England, Germany and Russia. It seems the day might catch on and start in other worldcountries. In America, National Hugging Day is big in schools, nursing care facilities andhospitals. It is a wonderful way of letting people know how you feel about themand of showingyou care. So, go on… this National Hugging Day give everyone a big hug and make them feelgood. A word of advice – ask before you hug!
There is a lot of research that shows hugging is good for us. Dr. Jay Gordon wrote a bookcalled ‘Brighter Baby’, which said hugging a child every day is more likely to make him or hermore intelligent. Unlike kissing, hugging is acceptable in most societies. It can be a form ofgreeting between friends, a way of celebrating a victory, or a way of showing your support forsomeone. It doesn’t matter what age, race, sexor religion you are; hugs can take place betweenany two people. Hugging also takes place in the animal world. Monkeys and apes are very fondof a hug to show their friendship. We even see the Teletubbies TV characters showing off theirhugging skills as they give each other a “big hug”.
学习啦在线学习网 许多研究表明拥抱有益身心。杰·戈登医生曾经写过一本书,叫作“阳光宝贝”,书中提到每天与孩子拥抱能够让他们变得更加聪慧。不像亲吻,绝大部分文化都接受拥抱。拥抱可以是朋友之间的问候,一种庆祝胜利的方式,或者是展现你对他人的支持。拥抱不限年龄、种族、性别、宗教;任意两个人都可以拥抱。拥抱也可以出现在动物世界中。猴子和猿就非常喜欢用拥抱来表达友情。我们甚至能够在电视剧“天线宝宝”中看到角色中的拥抱能力。
World Braille Day is on the 4th of January every year. That’s the date of birth of Louis Braille,the manwho invented the system that helps blind people read and write. Braille was aFrenchman who lived between 1809 and 1852. He became blind at the age of three. He was avery talented boy. At school he learnt the cello and organ and toured France to play inchurches. He was just 15 when he invented his reading and writing system. It was a stroke ofgenius. He used just six raised dots on paper so people could feel each letter of the alphabetwith their fingertip. Braille changed the lives of blind people forever. He had no ideahowimportant his invention was because he died aged 43. Two years after his death, Franceofficially recognized his system.
学习啦在线学习网 International (World) Braille Day is celebrated all over the world. It recognizes how Louis Braillehas revolutionized the lives of people who are blind or visually impaired. Braille is a key toimproving social and economic opportunities to millions. It has given the blind a means to bemore independent and to educate themselves. Without it, many people would be illiterate.People used to use a special typewriter calleda Brailler to write. Nowadays, computers make itvery easy for people to read and write using Braille. A worker with America’s blind, Des Kenny,said: “Braille is to the blind person what the printed word is tothe sighted individual - access toinformation and contact with the outside world”. So, January 4th celebrates the magic of sixsmall dots.
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