学习啦在线学习网 美国是一个旅行的民族,其民族意识中的旅行情结赋予美国文学一种旅行的叙事本体。下面是学习啦小编带来的关于旅行的英语文章阅读,欢迎阅读!
在伦敦旅行时 去哪里跑步和健身
学习啦在线学习网 Taking one’s fitness regimen on the road is a must for many travelers, and London, with its parks and attractions, certainly seems just the place to take off on a five- or 10-mile run while enjoying views of, say, the Houses of Parliament or St. Paul’s Cathedral.
That’s the beauty of running for fitness, isn’t it? Anywhere, anytime. In London, though, it turns out it’s not quite that easy.
学习啦在线学习网 这就是跑步健身的妙处,不是吗?随时随地都可以进行。不过在伦敦,跑步实际上没那么容易。
Imagine Times Square on a weekend night with its milling throngs. Now transport all those people to London’s narrow sidewalks (some only four feet wide), and try running through that.
学习啦在线学习网 想象一下周末的夜晚,纽约时报广场上如织的人群。现在把这些人全部放在伦敦狭窄的人行道(有些只有四英尺宽)上,然后在人群中跑步。
And the pedestrians have nothing on the overall traffic pattern: terrifying double-decker buses, which, at 36-plus feet long, 8-plus feet wide and 14-plus feet tall, have no margin of error; streams of bicyclists; intense and unfamiliar left-hand traffic; short blocks and long lights.
学习啦在线学习网 比行人更麻烦的,是整体的交通状况:可怕的双层巴士——长度超过36英尺,宽度超过8英尺,高度逾14英尺,路线不容更改;川流不息的自行车流;让人很不习惯的靠左行驶的密集车辆;短短的街区和漫长的红绿灯。
Forget focusing on your cadence and stride length. The focus needs to be on survival, with the help of what became my mantra on a recent trip: Look to the right, look to the right, look to the right.
Here are a few tips for running, and some suggestions for indoor exercise options if the weather doesn’t cooperate.
Scenic Jogging: Where and When
学习啦在线学习网 在景区跑步:如何选择时间和地点
学习啦在线学习网 One of the most scenic runs is along the Thames, especially along the South Bank. But you’ll have to be an early riser, said Alex Butler, a Washington, D.C., marathoner who travels to London frequently.
一处风景绝佳的跑步地点是沿着泰晤士河,尤其是沿着南岸。但你必须早起,经常来伦敦的华盛顿马拉松运动员亚历克斯·巴特勒(Alex Butler)说。
“When I run along the Thames, I try to be back by 8 a.m.,” said Mr. Butler, adding that many of the runners he sees in the South Bank at that hour are locals who commute by jogging, carrying backpacks with office gear and clothing. “It’s important to be out early before the tourists arrive,” he said.
学习啦在线学习网 Indeed, the South Bank and Southwark are home to many a tourist attraction — the London Eye, Tate Modern, Shakespeare’s Globe. Queen’s Walk (the uninterrupted-by-traffic-lights promenade right next to the river and Mr. Butler’s preferred running path) offers some of the most majestic views of the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben to the west as well as the Tower of London and Tower Bridge to the east. So get there early.
If early morning doesn’t work for you, parks are your best bet just about anytime (but some parks close in the evening).
学习啦在线学习网 如果你不能早起,那么公园将是你最好的选择,在任何时间都可以去(不过有些公园晚上闭园)。
I was staying in the King’s Cross area, so I had to figure out how to get to Regent’s Park, the closest park of decent size. As it turns out, one way there offers a nice run itself. The Regent’s Canal towpath is traffic-free (except for bikes), almost 10 miles long and an excellent way to experience London off the beaten tourist path.
There is a “but.” It’s not always easy to follow the path, which in one spot (Islington) disappears into a tunnel requiring the out-of-town runner to navigate the streets until the path picks up a mile down the road. Of course, I got lost.
学习啦在线学习网 但有一个问题。要保持在这条路上不太容易。因为路会在一个地点(伊斯灵顿)消失,由隧道取代,外地的跑步者必须穿越另外几条街道,直到一英里之后这条路重新出现。当然,我迷路了。
学习啦在线学习网 It turned out, though, that getting lost was a happy mistake, as I found the excellent Yogahaven (more on that later) and the highly informative London Canal Museum. Did you know that in 1890s London, there were 300,000 horses, some of which helped deliver giant blocks of ice for refrigeration and ice cream -making?
学习啦在线学习网 Regent’s Park, which is full of jog-friendly paths surrounded by greenery and gardens, has a perimeter just short of three miles. The surface is asphalt. If you want to add a little more distance and steep elevation, continue into Primrose Hill Park to the north of Regent’s Park. In fact, Primrose Hill at 250-plus feet above sea level offers a panoramic view of London, and a plaque with a lovely William Blake quote: “I have conversed with the spiritual Sun. I saw him on Primrose Hill.”
学习啦在线学习网 摄政公园里到处都是适宜跑步的小路,它们被青葱的草木和园林所环绕,周长接近三英里。路面铺的是天然沥青。如果你想要增加一点距离和坡度,那就接着跑到摄政公园北边的樱草花山公园。实际上,在海拔250多英尺的樱草花山上可以饱览伦敦全景,公园的一块牌匾上写着威廉·布莱克(William Blake)的美丽诗句,“我曾与太阳之神交谈。我看见他在樱草花山上。”
Another good place to run: expansive Hyde Park, which is adjacent to Kensington Gardens to the west, and Green Park and St. James to the east. You’re certain to encounter a fair number of tourists given the park’s proximity to Buckingham Palace. Still, it’s big enough to avoid zigzag running and “sorrys,” and you can string together more than seven miles without repeating stretches.
Rainy Weather Options
If the weather is poor, there are many ace indoor options, such asYogahaven (yogahaven.co.uk) in Islington, where drop-in classes cost 16, or .30 at class="main">
如果天气不佳,还有许多一流的室内健身场所可供选择,比如伊斯灵顿的Yogahaven(yogahaven.co.uk),在这里临时上一节课的费用是16英镑,即23.30美元左右。我当时赶上了一节很棒的高温瑜珈课,教练是亚当·胡斯勒(Adam Husler),他在伦敦的很多地点授课。
“Four out of five people who live or work in central London have probably taken a yoga class of some form,” Mr. Husler said. In addition to Yogahaven, he points to Indaba (indabayoga.com; 12 to 16 per drop-in class) and triyoga (triyoga.co.uk; four London locations offer several dozen classes daily of Pilates and yoga; 16 per drop-in class) as being among the biggest studios in the city and the ones most likely to have international guest teachers.
At Indaba — a four-floor studio in Marylebone that offers at least a dozen classes a day of different styles and levels — I attended a 90-minute Yogasana — Experienced class at 10:30 a.m. on a Thursday. It was packed with at least 50 mostly 20-something dancer-types who made difficult arm-balancing positions look as accessible as a child’s pose. One of the most memorable parts of the experience was when the wiry, dreadlocked instructor, Stewart Gilchrist, played the Clash’s “London Calling” right before closing meditation.
Indaba是位于马里波恩的一间瑜伽工作室,总共四层,每天至少提供12节不同类型和难度的瑜伽课。一个星期四的上午10点30分,我参加了一节90分钟的Yogasana高级班课程。教室里有至少50位20多岁的学员,他们颇有舞者风范,把难度极大的手臂平衡姿势做得似乎易如反掌。这次体验的最难忘部分是,精瘦结实、梳着长发绺的教练斯图尔特·吉尔克里斯特(Stewart Gilchrist),在冥想结束前播放了冲撞乐队(Clash)的“伦敦呼唤”(London Calling)。
学习啦在线学习网 If spin classes are your exercise of choice, the big dogs in town are Psycle and Boom Cycle — with two center-city locations each. I tried a 45-minute Boom Cycle class (boomcycle.co.uk; drop-in 16 per ride). With its emphasis on music and choreography over effort and athleticism, the bubbly instructor felt more like a cheerleader than a coach. Nevertheless, the dark, sweaty room was packed and the minutes flew by.
如果你的运动项目是动感单车,可以考虑去Psycle或是Boom Cycle,它们在市中心都各开了两家店。我在Boom Cycle(boomcycle.co.uk;临时上一节课的价格是16英镑)上了一节45分钟的动感单车课。这里更重视音乐和编舞,而不是力量和耐力,热情奔放的教练感觉更像是拉拉队长,而不是教练。灯光昏暗、热火朝天的健身教室里人满为患,时间过得飞快。
学习啦在线学习网 Its competitor, Psycle (psyclelondon.com; 20 per drop-in class), features 45- to 90-minute sessions, and is also known for its music-driven classes.
学习啦在线学习网 另一家是Psycle(psyclelondon.com,临时上一节课的价格是20英镑),有45分钟和90分钟两种课时可供选择,也是以音乐主导的课程著称。
Or you can just forget about the yoga and cycling and take an early morning run — rain or no rain — along the misty Thames.
学习啦在线学习网 或者,干脆忘掉瑜伽和单车,去晨跑吧,无论下不下雨,就沿着薄雾笼罩的泰晤士河。
学习啦在线学习网 Cholera in the Dominican Republic. Dengue fever in the Caribbean. Measles in Ukraine.
Lee Tamplin圣布拉斯岛海滩多米尼加共和国的霍乱,加勒比海的登革热,乌克兰的麻疹。
With summer travel season here, so are new warnings about health hazards in many exoticdestinations. Granted, I'm probably more paranoid than the average middle-aged traveler,having been a bone-marrow transplant patient with a weakened immune system. And my ideaof adventure travel is anywhere without a Four Seasons hotel. But in developing countries-andeven in many developed ones-many travelers over 50 face special concerns, especially if theyhave chronic health conditions or take medications such as steroids that suppress theimmune system.
学习啦在线学习网 随着夏季旅游旺季的到来,也出现了许多新的有关国外目的地的健康危险警示。的确,作为一个做过骨髓移植、免疫系统减弱了的人,我可能比一般的中年旅行者更多疑。而且我所认为的冒险旅行是去一个没有四季酒店(Four Seasons)的地方。但在发展中国家,甚至在很多发达国家,许多50岁以上的旅行者的确面临着特殊的问题,尤其是如果他们有慢性病或服用类固醇等抑制免疫系统的药物,问题就更大了。
学习啦在线学习网 "We see a lot of people who, after retirement, want to take the trek of a lifetime in Nepal, but itisn't the same as going to Kansas City, and a lot of them don't realize this," says PhyllisKozarsky, an infectious-disease expert at Emory University and travel health consultant for theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention, both in Atlanta. Many popular areas lack basicmedical care, let alone easy access to a local drugstore.
埃默里大学(Emory University)传染病研究专家、美国疾病控制和预防中心(Centers for DiseaseControl and Prevention)旅行健康顾问科扎斯基(Phyllis Kozarsky)说,我们看到很多人在退休后想去尼泊尔徒步,但这跟去堪萨斯城可不一样,而他们很多人都意识不到这一点。埃默里大学和疾控中心均位于亚特兰大。很多热门地区都缺乏基本的医疗保健设施,更别说方便地在当地药店买到药了。
学习啦在线学习网 See Your Doctor
学习啦在线学习网 Four to six weeks before foreign travel, it's wise to visit a doctor for recommended vaccines andcautionary medications such as malaria pills and a prescription antibiotic in the event of a badstomach bug. But it is also important to pack mosquito repellent and other precautions foroutdoor activities in areas where malaria, yellow fever and other insect-borne diseasesabound─and to stock up on other important items.
学习啦在线学习网 "I walk through the aisles of my local pharmacy and carry the things I'd like to have with me inthe event of a minor illness," such as pain relievers and anti-diarrhea medication, says Dr.Kozarsky.
The CDC travel health website has a regularly updated list of health risks and vaccinationrecommendations and requirements for specific countries. Some clinics use a softwareprogram, Travax, which tracks disease risk data. Paul McKinney, developer of the program andmedical director of the travel clinic at the University of Louisville in Kentucky, says it also helpsidentify vaccine requirements for travelers who may be going from one foreign country toanother. For example, travelers going to India from the U.S. don't require a yellow-fevervaccination, but if they are first visiting countries where yellow fever is endemic, India mayrequire them to be vaccinated.
疾控中心旅行健康网站列出了具体国家的健康风险和建议接种的疫苗及要求清单,并且会定期更新。有些诊所会用Travax软件程序,它能够跟踪疾病风险数据。该软件的开发者、肯塔基州路易斯维尔大学(Universityof Louisville in Kentucky)旅行诊所主任医师麦金尼(Paul McKinney)说,该软件还能帮助确认在国外不同国家间旅行者的疫苗要求。例如从美国到印度的旅行者不需要接种黄热病疫苗,但如果他们要先去黄热病多发的国家,印度可能会要求他们接种疫苗。
学习啦在线学习网 Vaccine Risk
学习啦在线学习网 Live vaccines such as the one for yellow fever can be risky for those over 60 or 65, Dr.McKinney warns, because of a higher likelihood of side effects. Patients taking steroids, whichlower resistance to viral infection of any kind, are also less likely to have a good response toa vaccine.
It's also important to be up-to-date on routine vaccinations such as flu and tetanus beforeleaving the U.S. A shingles vaccine for those over 65 can reduce the chance of being struckwith a painful and debilitating case of the virus, which is related to childhood chickenpox.Measles are also a growing concern in Europe, Dr. Kozarsky says. If you're unsure whether youhad measles or a childhood vaccination for it, a blood test can determine if there areantibodies to the disease.
Travelers also need to be careful about organisms that can penetrate the skin while swimming,or bacteria found in drinking water-as well as raw foods such as salad and fresh fruit.
学习啦在线学习网 旅行者还需要小心在游泳时能穿透皮肤的有机生物或饮用水中以及沙拉和新鲜水果等生食中发现的细菌。
学习啦在线学习网 In Case of Emergency…
For the worst-case scenario, it is also a good idea to consider an emergency medicalevacuation program. Before a trip to Russia last year, Marvin Freedman, a retired JusticeDepartment investigator and avid world traveler, bought a membership from MedjetAssist, onthe recommendations of some fellow travelers. He admits he was skeptical it could deliver aspromised: evacuation to the hospital of his choosing for the 0 plan.
如果遇到最坏的情况,最好是考虑紧急医疗后送方案。去年前往俄国之前,热衷世界旅行的美国司法部退休调查员弗里德曼(Marvin Freedman)在一些同行者的建议下,购买了MedjetAssist的会员计划。他选择的是价格260美元的计划,保证能在发生情况时将他护送到医院。他承认起初自己对其是否能实现承诺有所怀疑。
While poking around historic towns in the Golden Ring area outside Moscow, Mr. Freedmanpicked up a bug that worsened by the time he got to St. Petersburg. Admitted to a hospitalthere, he was pumped full of antibiotics by doctors who diagnosed a bacterial infection. Buthe wasn't getting better. After a few days he placed a call to MedjetAssist, where he wasconnected to doctors at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center who determined he neededto be brought home.
在游览莫斯科郊外金环地区(Golden Ring)的古镇时,弗里德曼感染了一种疾病,在他到圣彼得堡时病情开始恶化。他住进了当地的一所医院,医生诊断他是细菌感染,给他注射了抗生素。但他并没有好转。几天后,他打电话给MedjetAssist,联系上了匹兹堡大学医学中心(University of Pittsburgh Medical Center)的医生,他们认为他需要被送回美国。
The next morning, a Lear Jet with a flight doctor and a nurse arrived to take him on the firstleg of a long journey back to Wisconsin. Doctors there determined it was in fact a viralinfection-which doesn't respond to antibiotics-and discontinued the drugs. After making afull recovery, Mr. Freedman says he is undaunted from globe-trotting and already has ajourney to India in the planning stages.
学习啦在线学习网 第二天一早,一位航空医生和护士乘坐一架Lear喷气式飞机抵达,带他回到了威斯康星州。那里的医生认为这实际上是一种病毒感染,因此不会对抗生素产生反应,医生停用了之前的药物。完全恢复后,弗里德曼说自己对环球旅行的热情并没有受到打击,现在已经开始筹备印度之行了。
学习啦在线学习网 "间隔年":一场探索自我的旅行
学习啦在线学习网 With a bachelor's degree in actuarial science, Anxin's life could have followed a predicable coursesince graduation last year: Secure a post in a bank or an insurance company, deal with figuresand charts and earn a handsome salary.
学习啦在线学习网 Or, in common with one-third of her classmates, she could have continued her studies in theUnited States or Britain in the hope of securing a good job and a high salary.
学习啦在线学习网 However, while most of her schoolmates have become regular 9-to-5ers or are studying formaster's degrees, the 23-year-old chose a path much less traveled and volunteered to workoverseas.
学习啦在线学习网 然而,当大部分同学或成为普通“朝九晚五族”,或开始读研时,23岁的安芯却选择了一条少有人走的道路,她选择到国外去做志愿者。
In Kolkata, India, she cared for seriously ill men at Kalighat, a hospice for the sick, destitute andthe dying established by Mother Teresa. At the Father Ray Foundation in Pattaya, Thailand,she taught English to poverty-stricken kids and worked with autistic children.
学习啦在线学习网 在印度加尔各答,安芯来到特蕾莎修女为疾病缠身、穷困潦倒和病危之人所创办的收容所“静心之家”(Kalighat),在那里照顾重病患者。她还在泰国芭堤雅的雷神父基金会教授贫困儿童英语,并参与自闭症儿童的治疗工作。
What initially led to her yearlong journey was "gap year", a term she learned from a Germanfriend in 2010 during an exchange program at San Diego State University in the US. Thepractice, which is thought to have originated in the UK in the 1960s, involves students primarily,traveling, engaging in volunteer work overseas or undertaking a working holiday abroad.
学习啦在线学习网 正是“间隔年”令她开始了长达一年的旅行。2010年时,她在参加美国圣迭戈州立大学的一个交换项目时,从一位德国朋友那里听说了这个词。人们认为“间隔年”这一做法起源于20世纪60年代的英国,本来是指一些学生前往海外旅行、参加志愿者工作或是选择边打工边度假。
"I found it very interesting. I though 'a lot of Europeans are doing it, so why shouldn't I?'" saidAnxin.
学习啦在线学习网 Well-established in the West, the idea of the sabbatical was introduced to China just a fewyears ago. However, it has become increasingly popular among young people as they try tolearn more about the world in general and themselves in particular after 16 years of exam-oriented education, before they enter a fast-changing society with an increasing emphasis onspeed.
学习啦在线学习网 Anxin, who hails from the southwestern municipality of Chongqing, said she chose theactuarial science course because her father studied mathematics. Although she showed talent,she wasn't really interested in the subject. "I didn't want to do something I have no passionfor. I felt confused and lost. I wanted to learn more about myself on the road," she saidrecently, when sharing her experiences with around 150 students in Beijing.
However, she admitted that it wasn't easy to get the idea across to her parents: "My fatherasked, 'Are you crazy? It's not easy to find a good job today, yet you are going to be avolunteer overseas?'"
学习啦在线学习网 但她也承认让父母理解这一想法并不容易:“我爸爸问:‘你疯了吗?如今找个好工作多不容易,你却想出国去做志愿者?’”
"And when I told him that Pattaya was one of my destinations, he asked, 'Isn't that placefamous for its sex industry?'"
However, the determined senior reassured and persuaded her family by outlining a soundplan. She also translated the introductions of all the NGOs she was going to work for so theycould read about the organizations for themselves.
学习啦在线学习网 尽管如此,那时还在上大四的安芯早已下定决心,为家人列出一份万无一失的计划,打消了他们的顾虑,最终说服了他们。她还翻译了一些她要参加的非政府组织的介绍,以便家人能够亲自了解这些组织的状况。
Not just about fun
In the West, the term "gap year" usually refers to a period before college or immediatelyafterwards, but the current definition in China is slightly different. A lot of people didn't knowabout gap years during their school days or were not financially able, have chosen to make upfor the missed lesson after working for a few years.
Badao is one of those who undertook a delayed gap year. After working as a film productioncoordinator for three years, she traveled to New Zealand at the end of 2010 on a workingholiday visa.
New Zealand has become a popular destination for Chinese gappers, because it is the onlycountry that offers a working visa for residents of the Chinese mainland. "The scenery in NewZealand was really amazing, but the trip wasn't just about sightseeing. You have to work reallyhard and it can be really demanding," said the 28-year-old.
学习啦在线学习网 新西兰已经成为最受中国“间隔客”欢迎的国家,因为新西兰是唯一一个向中国大陆居民签发工作签证的国家。“新西兰景色迷人,但这次旅行并不仅仅是一次观光之旅。你必须非常努力工作,有时真的很吃力。”28岁的巴道这样说。
She was employed in factories that processed strawberries, apples and kiwis, working up to 14hours a day to earn enough money to support her on her later travels. "But I found I was quitecool with it. After a year of working, travelling and thinking, I realized that our real needs arevery simple. Success is not about making money and achieving a high position; but whether youcan do what you want and live a healthy life."
学习啦在线学习网 "Be the change"
学习啦在线学习网 Gap years and working holidays are still relatively new concepts in China, so a lot of people tendto romanticize them before setting out.
学习啦在线学习网 "For me, a gap year need not necessarily be a whole year; it could be just a few months or afew years. It's not a luxury trip or an escape from the real world. It's more like an expeditionin which you learn about yourself," said Mao Hexin, a co-founder of Freegapper.com, China'sfirst website to focus on gap years.
"You shouldn't expect a different world when you come back. Instead, you should 'be thechange.'"