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学习啦在线学习网   史蒂夫乔布斯英文简介Steve Jobs' English introduction

学习啦在线学习网   Nobody else in the computer industry, or any other industry for that matter, could put on a show like Steve Jobs. His product launches, at which he would stand alone on a black stage and conjure up a “magical” or “incredible” new electronic gadget in front of an awed crowd, were the performances of a master showman. All computers do is fetch and shuffle numbers, he once explained, but do it fast enough and “the results appear to be magic”. He spent his life packaging that magic into elegantly designed, easy to use products.

学习啦在线学习网   到目前为止,世界上还没有哪个计算机行业或者其他任何行业的领袖能够像乔布斯那样举办出一场万众瞩目的盛会。在每次苹果推出新产品之时,乔布斯总是会独自站在黑色的舞台上,向充满敬仰之情的观众展示出又一款“充满魔力”而又“不可思议”的创新电子产品来,他的发布方式充满了表演的天赋。计算机所做的无非是计算,但是经过他的解释和展示,高速的计算就“仿佛拥有了无限的魔力”。乔布斯终其一生都在将他的魔力包装到了设计精美、使用简便的产品当中去。

学习啦在线学习网   He had been among the first, back in the 1970s, to see the potential that lay in the idea of selling computers to ordinary people. In those days of green-on-black displays, when floppy discs were still floppy, the notion that computers might soon become ubiquitous seemed fanciful. But Mr Jobs was one of a handful of pioneers who saw what was coming. Crucially, he also had an unusual knack for looking at computers from the outside, as a user, not just from the inside, as an engineer—something he attributed to the experiences of his wayward youth.

学习啦在线学习网   乔布斯早在20世纪70年代便已经看到了向普通大众出售计算机这块业务的潜力。在当年世界还在使用绿黑相间的屏幕、5寸软盘的时代,让电脑成为家家户户必备的设备似乎还是一个遥不可及的梦想。但是乔布斯是少数几位具有远见卓识的先驱之一。而更为重要的是,乔布斯拥有一个不寻常的本领,即他不仅会从工程开发人员的角度从内审视电脑,同时他还会从用户的角度来从外界观察人们对电脑的需求——他将这一本领归功于他自己任性的青年时代。

  Mr Jobs caught the computing bug while growing up in Silicon Valley. As a teenager in the late 1960s he cold-called his idol, Bill Hewlett, and talked his way into a summer job at Hewlett-Packard. But it was only after dropping out of college, travelling to India, becoming a Buddhist and experimenting with psychedelic drugs that Mr Jobs returned to California to co-found Apple, in his parents’ garage, on April Fools’ Day 1976. “A lot of people in our industry haven’t had very diverse experiences,” he once said. “So they don’t have enough dots to connect, and they end up with very linear solutions.” Bill Gates, he suggested, would be “a broader guy if he had dropped acid once or gone off to an ashram when he was younger”.

学习啦在线学习网   乔布斯从小在硅谷长大,使得他从小便有机会耳濡目染到计算机的世界。在20世纪60年代末,他有幸认识了自己心目中的偶像比尔·休利特(Bill Hewlett),并成功地为自己获得了到休利特创办的惠普做暑期兼职的机会。此后他在读了1年大学后辍学、前往印度、开始笃信佛教并尝试了迷幻药剂,最终他选择回到了加利福尼亚州并与好友联合创办了苹果。他的公司于1976年的愚人节当天在他的父母的车库里正式开张。他曾经表示:“很多在我们这个行业的人都没有过如此复杂的经历,因此他们没有足够的经验来推出非线性的解决方案。”他表示比尔·盖斯“如果在年轻的时候吸吸迷幻药或者经常去花天酒地一下的话,他的眼界肯定将会更加开阔。”

  Dropping out of his college course and attending calligraphy classes instead had, for example, given Mr Jobs an apparently useless love of typography. But support for a variety of fonts was to prove a key feature of the Macintosh, the pioneering mouse-driven, graphical computer that Apple launched in 1984. With its windows, icons and menus, it was sold as “the computer for the rest of us”. Having made a fortune from Apple’s initial success, Mr Jobs expected to sell “zillions” of his new machines. But the Mac was not the mass-market success Mr Jobs had hoped for, and he was ousted from Apple by its board.


  Yet this apparently disastrous turn of events turned out to be a blessing: “the best thing that could have ever happened to me”, Mr Jobs later called it. He co-founded a new firm, Pixar, which specialised in computer graphics, and NeXT, another computer-maker. His remarkable second act began in 1996 when Apple, having lost its way, acquired NeXT, and Mr Jobs returned to put its technology at the heart of a new range of Apple products. And the rest is history: Apple launched the iMac, the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad, and (briefly) became the world’s most valuable listed company. “I’m pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn’t been fired from Apple,” Mr Jobs said in 2005. When his failing health forced him to step down as Apple’s boss in 2011, he was hailed as the greatest chief executive in history. Oh, and Pixar, his side project, produced a string of hugely successful animated movies.

学习啦在线学习网   然而塞翁失马焉知非福,乔布斯在多年以后谈到被踢出苹果董事会这件事情的时候表示,“这是我人生经历当中最令人高兴的一件事。”他在离开苹果后又联合创办了皮克斯动画公司(Pixar),专攻电脑动画业务;并又创办了另外一家从事电脑产品生产的企业NeXT。他于苹果在1996年陷入困境的时候再度出山,在苹果收购了NeXT之后再度将自己的创意注入到了苹果的系列产品当中。之后的历史便成为了经典:苹果先后推出了iMac、iPod、iPhone以及iPad,并且很快便成为了全世界市值最高的企业之一。乔布斯在2005年表示:“我敢肯定,如果苹果当年没有开除我的话,这一切都不会发生。”直到他于2011年8月由于健康原因辞去CEO职务之前,他一直被外界视为最杰出的CEO。而皮克斯作为乔布斯的一个副业产品,也为大众带来了大量精彩的动画电影。

  In retrospect, Mr Jobs was a man ahead of his time during his first stint at Apple. Computing’s early years were dominated by technical types. But his emphasis on design and ease of use gave him the edge later on. Elegance, simplicity and an understanding of other fields came to matter in a world in which computers are fashion items, carried by everyone, that can do almost anything. “Technology alone is not enough,” said Mr Jobs at the end of his speech introducing the iPad, in January 2010. “It’s technology married with liberal arts, married with humanities, that yields the results that make our hearts sing.” It was an unusual statement for the head of a technology firm, but it was vintage Steve Jobs.

学习啦在线学习网   回顾乔布斯的一生,乔布斯早在开发出第一款苹果电脑时便已经远远地走在了时代的前沿。早年的计算机技术主要是强调技术,而乔布斯则率先关注了设计以及使用的便捷性,这也为他在后来推出产品的特性奠定了基础。在他心目当中,电脑应该是一款优雅、简洁并且可以轻松方便地用来了解世界的时尚产品,而大众应该人手一份,同时可以用它来做任何事情。乔布斯在2010年1月发布iPad时,在演说收尾时指出:“单靠科技是远远不够的,必需要让科技与人文科学以及人性相结合,其成果必需能够让用户产生共鸣。”这段台词对于科技业的领袖来说十分不可思议,但是如果了解了乔布斯的背景的话,这也不难理解他为何会如此表述了。

  His interdisciplinary approach was backed up by an obsessive attention to detail. A carpenter making a fine chest of drawers will not use plywood on the back, even though nobody will see it, he said, and he applied the same approach to his products. “For you to sleep well at night, the aesthetic, the quality, has to be carried all the way through.” He insisted that the first Macintosh should have no internal cooling fan, so that it would be silent—putting user needs above engineering convenience. He called an Apple engineer one weekend with an urgent request: the colour of one letter of an on-screen logo on the iPhone was not quite the right shade of yellow. He often wrote or rewrote the text of Apple’s advertisements himself.

学习啦在线学习网   他将自己把不同行业和学科集成的思维归功于自己关注细节。他表示,“为了让自己能够睡个好觉,我必须确保所有产品的外观美学、设备质量都必须一丝不苟地完成。”他在开发第一台麦金塔电脑的时候曾经强烈要求电脑不能内置冷却扇,以确保电脑运行的时候能够足够安静——他将用户的需求凌驾于了工程设计之上。他还曾经命令一位苹果的工程师花一个周末的时间加班解决iPhone的屏幕上一个字母的颜色不显示精确的问题。同时他还会经常自己撰写或者修改苹果的广告文字。

  His on-stage persona as a Zen-like mystic notwithstanding, Mr Jobs was an autocratic manager with a fierce temper. But his egomania was largely justified. He eschewed market researchers and focus groups, preferring to trust his own instincts when evaluating potential new products. “A lot of times, people don’t know what they want until you show it to them,” he said. His judgment proved uncannily accurate: by the end of his career the hits far outweighed the misses. Mr Jobs was said by an engineer in the early years of Apple to emit a “reality distortion field”, such were his powers of persuasion. But in the end he changed reality, channelling the magic of computing into products that reshaped music, telecoms and media. The man who said in his youth that he wanted to “put a ding in the universe” did just that.

学习啦在线学习网   乔布斯在公众场合上是一个如禅宗一般神秘的人物。他是一个专制而脾气暴躁的经理人。但是他是有狂妄的本钱的。他在评估和开发潜在新产品的时候总是拒绝使用市场调研以及观察机构,而更乐意相信他自己的直觉。他表示:“很多情况下,人们在见到一件新事物之前是很难说出自己到底想要什么的。”而他的观点在大多数情况下毫无疑问是正确的:在他的职业生涯中,他的成功远远超过了失败。一位苹果的早期员工称乔布斯拥有“屏蔽现实”的本领,以便追寻自己的内心直觉,但是最终他却能够改变现实,通过魔法般的手段重塑了电脑与音乐、通讯以及媒体的关系。乔布斯在年轻的时候曾经表示“希望能够做出一番让宇宙为之一震的事业。”而他也的确做到了。



学习啦在线学习网   The last few weeks of Marilyn’s life were not just a straight drug-induced run to the grave. Some days she was able to pick herself up, and Truman Capote, lunching with her early in June, was surprised to note, “There was a new maturity about her eyes. She wasn’t so giggly anymore and she had never looked better.” Marylin had two last public engagements, a photo session for Vogue and the interview with Life.

  Nobody knows what it is like to have all that I have and yet not be loved or know happiness. All I ever wanted out of life is to be nice to people and have them be nice to me . It’s a fair exchange. And I’m a woman. I want to be loved by a man from his heart as I would love him from mine. I’ve tried but it simply hasn’t happened yet.

学习啦在线学习网   I really resent the way the press is now saying that I’m depressed and in a slump, as if I’m finished. Nothing’s going to sink me although it might be kind of a relief to be finished with moviemaking. You think you’ve made it. But you never have. There’s always another scene, another film, and you always have to start all over again…. I want to be an artist and an actress with integrity; I really don’t care about the money, I

  Just want to be wonderful.

  She was dead less than a week later.

  Of the 300 books that have been published about Marilyn since her death, fifty are full-length accounts of only the last week in her life and the multiple, conflicting, contradictory and often downright fantastical conspiracy theories that have grown up around her demise.

学习啦在线学习网   One of these claims that she was killed by the Mafia because she knew too much about a possible relationship with Frank Sinatra; another that the Kennedys somehow had her killed before she could spill the beans on the brothers’ *ual antics, time and again the CIA has been cited as a possible murderer murderer because her loose-cannon *uality meant that she was altogether too directly plugged into the innermost secrets of the United States; and there are many who believe that the shadowy cares of her last weeks killed her for the contents of her jewelbox and safe. The following facts, however, are indisputable.

  At about midnight on 4 August 1962, Marilyn went to her room, taking her personal telephone with her. She bade Mrs Murray goodnight and shut her door. When Marylin’s lawyer called he was told that Marilyn was in her bedroom but the light was still on. Mrs Murray says At about 2 a. m., she noticed that the light was still on and she became concerned. She knocked but could get no response and finally called the ambulance service to effect a forced entry. At 3:30 in the morning of 5 August, Marilyn was found dead, nude on her bed, one arm stretched out towards the telephone. The first coroner’s report declared that her death was due to “presumed suicide caused by an overdose of barbiturates.”

  Marilyn went down like a battleship. Firing on her rescuers; it must also be admitted, though, that among those rescuers were doctors and nurses anxious to deep her totally dependent upon them and therefore inclined to allow her to abuse herself with whatever substance was available on or off prescription. The most likely cause of death, on balance and with the wisdom of almost forty years’ hindsight, seems to be that Marilyn did indeed swallow, quite possibly unintentionally in her already drugged state, the overdose of hoarded Nembutal barbiturates which rapidly killed her before she could once again rescue herself by calling either Mrs Murray or a friend by telephone.

  However, this verdict does not rule out the fact that there were a large number of people who by now wanted her out of the way for one reason or another. In that sense, her suicide was one of the most welcome and well-timed acts that Marilyn ever succeeded in carrying through.




学习啦在线学习网   我的确不满媒体现在的说三道四,说我情绪低落而且生活颓废,好像是我要完蛋了。尽管不拍电影了可能会是种解脱,但任何事情也不会使我消沉。你觉得可以不拍电影了。但你是拍不完的。总会有另一场,另一部电影,而你总是要从头开始 。我想当一名正直的艺术家和演员;我真的不在乎金钱,我只求美好。

学习啦在线学习网   不到一周后她离开了人世。


学习啦在线学习网   其中一种说法宣称她被黑手党所杀,因为她对弗兰克西奈特可能有的风流韵事知之太多;另一种说法是在她行将泄露肯尼迪弟兄们的性丑闻时,肯尼迪家族的人派人杀害了她,更有甚者有人说中央情报局可能是杀害她的凶手,因为她放荡的性生活意味着她曾直接触及到美国最深层的机密;还有许多人认为她在最后几周对珠宝盒及保险箱中的财宝忧心忡忡有关。然而,以下是不争的事实。

学习啦在线学习网   1962年8月4日午夜时分,玛丽莲拿着她的私人电话走进房间。她向默里夫人道了晚安便关紧房门。当玛丽莲的律师来电话时,他被告知玛丽莲呆在卧房,但灯却亮着。默里夫人说凌晨两点她发现灯还亮着随即就开始担心起来。她敲了敲门,但没有回音,最后打电话给医疗救护队才硬撞进去。8月5日凌晨3:30,人们发现玛丽莲已死,赤裸在床上,一只胳膊朝电话方向伸着。首次验尸报告称她的死是由于“过量服用镇静类药物引起的假定性自杀。”


学习啦在线学习网   然而,这个判断并不能排除一个事实,即有许多人当时出于这样那样的理由希望她退出历史舞台。在这个意义上,玛丽莲的自杀是她所曾完成的一种最受欢迎和合时宜的举动。



学习啦在线学习网   疯狂英语精选辑 A Tribute to the Late Great Audrey Hepburn

学习啦在线学习网   Her stunning combination of vulnerability, sophistication, elfin beauty and indomitable spirit engaged both men and women alike. But while Audrey Hepburn's loveliness may have gotten her noticed, it was her talent that made her a legend, as well as her heart.

学习啦在线学习网   Audrey Hepburn was born in Brussels, Belgium, on May 4, 1929. Although she was the daughter of a Dutch baroness and a wealthy English banker, Audrey had a difficult childhood. Her parents divorced when she was young and Audrey went to live with her mother in the Netherlands. Soon after, the German army invaded Holland. During the Nazi occupation, Audrey's uncle and a cousin were executed for supporting the Resistance and her brother was placed in a labor camp. Her family faced starvation and Audrey suffered from severe anemia, and respiratory problems.

学习啦在线学习网   Audrey was sixteen when the occupation ended. She and her mother returned to London, where Audrey earned a ballet scholarship and began dancing in small revues, modeling, and playing bit parts in films. Her big break came when the French novelist Colette discovered her in a crowd and insisted that Hepburn be cast as Gigi in a Broadway adaptation of her novel. In spite of Hepburn's inexperience, audiences and critics alike were captivated by her performance. Subsequently, William Wyler chose her to be the lead in Roman Holiday, opposite Gregory Peck. For her role as Princess Ann, she won the 1953 Academy Award for Best Actress and began a string of box office hits, among them "Sabrina" (1954),"Love in the Afternoon"(1957), and "The Nun's Story"(1959).In "Breakfast at Tiffany's"(1961), her sad, soulful rendition of the movie's theme song, "Moon River", remains a truly indelible moment in the history of film. After winning a fifth and final Oscar nomination for the chilling "Wait Until Dark"(1967), Audrey worked less and devoted more time to her family and various charities. Her longtime marriage to actor Mel Ferrer ended in divorce in 1968. After a second short-lived marriage to an Italian psychiatrist, she settled down with another Dutch actor, Robert Wolders.

  Audrey Hepburn became a goodwill ambassador and spokesperson for UNICEF in 1986. Traveling to areas afflicted by famine and devastation, Hepburn worked to raise public awareness of the plight faced by children in times of crises-for example, in Ethiopia during the famine and in war-torn Somalia. Her commitment to improve the welfare of children across the world was intense and genuine. This commitment earned her the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Humanitarian Award from the Congress on Racial Equality.

  Soon after her trip to Somalia in 1991, Hepburn was diagnosed with colon cancer and was too ill to accept in person the Screen Actors Guild award for lifetime achievement in 1992.

  In 1993, Audrey Hepburn died at the age of 63. She was posthumously awarded the 1993 Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Jean Hershold Humanitarian Award.



学习啦在线学习网   在奥黛丽十六岁那年,纳粹统治时期结束了。她随同母亲回到伦敦,在那里获得芭蕾舞奖学金,并开始在一些时事讽刺剧中跳舞、做模特,以及在电影里担任一些不起眼的小角色。当法国小说家科利特在人群中发现她,并坚持让赫本在根据她的小说改编的百老汇剧中担任琪琪一角时,赫本时来运转了,尽管赫本的演技并不成熟,但观众和评论界都被她的表演深深感动。接下来,威廉·怀勒选定她出演《罗马假日》的女主角安妮公主,与格列高里·派克演对手戏。1953年赫本因饰演安妮公主一角赢得奥斯卡最佳女主角奖,随后演出了一系列票房收入可观的风行一时的电影,如《莎冰娜》(1954)、《午生我爱》(1957)和《修女传》(1959)。在《第凡内早餐》(1961)里,她悲伤而动情地演唱主题歌《月亮河》的一段,成为电影史上难忘的一幕。在第五次——也是最后一次以反应平平的《等待黄昏》(1967)获得奥斯卡奖提名后,奥黛丽渐渐淡出银幕,奖更多的时间花在家庭和几个慈善事业上。她与演员梅尔·费勒的婚姻维持了相当长的一段时间,一直到1968年以离婚告终。在与意大利精神病学家有了一段短暂的婚姻后,她最终与一名荷兰演员罗伯特·沃尔斯走到了一起。







