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学习啦在线学习网   英语散文以优美的语言、流畅的句子、生动的描述,给人以美的享受,满足人类心灵的要求,具有很高的审美属性。学习啦小编分享经典英语散文,希望可以帮助大家!

  经典英语散文:Spirit in the Sky

  by Linda Casper

学习啦在线学习网   The mourners dispersed from the graveside in groups of twos and threes. They paused to pay their condolences to the family, some shaking hands and others kissing and hugging. I couldn’t hear their words of comfort but imagined that they included such phrases as sadly missed and will be remembered and had a good, long life; all of which were perfectly true. I watched the family make their way along the path and I hoped that there would be no regrets for deeds done or not done, just good memories to reflect upon and their lives to live.

  It was time for me to leave too, I supposed. I wasn’t prepared for this at all. How could I be? Maybe I should be making my way to the Pearly Gates, but I had no sense of direction when I was alive so I had no chance of finding my way now as a spirit, if indeed that is what I am. Is it correct to say “I am” if I am no longer, if I don’t actually exist? I tried to take stock of how I was feeling and realised it was just that what was missing. Feeling. Without my old body there were no aches and pains, nor was I experiencing any anxiety. I didn’t feel hungry, thirsty or tired. Time was irrelevant. Perhaps my spirit would just drift along in this way for eternity.

学习啦在线学习网   I had never believed in the concept of heaven or hell. Nor had I had subscribed to that school of thought that your spirit would enter another form of life, but it gave me something to ponder while I still could. I wouldn’t wish to be reincarnated as a human and go through all those stages before you felt comfortable in your own skin; falling in and out of love, swotting for exams and dealing with teenage children. Neither did I fancy coming back as any form of animal. I just wanted to continue floating aimlessly towards the glow of light up ahead.

  “I think she’s back with us” said a voice I didn’t recognise.

学习啦在线学习网   I wanted to ask where I was and with whom but no words escaped me.

  “You’ve been in an accident and you’re in hospital. Can you tell me how you’re feeling?”

  Actually, I couldn’t. I’d been given a taste of freedom and now it would seem I was back to dealing with the struggles of everyday life. Would that seem ungrateful to the hospital staff?



学习啦在线学习网   哀悼者三三两两地站在墓地两侧。他们停下向我的家人表达慰问,有的握手,有的拥抱和亲吻。我听不见他们安慰的话语,但是可以想象肯定是包含了节哀和纪念,以及希望活着的人保重身体之类的;所有这一切完全是真实的。我注视着我的家人在人群中往前走,我希望他们对自己的所作所为都没有遗憾,不管是过去还是将来,只留下美好的记忆去回味,并且好好生活下去。



学习啦在线学习网   “我想她会回到我们身边来的”一个声音说道,我没辨别出来是谁的声音。



学习啦在线学习网   实际上,我没有感觉。我尝到了自由的滋味,现在似乎我又回到与日常生活的抗争中。那样医务人员似乎就不会感到遗憾了?

  经典英语散文:When I grow up, I become you

学习啦在线学习网   By sushouxianxian

学习啦在线学习网   When I see you give your money to persons who have nothing, I want to make it.

  When I see you show the way to a stray child, I know you are kind.

学习啦在线学习网   When I see you help a sick people to boil herbs, I have learned how to help people.

学习啦在线学习网   When you take care of our house and everyone in it and I have learnt take care of others.

  When I watch tears in your eyes but you didn’t cry, it makes me be strong.

学习啦在线学习网   ……

  Many nights I've pray, I can become you, with no proof anyone could hear,

  My heart a hopeful song, maybe we barely understand.

  There can be miracles that you don’t know.

  Because your behavior has filled my heart.

学习啦在线学习网   I watch you everyday and understand you do every thing, and then I think in my heart:

  When I grow up, I want to become you.

  I observe you and have learned most of life’s lessons that I need to be a good person. Thanks all things that you do. When I grow up, I want to become you.

学习啦在线学习网   Just believe.

  经典英语散文:The Cats of Roma

学习啦在线学习网   by R. Bremner

  My most enduring memory of Roma is of an occurrence on a cold November afternoon in the little green park which sits just above and overlooks the Coliseum. A lone woman, looking ninety or more years of age, carried two large shopping bags to a bench. After sitting down, she began to call out something in Italian, which I didn’t understand. The most amazing thing then happened: within seconds, all manner of cats began to appear from all directions. Some come singly, some in groups of two, three, or more. The old woman reached into a bag, and removed five large bowls. These she placed in a row on the ground, and filled them with food. Then she sat down to watch.

  By now there were at least twenty cats, and more coming. Some crawled through space below a nearby wall, some pranced across the park lawn, and some, I swear, even seemed to climb down from trees. And there they were, this multitude of cats, purring and meowing, and eating their fill. They made quite a lot of noise, as you might expect. It was not a sight I’d expect to see in the middle of one of the world’s great cities, to be sure.

  After a while, the woman packed up her things, and went on her way, bidding her charges a fond farewell. The cats gradually dispersed, taking their own good time, as cats do. And before long, it was just another chilly day in another park in Roma.


  寒心 译

学习啦在线学习网   我对罗马印象最深的是公园的那群猫,那是十一月份,一个寒冷的下午,我正坐在已泛黄的公园的草坪上,俯瞰大剧场的景色。视野中出现了一个孤独的老太太,看起来大约九十多岁了,提了两个大购物袋来到了一个长凳子边,坐下来,开始用我听不懂的意大利语大声呼唤着什么。接下来奇迹发生了:不到几秒钟,各种小猫从袋子里向四面八方逃窜。有的单独一只,有的两三个一群,或者更多。老太太把手伸进一个袋子里,取出五个大碗,在地上摆成一排,里面放满食物。然后她坐下来注视着这些可爱的猫咪。



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