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  优秀大学英语短文带翻译:电影不再那么受欢迎? Film Is Less Popular?

  Going to the theater to watch the movie is a traditional way for people to have fun. Theater is a good place for people to relax themselves, especially for the couples, they will treat the theater as the best dating place. Now more people are attracted by the TV series, they trend to open the TV instead of going to the theater, it seems that film is less popular, but I don’t think so.

学习啦在线学习网   去电影院看电影对于人们来说是一种传统的娱乐方式。电影院是人们放松自我的好地方,特别对情侣们来说,他们把电影院当做最佳的约会场所。如今更多的人被电视剧所吸引,他们倾向于看电视,而不是走去电影院,似乎电影变得不再那么受欢迎,但是我不这样认为。

  It is true that nowadays the TV series catch many people’s eyes. On the one hand, the TV series have the good plot and the successive seasons attract people to stay at home to watch them every night. On the other hand, watching the movie is a great expense compared with watching TV series. Watching TV series is free, while watching the movie needs people to buy the ticket, it is not cheap.

学习啦在线学习网   如今,电视剧吸引了很多人的眼球,这是事实。一方面,电视剧有着好的剧情,连续的季度吸引着人们每天晚上呆在家里,观看电视剧。另一方面,看电影相对看电视剧而言是一笔巨大的开销。看电视剧是不用钱的,然而看电影需要人们买票,票也不便宜。

  The film is still popular. When we look at the total sum of big movie, we can find that such movie still earn a lot of money, it means many people have watched it. The good movie still wins people’s attention, so film is favored all the time.


  优秀大学英语短文带翻译:人脑和电脑 The Brain and The Computer

学习啦在线学习网   When computer came into being, it developed so fast and its functions are various. Computer brings people convenience, people count on them to do their work. It is believed that computer has taken place of the brain. While in my opinion, computer can’t overpass the brain.


学习啦在线学习网   Computer is the process that is designed by human beings. Computer is the robot, the scientists design the complicated process and then make it to work. People can control the computer to do their own things. Even though computer works in a very fast way, its process will goes wrong sometimes. Such as the translation, computer always translates the words one by one, making the meaning very ridiculous.

学习啦在线学习网   电脑是人类设计的程序。电脑是机器,科学家设计了复杂的程序,然后让程序工作。人们可以控制电脑来做他们自己的事情。即使电脑工作得很快,但是它的程序有时候也会出错。比如翻译,电脑总是一个字接一个字的翻译,使得意思很荒谬。

  Computer can’t take place of the brain because it has no emotion. The process just gives people the direct result and computer can’t think in their own way. But people’ brain has its own thinking and the critical mind makes the great difference. The brain surpasses progress because people have the ability to think.

学习啦在线学习网   电脑无法取代人脑因为它没有感情。程序仅仅给予人们直接的答案,电脑无法自己思考。但是人们的大脑有着自己的思考,批判性思维使得人脑和电脑有所区分。大脑比程序优越因为人们有思考的能力。

  In all, though computer works fast and precise, it can’t take place of the brain.


  优秀大学英语短文带翻译:如何对待青少年的变化 How to Do With Teenagers’ Change?

  When I was a teenager, I felt I was so lost and wanted to prove that I was mature enough to get rid of my parents’ nursing. That happens to most teenagers, they are under the stage that is close to mature but are not strong enough. For parents and teachers, they must deal with teenagers’ change in the right way, or they will do the negative things.

学习啦在线学习网   当我还是一名青少年的时候,我觉得自己很失落,想要证明自己足够成熟,能够脱离父母的看护。这对于大部分青少年来说,他们处于一个接近成熟的阶段,但是还不够强大。对于家长和父母来说,他们必须正确对待青少年的变化,不然他们就会适得其反。

  There are many reasons for teenagers’ change. First, their bodies grow so fast that they could not adjust their mood. The change in their bodies makes them feel different from others, they don’t know how to do, so they feel annoyed and want to disguise themselves. For parents, they have to realize that their kids have grown up and should not treat them like a kid. Second, the parents must get to know that the teenagers will experience many stages during their teenager time. So when their kids become rebel, they need to understand and not fight with them. Giving their kids some time, they will overcome their emotion.


  Teenager time a special stage, the change of teenagers will make the parents and teachers worry, but I think they should not be so hard on them, just to be their friends.

学习啦在线学习网   青少年时期是一个很特殊的阶段,青少年的变化会让父母和老师担心,但是我觉得他们不应该对孩子那么苛刻,只要成为他们的朋友就行了。

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