学习啦在线学习网 初中生的成长特点决定了对他们实施生命教育的重要性。然而,我国的中学教育体系只关注实用性,重视赋予学生如何生活和生存的方法,忽视教育学生来关注生存、生命的意义和目的。学习啦小编分享初中生必读英文小短文,希望可以帮助大家!
初中生必读英文小短文:乡居Life at a Country Parish
学习啦在线学习网 We have the good fortune to live in an open parish, and may thank two or three strong farmers and the lord of the manor for preserving the delicious green areas which form, perhaps, the wonderful beauty of English scenery.
The common that I am passing now is one of the loveliest of these favourite spots.
It is a cozy little scene, as if it were retiring from the village and sunk amidst higher land. Hills would be almost too grand a word for it: duanwenw.com edged on one side by one lovely road, and intersected by another; surrounded by a beautiful confusion of meadows, cottages, farms and orchards; with a great pond in one corner, usually bright and clear, giving a delightful cheerfulness and daylight to the picture. The swallows haunt that pond; so do the children.
学习啦在线学习网 There is a happy group round it now; I have seldom seen it without one. Children love water —clear, bright and sparkling water; it excites and feeds their curiosity; it is motion and life.
初中生必读英文小短文:实现目标Realize Your Goals
学习啦在线学习网 My favourite quote is, "You are never given a dream without also being given the power to make it come true."
学习啦在线学习网 我最喜欢摘引的一句话是:"我们拥有梦想,同样也拥有实现梦想的能力。"
Every time I remember it, I feel excited. It means that anything that I imagine can happen. duanwenw.com Man on Wire is a film showing how true that quote is. It’s about a French man called Philippe Petit. Petit decided to walk on a tightrope1 from one of the Twin Towers of New York’s World Trade Center to the other.
学习啦在线学习网 每当想起这句话,我都会感到很兴奋,因为这句话意味着我的所有梦想都能成真。电影《走钢丝的人》就例证了这句引语的正确性。这部影片的主人公是一位名叫菲利普·珀蒂的法国人。他决定借助一根绷紧的绳索,从纽约世贸大厦双子大楼中的其中一栋走到另一栋。
What makes this really unbelievable is that when he decided to do this, the World Trade Center hadn’t actually been built. He read about the towers being built in a magazine.
In the film, over the next six years, he teaches himself to walk on a rope. His plan to perform this tightrope walk is actually very dangerous. However, this story is the perfect example of how even "crazy" goals can be realized.
学习啦在线学习网 People have many bright ideas. Although it won’t be possible to realize every idea, it is possible to implement the ones you feel extremely excited about.
初中生必读英文小短文:冬雾Winter Fog
After two or three days of unseasonable and depressing warmth, with a lowering but not rainy sky.
I woke this morning to find the land covered with mist. There was no daybreak, and, after a long time, a sad glimmer2 of light appeared at the window. I begin to see the thin shapes of trees. The rustle of drops dripping onto the garden soil tells me that it will rain. But for my fire, the flame sings and leaps, and its red beauty is reflected on the window glass. I cannot give my thoughts to reading. Better to devote myself to the old exercise of the pen.
学习啦在线学习网 今晨醒来,大地已罩上一层浓雾。破晓时分,仍不见曙色,只是很久之后,窗边才透出一丝惨淡的晨曦。枯树瘦枝已清晰可辨,而园地里不绝传来的滴答声则告诉我,快下雨了。这时但见炉火如啸如跃,美艳的红光斜映在玻璃窗上。书已无心阅读,所以索性拾起笔来,重操那呆板的写作旧业。
学习啦在线学习网 I think of fogs in London, fogs of yellow or of black, and I, like a sort of dyspeptic owl, in idleness. On such a day, I remember, I once found myself at an end in both coal and lamp oil. With no money to buy either, all I could do was go to bed, till the sky once more became visible, but the second day found the fog thick as ever.
学习啦在线学习网 我想起伦敦的雾来,那黄雾和黑雾,弄得我像只害了积食症的猫头鹰似的,抑郁烦闷。记得以前也有过这么一天,煤与灯油全都告罄。我又无钱去买,无奈只得重新躺下,卧待天晴。但翌日阴霾如故。
学习啦在线学习网 I rose in darkness; I stood by the window, and saw that the street was lit up as at night, lamps and shop fronts perfectly visible. The fog, in fact, had risen, but still hung above the house-tops, impermeable by any heavenly beam.