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  Baseball Field-Spors-Culture

  Baseball is the oldest pastime in American history.After years of evolution,todays baseball games are played with nine players,each serving a different role.The pitcher and the catcher are the first line of defense for the team in the field.

学习啦在线学习网   棒球是美国历史上最早的休闲活动。经过多年的演变,今天的棒球是由9个运动员上场来比赛,每个人负责不同的任务。在球场上,投手和捕手是防守的第一线。

  They try to strike out the batters and prevent runners from stealing abses.Fielders and basemen work together to put runners out.In many aspects,teamwork makes the difference between winning an losing.

学习啦在线学习网   他们要尽力在振对方的打击手并防止对手的盗壘。外野手和内野手需合作把跑者淘汰出局。从很多方面来讲,团队合作的好坏可以决定最后的胜负。

  The basball playing fields are seen in ballparks,schools,and stadiums.From youth to professional,players get organized into teams and teams into leagues to play ball.Every year,two of the best teams in the Major League come out to compete in the World Series to earn the title of the baseball champion.Much like other sports,baseball is now a multi-billion business,drawing fans from all over the world.


  Spectators love the excitement of watching players bat,dash,catch,and throw.The roar of the crowd gets louder as the game progresses.Every pitch seems to intensify the game,and once in a while someone would hit a home run and the fans would go crazy.In the end,no matter which team wins,everyone knows they have seen a worthwhile match.

学习啦在线学习网   观众喜欢看球员打击,冲刺,接球,和投球。随着球赛的进展,群众的呼喊声也变得愈来愈大。每一次的投球似乎都使得比赛更激烈,而且一旦有人击出了全垒打,球迷们就会疯狂起来。最后,不管哪一队嬴了,每个人都觉得他们看了一场值得花时间去看的比赛。


  Do Laundry-Home-Tasks

  House chores are boring routine stuff that everybody hates.However,doing laundry is different.My laundry career began when my wife started assigning me little duties in the name of gender equality.In no time,I've become an expert in laundering.

学习啦在线学习网   家务事是一成不变的枯燥事情,每个人都不喜欢。然而,洗衣服却不同。当我的妻子以男女平等的名义开始叫我做东做西时,我的洗衣生涯就此开始。很快的,我变成先衣专家了。

学习啦在线学习网   With these new washing machines,turning stinking clothes back smelling good takes almost no work at all.Unlike other tasks that put me baking in the sun,sweating,burning,and getting myself all oily,washing clothes gives me the comfort of the laundry room and involves only pushing buttons.I take credits for 2 hours even though I only spend 15 minutes on my part.

学习啦在线学习网   用这些新型洗衣机,把那些臭衣服变得好闻(洗干净)几乎不用花什么功夫。不像其他的任务得让我在太阳下烤着,流着汗,晒着,把自己弄得全身油腻腻的;洗衣服这差事可以让我在舒适的洗衣房里,而所需要做的只是按按钮而已。我可以说是做了两小时,但真正工作的时间却只有15分钟而已。

  Actually,doing laundry is not as simple as I thought.After I started reading the labels on those shirts.I found that some like to be washed cold while others like it warm.Dark clors don't mix well,expecially in hot water.Not everything should be dried in the dryer,and women's clothes tend to be less durable.Luckily,I was put off duty from ironing since I made a hole through my suit the other day.


  But after doing if for so long,laundry is now a no-brainer for me.But it doesn't get boring.When I handwash my wife's more delicate underwear with some imagination,it gets pretty interesting.



  The Man and the Opportunity

  The lack of opportunity is ever the excuse of a weak, vacillating mind. Opportunities! Every life is full of them.

学习啦在线学习网   缺乏机遇总是意志薄弱、优柔寡断者的借口。机遇!每个人的生命中都充满着机遇!

学习啦在线学习网   Every lesson in school or college is an opportunity. Every examination is a chance in life. Every business transaction is an opportunity-an opportunity to be polite, an opportunity to be manly, an opportunity to be honest, an opportunity to make friends. Every proof of confidence in you is a great opportunity. Every responsibility thrust upon your strength and your honor is priceless. Existence is the privilege of effort, and when that privilege is met like a man, opportunities to succeed along the line of your aptitude will come faster than you can use them.


  Young men and women, why do you stand here all the day idle? Was the land all occupied before you were born? Has the earth ceased to yield its increase? Are the seats all taken? The positions all filled? The chances all gone? Are the resources of your country fully developed? Are the secrets of nature all mastered? Is there no way in which you can utilize these passing moments to improve yourself or benefit another? Don't wait for your opportunity. Make it, make it as Napoleon made his in a hundred "impossible" situations. Make it, as all leaders of men, in war and in peace, have made their chances of success. Make it, as every man must, who would accomplish anything worth the effort. Golden opportunities are nothing to laziness, but industry makes the commonest chances golden.

学习啦在线学习网   年轻的小伙子和姑娘们啊,为什么整日滞足不前,虚度光阴?难道在你们出生之前,每一寸土地都已为他人所占?难道地球已不再繁衍生息?难道所有座位都已占满? 难道所有职位都有人填补? 难道所有机会都一去不复返?难道你们国家的资源都已开发殆尽? 难道大自然的奥秘都已完全通晓?难道你们无法抓住转瞬即逝的时机来提高自我、造福他人? 切莫等待机遇。创造机遇,正如拿破仑在无数次“绝”境中创造机遇那样。创造机遇,正如战争及和平年代所有领袖创造成功机遇那样。创造机遇,任何付出努力都想有所收获的人都必领这么做。对懒汉来说,即使天赐良机,也会化为乌有,而勤奋却能让最微小的机遇变得灿烂辉煌!





