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  The Impendent Crisis of Health Care System

学习啦在线学习网   Cripping health care bills, long emergency-room waits and the inability to find a primary care physician just scratch the surface of the problems that patients face daily.

学习啦在线学习网   日益上涨的医保费用,急诊室内长时间的等待,初级保健医生的短缺,这些都只是患者日常面临的一小部分问题。

  Primary care should be the backbone of any health care system. Countries with appropriate primary care resources score highly when it comes to health outcomes and cost. The U.S. takes the opposite approach by emphasizing the specialist rather than the primary care physician.


学习啦在线学习网   A recent study analyzed the providers who treat Medicare beneficiaries(老年医保受惠人). The startling finding was that the average Medicate patient saw a total of seven doctors - two primary care physicians and five specialists - in a given year.

学习啦在线学习网   最近,一项研究对负责老年医保受惠人的医生进行了调查分析。令人惊讶的发现是,每个受惠人每年平均看的医生多达七位——两个初级保健医生和五个专科医生。

  Contrary to popular belief, the more physicians taking care of you doesn't guarantee better care. Actually, increasing fragmentation of care results in a corresponding rise in cost and medical errors.


学习啦在线学习网   How did we let primary care slip so far? The key is how doctors are paid. Most physicians are paid whenever they perform a medical service. The more a physician does, regardless of quality or outcome, the better he's reimbursed(返还费用). Moreover, the amount a physician receives leans heavily toward medical or surgical procedures.

学习啦在线学习网   为什么我们如此不重视初级保健呢?问题的关键在于医生的收费制度。大多数医生,无论何时,只要他们给人看病就可以收取费用。医生出诊的次数越多,无论医疗效果如何,他们获得的费用也会越多。另外,医生在收费时,在很大程度上是按看诊过程或手术内容进行的。

学习啦在线学习网   A specialist who performs a procedure in a 30-minute visit can be paid three times more than a primary care physician using that same 30 minutes to discuss a patient's disease. Combine this fact with annual government threats to indiscriminately cut reimbursements, physicians are faced with no choice but to increase quantity to boost income.


学习啦在线学习网   Primary care physicians who refuse to compromise quality are either driven out of business or to cash-only practices, further contributing to the decline of primary care.


学习啦在线学习网   Medical students aren't blind to this scenario. They see how heavily the reimbursement deck is stacked against primary care. The recent numbers show that since 1997, newly graduated U.S. medical students who choose primary care as a career have declined by 50%. This trend results in emergency rooms being overwhelmed with patients without regular doctors.

学习啦在线学习网   医科专业的学生并非没有意识到这一情况,他们认识到费用返还制度对初级医保极其不利。最近的数据显示,自1997年以来,美国医科毕业生选择初级保健作为职业的人数已下降50%。这一趋势导致急诊室内人满为患,医生短缺。

  优秀英语小短文及翻译:About Criminal Justice System

学习啦在线学习网   关于刑事公正体系

学习啦在线学习网   I'm interested in the criminal justice system of our country. It seems to me that somethinghas to be done if we are to survive as a country. I certainly don't know what the answers toour problems are. Things certainly get complicated in a hurry when you get into them. But Iwonder if something couldn't be done to deal with some of these problems.


  One thing I'm concerned about is our pratice of putting offenders in jail who haven't harmedanyone. Why not work out some system whereby they can pay back the debts they owe societyinstead of incurring another debt by going to prison, and of course, coming under the inflluenceof hardened criminals.

学习啦在线学习网   我考虑的事情之一是我们把一些罪犯关进监狱,但他们并没有伤害任何人。为什么不制定出一些体系,他们可以借此偿还欠社会的债,而不是由于被关进监狱,受到那些强硬的犯罪分子的影响而对社会欠下其他的债务。

  I'm also concerned about the short prison sentences people are serving for serious crimes. Ofcourse, one alternative to this is to restore capital punishment, but I'm not sure I would befor that. I'm not sure it's right to take an eye for eye. The alternative to capital punishment islonger sentences, but they would certainly cost the tax payers much money.

学习啦在线学习网   我还关心那些被判短期徒刑却犯有重罪的人们。当然,选择之一是恢复死刑,但是我不确定是否会支持该做法。我不坑定以牙还牙是否正确。代替死刑的另一选择是长期徒刑,但是这无疑将花去纳税人更多的钱。

  I also think we must do something about the insanity plea. In my opinion, anyone who takesanother person's life intentionally is insane; however, that does not mean that the personisn't guilty of the crime, or that he shouldn't pay society the debt he owes. It's sad, of course,that a person may have to spend rest of his life, or a large part of it in prison for acts that hecommitted while not in full control of his mind.

学习啦在线学习网   我还认为我们应该为无罪辩护做些什么。在我看来,任何人故意夺走别人的生命都是疯狂的;然而,这并不意味着这个人没有犯罪,或者说他不应该向社会偿还他所欠的债。当然,一个人要为他在意识失控的情况下所犯的罪在监狱中度过余生或生命中的大部分时光是令人难过的。


学习啦在线学习网   Must Every Little Girl Be the Princess?

  Even though women continue to advance in American society, many little girls still get stuck in aworld of fairytale princesses and frilly pink dresses. That does not sit well with journalist PeggyOrenstein, who mused about her young daughter's obsession with Disney princesses andpredilection for the color pink in a New York Times Magazine essay.


  She reflects on the overwhelming emphasis on this stereotyped ideal for girls in a new book, "Cinderella Ate My daughter." Orenstein is at war with what she describes as our hyper-feminized girlie-girl consumer culture.


学习啦在线学习网   "What is marketed to girls is this idea of pink and pretty. It fuses the idea of appearance withinnocence,she and then presents the interest in appearance as being evidence of theirinnocence," she says.

学习啦在线学习网   她说:“向女孩推销的是这个粉红和可爱的观念,一种天真无邪的样子。于是女孩儿们就去追求一种证明她们天真的外貌。”

  "But what's happening is that girls are emphasizing the way they look more and more. So,we're talking about makeup and provocative dresses and all of that kind of things."


  "The American Psychological Association put out a report a couple of years ago that said that anearly over-emphasis on appearance and play-sexiness can create a vulnerability in girls tothe sorts of issues that we as parents worry about such as negative body image, eatingdisorders, depression and poor sexual choices," she says.


学习啦在线学习网   "The American Academy of Pediatrics just put out a warning to tis member physicians to bemore on guard for signs of eating disorders in children under 12 because they've been on therise and under diagnosed."


  When girls define themselves by how they appear to others rather than by how they feelinternally, Orenstein says, it sets them up for disappointment.

学习啦在线学习网   欧伦史坦指出,当女孩们以她们在别人眼中相貌如何而不是以他们内心如何感受来定义自己的时候,她们会因为失望而不安。

  At the same time, Orenstein also says parents have the power to raise healthy, self-confidentdaughters. They can provide positive alternatives that counter the influence of the media tobuy certain products and look a certain way.

学习啦在线学习网   同时,欧伦史坦也认为,家长们是有能力培养出健康、自信的女儿的。他们能够提供正面的东西,来反制鼓动人们买某些产品和装扮成某种样子的媒体影响。

学习啦在线学习网   "It's not good enough just to say ‘no’ to the things coming at you. You have to find otherthings that are out there that you can say ‘yes’to, that are fun and joyfully connect yourdaughter to being a girl, that can broaden and enhance and create options for your daughterand how she defines herself as a girl."

学习啦在线学习网   她说:“向冲着你来的东西说‘不’是不够的。你还得找到你可以说‘是’的东西来,即那些有趣而且能把你的女儿愉快地跟做女孩联系起来的东西,让她有更多更好的选择。”





