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学习啦在线学习网   在英语学习中,阅读能力是学习者发展其它语言能力(听、说、写、译)的基础。阅读能力的高低,不仅决定了学习者获取知识和信息的水平,而且在一定程度上也反映出学习者综合运用英语的能力。学习啦小编分享适合初中的英语小短文及翻译,希望可以帮助大家!


学习啦在线学习网   A New Defination of American Dream

  Nowadays, fewer Americans think the American Dream is still achievable, but many have redefined what that dream means.


  In the late 1990s about one-third believed the American Dream meant some form of financial success, like the acquisition of goods, a bigger house, a home with a piece of land around it and so on. This group is called Traditional Materilists.


学习啦在线学习网   Another one-third eschewed both that label and that aspiration. They had decided to reorder their priorities away from things and rejected the notion that he who dies with the most toys wins. The group is called Secular Spiritualists.


学习啦在线学习网   They thought life was about being genuine, about achieving a legacy larger than one's self, about leaving this earth a better place for family, community, and planet.


学习啦在线学习网   Over the past decade, there is a steady growth of the Secular Spiritualists to around 42%, while the Traditional Materialists now number about 31%.


  适合初中的英语小短文及翻译:Google's Way to Top


  Google is a world-famous company, with its headquarters in Mountain View, California. It was set up in a Silicon Valley garage in 1998, and inflated(膨胀)with the Internet bubble. Even when everything around it collapased the company kept on inflating.


学习啦在线学习网   Google's search engine is so wide-spread across the world that search became Google, and google became a verb. The world fell in love with the effective, fascinatingly fast technology.


  Google owes much of its success to the brilliance of S. Brin and L. Page, but also to a series of fortunate events. It was Page who, at Stanford in 1996, initiated the academic project that eventually became Google's search engine. Brin, who had met Page at a student orientation a year earlier, joined the project early on.

学习啦在线学习网   Google的成功在很大的程度上要归功于谢尔盖·布林和拉里·佩奇的才华和一系列幸运事件。正是佩奇于1996年在斯坦福大学发起这个最终成为Google搜索引擎的学术项目。布林是在早一年的新生见面会中认识佩奇的,并在项目开始不久就加入进来。

  They were both Ph. D candidates when they devised the search engine which was better than the rest and, without any marketing, spread by word mouth from early adopters to, eventually, your grandmother.

学习啦在线学习网   当初设计这个搜索引擎时,他们俩个都是计算机博士学位申请人。而其搜索引擎没有经过任何市场推广却经大家的口口相传从早期的使用者最终传播开来。

  Their breakthrough, simply put, was that when their search engine crawled the Web, it did more than just look for word matches; it also tallied(统计)and ranked a host of other critical factors like how websites link to one another. That delivered far better results than anything else.

学习啦在线学习网   简单地说,他们的突破在于:当他们的搜索引擎在网上搜索时,不仅仅是寻找相匹配的词语,它还会对许多其他关键因素进行统计和分级,例如,如何将网络彼此连接起来。这样所呈现的结果要远远优于其他搜索引擎。

学习啦在线学习网   Brin and Page meant to name their creation Googol(the mathematical term for the number 1 followed by 100 zeroes), but someone misspelled the word so it suck as Google. They raised money from prescient(有先见之明的)professors and venture capitalists, and moved off campus to turn Google into business.

  布林和佩奇本来打算把他们的搜索引擎命名为Google(数学术语:1 后面有100个零),但是人们误拼成了Google。他们从有先见之明的教授和富有冒险精神的资本家那里筹集资金,将谷歌搬出校园转换成商业运营。他们试图向其他搜索引擎公司出售他们的技术,但是没有一家能支付他们提出的价格,于是他们自己成立了一个搜索引擎公司,也许早在这时幸运之神就开始降临。

学习啦在线学习网   Perhaps their biggest stroke of luck came early on when they tried to sell their technology to other search engines, but no one met their price, and they built it up on their own.


  适合初中的英语小短文及翻译:Hollywood Kids


  In Hollywood, everybody wants to be rich, famous and beautiful. Nobody wants to be old, unknown and poor. For Hollywood kids, life can be difficult, because they grow up in such an unreal atmosphere. Their parents are ambitious and the children are part of the parents' ambitions.


  Parents pay for wastful grand parties, expensive cars and designer clothes. When every dream can come true, kids don't learn the value of anything because they have everything.

学习啦在线学习网   那些父母大把地将钞票花在盛大的舞会、昂贵的汽车和设计师设计的名牌服装上。当所有的梦想都实现的时候,孩子们还没有了解任何事物的价值,因为他们已拥有一切了。

  A 13-year-old boy, Trent Maguire, has a driver, credit cards and unlimited cash to do what he wants when he wants to. "One day, I'll earn more than my dad." He boasts.


  Parents buy care and attention for the children because they have no time to give it themselves. Amanda's mother employs a personal trainer, a bodyguard, a singing coach and a counselor to look after all her 15-year-old daughter's needs.

学习啦在线学习网   父母们花钱给他们的孩子提供照顾和关注,因为他们自己没有时间给他们的孩子这些。阿曼达的母亲聘请了一位家教、一位保镖、一位歌唱教练、一位咨询师来照顾她15岁女儿的所有需要。

  Often there is no parent at home most days, so children decide whether to make their own meals or go out to restaurants, when to watch television or do homework. They organize their own social lives. They play no childhood games. They become adults before they're ready.


  Hollywood has always been the city of dreams. The kids there live unreal lives where money, beauty and pleasure are the only gods. Will chidren around the world soon start to think the same? Or do they already?

学习啦在线学习网   好莱坞一直以来就是梦想之城。孩子们过着不真实的生活,在那儿金钱、美貌和享受是唯一的信仰。难道不久全世界的孩子都开始这么想了吗?或者他们已经这么想了?





