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  七年级英语短文:Dining Tool and Habits


学习啦在线学习网   English style of eating habits is also easy, pay attetion to nutrition. Breakfast is usually porridge milk or a cup of red juice, coated with butter toast, fried bacon or sausage, egga. At noon, the children eat lunch at school, adults at lunch on the job on the vicinity to buy a sandwich, a cup of coffee on, just kill. Only to the weekend, the British people will be rich on a table. Usually the main course is meat, such as grilled chicken, roast beef, fish and so on.

学习啦在线学习网   英国人的饮食习惯亦式样简单,注重营养。早餐通常是麦片粥冲牛奶或一杯果汁,涂上黄油的烤面包片,熏咸肉或煎香肠、鸡蛋。中午,孩子们在学校吃午餐,大人的午餐就在工作地点附近买上一份三明治,就一杯咖啡,打发了事。只有到周末,英国人的饭桌上才会丰盛一番。通常主菜是肉类,如烤鸡肉、烤牛肉、烤鱼等。

学习啦在线学习网   A wide variety of vegetables, like cabbage, fresh peas, potatoes, carrots and so on. Vegetables in general are no longer processed, mounted on a tray, poured from the supermarket to buy ready-made sauce will be consumed. After the main course there will always be together digestible of sweets, such as cooking fruit, fruit pudding, cheese, ice cream and so on.

学习啦在线学习网   蔬菜品种繁多,像卷心菜、新鲜豌豆、土豆、胡萝卜等。蔬菜一般都不再加工,装在盘里,浇上从超市买回的现成调料便食用。主菜之后总有一道易消化的甜食,如烧煮水果、果料布丁、奶酪、冰激凌等。

  Not same to the people living in western area, Chinese used to have their dinner together with all the family members, sitting around a table and each person will have one set of dining tool in front of them, including two bowls which one for rice and another for soup, one pairs of chopsticks and one plate for meat/ vegetable.


  They will share the food dishes which were made and put into the central of table; diners will only pick up the food from the dishes which who want to eat. He will pick it and places it into the small plate in front of him. There are 2 special habits, one is, Chinese diners never pick up rice from the bowl but will handle the bowl towards their lips then poke the rice into their mouths by the chopsticks. The other one is, Chinese always have soup during or after dining.


  七年级英语短文:Plants in the Deserts


学习啦在线学习网   Some cacti, like the saguaro, grow to tree size, but true trees need more moisture than most desert environments can supply, so they are scarce on deserts.


  Close to streambeds, cottonwoods can sometimes be found. Though these streams are dry most of the year, water flows there longest and is usually available fairly close to the surface. Elsewhere, trees must send taproots deep into the hard baked desert soil to draw on underground water. Perhaps the most widespread family of trees on the world's deserts is the acacia, whose taproots drill down as fas as 25 feet (7.5 meters).


学习啦在线学习网   The mesquite common on North American deserts in both tree and shrub forms, does not begin to grow above ground until its root system is completely developed, ensuring the plant a supply of moisture. The roots of shrubs and trees help to hold the desert soil in place. Their stalks and branches also act as screens to keep the wind from sweeping great drifts of sand along the surface. These services are vital if a desert is to support life.

学习啦在线学习网   牧豆树属植物不论是乔木和灌木,在北美沙漠中经常可见,在它根部系统完全生长发达到能保证提供充足的水分时才长出地面。灌木和树的根有助于固定沙漠中的土壤,它们的茎和树枝同时起屏障的作用,防止风从沙漠表面吹起大堆的沙。如果沙漠要支持生命,这种作用必不可少。

  In addition to a few varieties of trees and tough shrubs, most deserts have grasses, herbs, and other annual plants. These do not compete for moisture with the longer lived growth. They spring up quickly after rains, when the surface is moist. Then, for a brief time, the desert can be literally carpeted with color. Almost as quickly as they appeared, these small plants die away. But they have developed special ways of ensuring the life of another generation when rains come again.


  七年级英语短文:An October Sunrise


  I was up the next morning before the October sunrise, and away through the wild and the woodland. The rising of the sun was noble in the cold and warmth of it: peeping down the spread of light, he raised his shoulder heavily over the edge of grey mountain and wavering length of upland.

学习啦在线学习网   第二天凌晨,在十月的太阳升起之前,我已经起身,穿过了旷野和丛林。十月的清晨乍寒还暖,日出的景象壮观绚丽。透过一片晨曦,朝阳从朦胧的山冈和连绵起伏的高地间,沉重地抬起肩头。

  Beneath his gaze the dew-fogs dipped, and crept to crept to the hollow places; then stole away in line and column, holding skirts, and clinging subtly at the sheltering corners where rock hung over grassland, while the brave lines of the hills came forth, one beyong other gliding.

学习啦在线学习网   在它的逼视下,蒙蒙的雾气下沉,缓缓地散向谷底,接着一丝丝一缕缕地悄悄飘散,笼住峭壁。而在草地之上悬崖之下的那些隐秘角落里,雾气却还不愿散去,同时群山的雄姿接二连三地显现出来。

  The woods arose in folds, like drapery of awakened mountains, stately with a depth of awe, and memory of the tempests. Autumn's mellow hand was upon them, as they owned already, touched with gold and red and olive, and their joy towards the sun was less to a bridegroom than a father.

学习啦在线学习网   森林也层层叠叠地显现,宛若刚刚苏醒的山峦的斗篷,端庄威严,并带着狂风暴雨的回忆。秋天温柔的手已经在抚摸这片山林,因为它们的颜色已经改变,染上了金黄、丹红和橄榄绿。它们对朝日所怀的一片喜悦,像是要奉献给一个新郎,更像是要奉献给一位父亲。

学习啦在线学习网   Yet before the floating impress of the woods could clear itself, suddenly the gladsome light leaped over hill and valley, casting amber, blue, and purple, and a tint of rich red rose; according to the scene they lit on, and the curtain flung around; yet all alike dispelling fear and the cloven hoof of darkness, all on the wings of hope advancing, and proclaiming, "God is here!" then life and joy sprang reassured from every crouching hollow; every flower, and bud and bird had a fluttering sense of them; and all the flashing of God's gaze merged into soft beneficence.

学习啦在线学习网   然而,在树林那流动的景色逝去之前,欢悦的晨光突然跃出了峰峦和山谷,光线所及,把照到的地方和周围的森林分别染成青色、紫色、琥珀色和富丽的红玫瑰色。光线照到哪里,那里就如同一幅幕布被掀开。所有的一切驱散了恐惧和黑暗中的邪恶,所有的一切都插上希望之翼,开始前进,并大声宣告:“上帝在这里!”于是生命和欢乐从每一个蜷伏的洞穴里信心十足地欣然跃出;一切花朵、蓓蕾和鸟雀都感到了生命和欢乐而抖动起来;上帝的凝视汇合成温柔的恩泽。

  So, perhaps, shall break upon us that eternal morning, when crag and chasm shall be no more, neither hill and valley, nor great ocean; but all things shall arise, and shine in the light of the Father's countenance, because itself is risen.






