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学习啦在线学习网   目前,初中生的英语学习过程中,做课后练习的时间仍然占很大的比重。不论是对于英语知识的掌握,还是升学考试的需求,又或者是英语能力的提升,都让练习成为英语学习生活的重要组成部分。本文是初一英语短文带翻译,希望对大家有帮助!


  Yan Zi of the State of Qi was sent on a mission to the State ofChu. The King of Chu intended to humiliate the State of Qi toYan Zi's face.

  One day, the King of Chu gave a banquet for Yan Zi. Just


学习啦在线学习网   when they were enjoying it, two petty officials brought a convictto the King.


学习啦在线学习网   Deliberately the King of Chu asked: "What crime has this man committed?"


  One of the petty officials answered: "He robs."

学习啦在线学习网   小官回答说:“他是一个强盗。”

  Again the King of Chu asked: “Where is he from?"

学习啦在线学习网   楚王又问: “他是哪个国家的人?”

  The petty official answered:"He is from the State of Qi."


学习啦在线学习网   The King of Chu turned to Yan Zi and said:"So the people of the State of Qi are used to committingrobbery."

  楚王回头对晏子说: “原来齐国人是惯于当强盗的。”

学习啦在线学习网   Yan Zi stood up and replied: "Your Majesty, I heard that when orange trees grown in thesouth of the Huai River are transplanted to the north of Huai River,they become trifoliate orange trees. Outwardly the leaves of orangetrees and those of trifoliate orange trees look alike, but the tastesof their fruits are entirely different. Our people of the State of Qinever commit robbery, but once they come to the State of Chu,they start to engage in criminal activities. I think, maybe this isthe effect of the environment and climate here."

  晏子站起来答道: “大王,我听说生长在淮南的橘树,移植到淮北就会变成积树。从外表上看,橘树和积树的叶子是一样的,但是这两种树的果子的味道却完全不同。我们齐国的老百姓从来不做强盗,一到楚国就干起犯罪的勾当来了。我看,这也许是受这里的水土环境的影响吧!”

学习啦在线学习网   As the King of Chu heard this, he was struck dumb withshame.



  Love me, love my dog.

  There was a state called zhou (周) in the chinese history.

学习啦在线学习网   中国历史上有一个国家名叫“周”。

学习啦在线学习网   One day, the king of zhou asked his officials for advice on deal with prisoners of war.


学习啦在线学习网   An official said, "i once heard if you love someone, you are intended to love even the crows on the roof of his house; if you hate someone, you are intended to hate even the walls and the parapets of his. The prisoners of war were enemies fighting against us. In my opinion, we'd better kill them all."[/en


  [en]But the king didn't agree with him."I think we should treat the prisoners of war differently by differing them into those who are guilty and those who are not. The guilty ones will be sentenced to death in order to avoid future disasters." Another official put forward his suggestion.

学习啦在线学习网   周王认为这样做不行。另外一个官员也提出了自己的意见:“依我看应该把战俘区分对待,把有罪的和无罪的、好的和坏的区分开来。有罪的战俘要处死,不能留下祸患。”

学习啦在线学习网   The king didn't think it was a proper way, either.


学习啦在线学习网   Then a third one said, "Your majesty, I think all the prisoners should be set free and sent back home to work in the fields and support themselves by their own labor. Moreover, you should keep strictly the rules for reward and punishment and treat your relatives and friends impartially.The people are sure to believe in you if you administer our country by morals and laws."

学习啦在线学习网   接着,又有一个官员说:“大王,我认为应该把这些战俘全都放了,让他们回到自己的家里,耕种田地,自食其力。而大王对自己的亲人和朋友,也要赏罚分明,不能偏心。通过道德和法律来治理国家,人民肯定会对大王信服的。”

  The king thought the official's proposal was quite reasonable so he accepted and followed it.As a result, the domestic situation soon settled down and gradually the country became more stable and stronger.

学习啦在线学习网   周王听后觉得很有道理,就按这个办法去做,结果国家真的很快安定下来了,变得越来越稳定和强大。

学习啦在线学习网   The idiom is then used to mean that if you love someone,you'll love people and things relative to him as well.

学习啦在线学习网   成语“爱屋及乌”后来就被用来比喻:因为喜爱一个人,连带和他有关的人或事物也喜爱、关心。


  A bird startled by the mere twang of a bow-string

  During the time of the Warring States (475-221 BC), there lived a well-known archer named Geng Ying whose art in shooting was excelled by none at his time.

学习啦在线学习网   One day, as he was standing by the side of the King of Wei, a flock of swan geese were flying over. With confidence, Geng Ying said to the king, "The twang of my bow-string might bring down a bird." The King doubted much. Just then a solitary swan goose appeared, low and slow in its flight, sad and dolorous in its cry. Instantly Geng Ying bended his bow and forcibly pulled the bowstring. Twang! High up went he shrilling sound into the air and down fell the bird to the ground. The king admired with bewilderment. Gang Ying then explained: "The bird was flying low and slow, because it was already hurt; it was crying in a bitter tone, because it had lost its companions. Due to the fact that it was already hurt and sad at heart, the twang of my strong bow, that birds dreaded most, startled it. The shrilling sound made its heart beat fast, its wings weak, its balance uneven. Thus it fell down just as commonly as a man drops his chop-sticks, at the thunder-stroke, at a dinner table."

  Henceforth comes the idiom "A bird startled by the mere twang of a bow-string", illustrating a case where a man who had been previously and repeatedly frightened became numb and stupefied by a new thing of the same nature not knowing how to face the new situation.




学习啦在线学习网   后人根据上面的故事,做成了 "惊弓之鸟"这个成语,形容先前多次受过惊吓的人,忽然遇到同样可怕的事物,就吓得魂飞魄散,惊惶失措,不知如何去应付新的环境。

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