学习啦在线学习网 “Don't worry about it. I have your GPS co-ordinates from your last location. I'll check up on the area and look for buildings or other structures in the vicinity. Let's call it a night. I'll see to it you get home safely,” Doug told his partner. He kept monitoring his partner's location while going through the computer system to search for information about the location at which his partner had to abort the tracking mission. That area where the target vehicle turned off-road was remote, off a stretch of highway without traffic cameras.
学习啦在线学习网 神秘的暗物质可用GPS卫星探测到
学习啦在线学习网 The everyday use of a GPS device might be to find your way around town or even navigate a hiking trail, but for two physicists, the Global Positioning System might be a tool in directly detecting and measuring dark matter, so far an elusive but ubiquitous form of matter responsible for the formation of galaxies. Andrei Derevianko, of the University of Nevada, Reno, and his colleague Maxim Pospelov, of the University of Victoria and the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Canada, have proposed a method for a dark-matter search with GPS satellites and other atomic clock networks that compares times from the clocks and looks for discrepancies.
"Despite solid observational evidence for the existence of dark matter, its nature remains a mystery," Derevianko, a professor in the College of Science at the University, said. "Some research programs in particle physics assume that dark matter is composed of heavy-particle-like matter. This assumption may not hold true, and significant interest exists for alternatives."
"Modern physics and cosmology fail dramatically in that they can only explain 5 percent of mass and energy in the universe in the form of ordinary matter, but the rest is a mystery."
There is evidence that dark energy is about 68 percent of the mystery mass and energy. The remaining 27 percent is generally acknowledged to be dark matter, even though it is not visible and eludes direct detection and measurement.
学习啦在线学习网 "Our research pursues the idea that dark matter may be organized as a large gas-like collection of topological defects, or energy cracks," Derevianko said. "We propose to detect the defects, the dark matter, as they sweep through us with a network of sensitive atomic clocks. The idea is, where the clocks go out of synchronization, we would know that dark matter, the topological defect, has passed by. In fact, we envision using the GPS constellation as the largest human-built dark-matter detector."
学习啦在线学习网 Their research was well-received by the scientific community when the theory was presented at scientific conferences this year, and their paper on the topic appears today in the online version of the scientific journal Nature Physics, ahead of the print version.
学习啦在线学习网 如果没有GPS定位 我们会迷路吗
学习啦在线学习网 On Labor Day, in 1973, a dozen military officials furtively gathered in an office of a desertedPentagon building in Washington DC to discuss a new global satellite-based navigationsystem. Most historians, never mind voters, know almost nothing about that meeting, whichlaunched the network now known as the global positioning system, or GPS. That is a pity.
学习啦在线学习网 I have been reading a new book, Pinpoint, by American journalist Greg Milner, which seeks toexplain how GPS came into being and how it now operates. It is one of the most mesmerisingand exhilarating, yet alarming modern technology books I’ve read. These days most of us havebecome stealthily addicted to GPS, not just when driving but also when performing manyfunctions with our smartphones and other devices.
学习啦在线学习网 我在读美国记者格雷格•米尔纳(Greg Milner)撰写的新书《定位》(Pinpoint),该书试图解释GPS如何诞生以及现在如何运转。它是我读过的最扣人心弦、令人兴奋但也最令人震惊的现代科技图书之一。如今,我们多数人都对GPS悄悄上瘾——不仅是在驾车时,而且在用我们的智能手机和其他设备运行很多功能时都是这样。
Milner calculates that there are already about five billion devices in the world that use GPS(including three billion smartphones), creating a bn GPS economy. “This extraordinarysystem began as an American military application, a way to improve the accuracy of bombsand keep bomber pilots safe,” Milner writes. “[But] today its tentacles are everywhere.”
As with so much of our cyber economy, most of us have no clue how GPS works; nor that theentire system is run by an obscure squadron of the US Air Force based near Colorado Springs.If you start looking into the network, it becomes clear that the GPS story deserves far moreattention — not least because we urgently need to think about what might happen if GPSbreaks down.
学习啦在线学习网 By any standards, it is an extraordinary tale, in part because GPS touches on anthropology asmuch as science. As archaeologists, historians and anthropologists know, the way humansimagine the world around them has varied enormously over time. In most premodernsocieties, people did not have objective “maps” of the world in their heads; instead, theyperceived the world as contours radiating out from their home. From the ancient Greeksonwards, many cultures assumed that the sun revolved around the earth.
When people started roaming the globe with chronometers and peering at the sky withtelescopes, it changed their perspective. The Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicusdeveloped his revolutionary idea that the sun, not the earth, was at the centre of the solarsystem. Since then, we have learnt to create objective — not subjective — maps with growingaccuracy.
当人们开始带上计时器环游世界,并用望远镜观察天空时,他们的看法改变了。波兰天文学家尼古拉斯•哥白尼(Nicolaus Copernicus)提出了他的革命性看法,即太阳(而非地球)是太阳系的中心。此后,我们学会了制作越来越精准的客观(而非主观)地图。
学习啦在线学习网 GPS alters this perspective again. It uses signals from four or more GPS satellites at a time(out of about 30 orbiting the planet) to pinpoint our position; but it does so by putting us atthe centre of our own map.
学习啦在线学习网 That lets us navigate our surroundings with once-unimaginable precision but it also enablessomething else to occur that is important: we can now guide other objects, too.
When GPS finally came of age, this technology was initially used to guide bombs, most notablyin the first Gulf war. Today those satellites guide everything from aircraft to oil tankers, fromhospital operations to financial trades. And, of course, our cars.
学习啦在线学习网 当GPS最终成熟时,这种技术最初用于精确制导炸弹,最引人注目的是在第一次海湾战争中使用。如今,这些卫星为各种物体导航,从飞机到油轮,从医院手术到金融交易。当然还有我们的汽车。
As technological leaps go, this feels almost miraculous, and it might give some grounds foroptimism in relation to other seemingly intractable problems, such as climate change.
学习啦在线学习网 就技术飞跃而言,这几乎像是一个奇迹,而且它可能给其他似乎很难解决的问题(例如气候变化)带来一些让人乐观的理由。
The danger is that the more we become dependent on this magical technology, the morepotentially vulnerable we become, too. Milner cites some fascinating studies by neurologists,for example, which suggest that when people rely on GPS to navigate, they stop interactingwith their environment in a cognitive sense, and their brains appear to change.
More worrying still, as our modern transport, industry and infrastructure networks becomemore reliant on GPS, there is a growing risk that these could break down completely if thosesatellites veer off course. The US military insists this will never happen because it is working tokeep the system watertight. And one factor that may help them in that respect is that,ironically, even the US’s enemies depend on GPS. Isis, for example, uses GPS-enabledsmartphones in its attacks.
The truly scary thing about our modern cyber world is that nothing now seems trulyinvulnerable. So perhaps the real moral of the tale is that the next time you get into a car,switch on a smartphone or do almost anything else, you should give silent thanks to thoseunseen satellites orbiting the earth; and then ponder what we would do if GPS suddenlystopped working. It’s a disorienting thought.
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