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学习啦在线学习网   语言是人类最重要的思维和交流工具,学习和掌握外语逐渐成为国民必备的素质之一。而英语作为全球使用面最广的一门语言,具有更重要的意义。小编精心收集了有关英文美文短文带翻译,供大家欣赏学习!


  You talk when you stop being at peace with your thoughts. When you can no longer dwell in the solitude of your heart, you will talk, and the sound becomes a pastime. And in much of your talking, thinking is half murdered. Thought is like a bird, and once in a cage of words it can unfold its wings, but not fly.

学习啦在线学习网   当你不在思考的时候或者内心不再感到孤独时,你便开始说话,这时候,声音就变成了一种消遣。在你说话的大部分时间里,思想处于被半扼杀的状态下。思想如同小鸟儿,一旦被关进笼子里,或许能展开翅膀,但再也不能飞翔。

学习啦在线学习网   There are people who talk ceaselessly for fear of being alone. And there are those who talk, and unknowingly show a truth about themselves which they themselves do not understand. duanwenw.com And there are those who have the truth within them, and know it, and for that very reason don’t try to put it into words.

学习啦在线学习网   有人因害怕孤独而不停地说话。有些人夸夸其谈,却缺乏知识和见地去阐述一个他们自己并不能理解的真理。当然也有这种人,他们心里有很多真理也知道这些真理的含义,正因为如此,才不用把它们付诸于言语。

  When you meet a friend on the road or in a market, let your spirit move your lips and direct your tongue. Let the voice within your mind speak to the ear of him. His soul will keep the truth of your heart, just as the taste of the wine is remembered when its colour is forgotten.

  当你在路边或市场遇见你的朋友时,让你内心的思想控制你的嘴唇,指挥你的舌头。用你内心的声音说给他的耳朵听。 因为他的灵魂会记住你内心的真话,正如美酒的味道会被记住而颜色却会被淡忘一样。


学习啦在线学习网   This single stick now is ingloriously1 lying in that neglected corner.


  Once it was in a forest, full of sap, leaves and boughs; now in vain someone has tried to compete with nature by tying that withered bundle of twigs to its trunk. It is now the reverse of what it was: a tree turned upside down, the branches on the earth, and the root in the air. It is now handled by a maid, duanwenw.com and makes other things clean but itself dirty. In the end, worn out in the service of the maids, it is either thrown out, or used as firewood.


学习啦在线学习网   When I saw it I sighed, and said within myself: surely man is a broomstick. Nature sends him into the world strong and lusty. He wears his own hair, just like a tree with flourishing leaves and branches. Later, the axe of intemperance cuts off his green branches and leaves him a withered trunk, and he puts on a wig and covers himself with powder. duanwenw.com This broomstick is proud of all the branches added to him; yet they are covered with dust. Though the dust is from the finest lady’s chamber, we ridicule it, and despise its vanity. We are partial7 judges, that is, partial to our own excellencies and other men’s faults.



学习啦在线学习网   I think each of us has a place that stands out in our memory. I have such a place that often made me happy many years ago. But sometimes I ask myself if this place would be as beautiful as I remember if I were to go back. Perhaps I’ve made it beautiful in my mind.


学习啦在线学习网   This place is meaningful to me because it is part of the county I loved and grew up in, duanwenw.com and part of my childhood. It is in a town named Pikeville.

学习啦在线学习网   这个地方对我来说意义深远,因为它就在我所钟爱和成长的县里面,也是我童年的一部分。它在一个叫匹克维尔的小镇里。

  Pikeville has been polluted by the coal industry, but has this clean place on a hill. The hill has seven old trees, and in summer is covered with wild flowers. I used to go there to sit on a rock, with the colorful flowers all around me.

学习啦在线学习网   匹克维尔小镇因煤炭工业的发展被污染,但是在一座小山上却保留着这样一处清洁之地。小山上长着七棵古树,每逢夏日,鲜花遍野。我常常去那儿,坐在岩石上,让五彩缤纷的花儿将我包围。

  I liked to go there to lie down on the grass, listen to the wind, kiss the flowers and watch the leaves moving. duanwenw.com The wind seemed part of my breath, the leaves part of my song, and the flowers part of my purity, while the trees were my friends. I used to hug them every time I went there.

学习啦在线学习网   我喜欢去那里的草地上躺着,听听风声,亲吻花朵,看树叶翩翩起舞。风似乎是我的气息的一部分,叶子是我的歌曲的片段,花朵是我的纯洁心灵的象征,而树就是我的朋友。每次去那里,我都会拥抱它们。

学习啦在线学习网   The place meant so much to me because it was clean and quiet in a world of noise and dirt. I hope it is still the beautiful place that I remember.


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