学习啦在线学习网 天鹅 The Swan
The Swan is said to sing but once in its life-when it knows that it is about to die.
学习啦在线学习网 据说,天鹅一生只唱一次歌,只有在他死期临近时才唱。
A certain man, who had heard of the song of the Swan, one day saw one of these birds for sale in the market, and bought it and took produced the Swan, and bade it sing for their entertainment: but the Swan remained silent, In course of time, when it was growing old, it became aware xiaogushi8.com of its approaching end and broke into a sweet, sad song.
学习啦在线学习网 一只曾经听过天鹅那优美歌声的人,偶然在市场上看到几只天鹅正待出售,便买了一只带 。几天后,他邀请几个朋友来吃饭,并介绍了自己的天鹅,让他唱歌来助兴。可是,天鹅却始终保持沉默。
学习啦在线学习网 When its owner heard it, he said angrily, “If the creature only sings when it is about to die, what a fool I was that day I wanted to hear its song! I ought to have wrung its neck instead of merely inviting it to sing.”
The Wolves sent a deputation to the Sheep with proposals for a lasting peace between them, on condition of their giving up the sheepdogs to instant death.
The foolish Sheep agreed to the terms; but an old Ram, whose years had brought him wisdom, interfered and said, “How can we expect to live at peace with you? Why, even with the dogs at hand to protect us, we are never secure from your murderous attacks.”
One winter’s day, during a severe storm, a Horse; an Ox, and a Dog came and begged for shelter in the house of a Man.
He readily admitted them, and, as they were cold and wet, he lit a fire for their comfort: and he put oats before the Horse, and hay before the Ox, while he fed the Dog with the remains of his own dinner, When the storm abated, and they were about to depart, they determined to show their gratitude in the following way, They divided the life of Man smong them, and each endowed one part of it with the qualities which were peculiarly his own. The Horse took youth, and hence young men are high-mettled and impatient of restraint; the Ox took middle age, and accordingly men in middle life are steady and hard-working; while the Dog took old age, and, like dogs, attached chiefly to those who look to their comfort, while they are disposed to snap at those who are unfamiliar or distasteful to them.
因为他们又湿又冷,人便生火群暖,让他们舒服一些。不仅如此,人海把燕麦放到马的面前,把干草放到牛的面前,把自己吃剩的饭放在狗的面前。风暴减弱后,他们准备离开人的房子,决定以某种方式来表达自己的感激之情。他们将人的一生分成几个阶段,然后在每个阶段分别赋予自己的某种特殊品质。马取走了年轻阶段,因此,年轻人奋发向上但不受约束。牛取走了中年阶段,因此,中年人踏实稳定且埋头苦干; 而狗则接受了老年阶段,这正是老年人经常脾气暴躁的原因之一,他们也像狗那样,主要依赖那些能给他们带来温暖和舒适的人,而厉声呵斥那些陌生或令其不悦的人。