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学习啦在线学习网   外国学生到韩国学习

学习啦在线学习网   Chinese education is always believed to be intense and inhuman, because so many children bury themselves in studying all the time. The program for foreign students studied in China became hot issue, which attracts Britain people to keep searching the Asian education. Now they make the plan to send three students to study in Korea.

学习啦在线学习网   中国的教育总是被认为是紧张和不人道的,因为很多孩子总是在埋头学习。有一个让外国学生在中国接受教育的项目成了热点,这个项目吸引了英国人持续热情去探索亚洲教育。如今他们做了一个计划,送三个学生到韩国学习。

  The three students contain different levels. They lived with different roomates. The first day they met the big problem of waking up. They needed to get up at 6 o’clock, while in Britain they had class in 9 o’clock. When they struggled to sit in the classroom, the teacher tested their level. The foreign student with highest level felt hard to answer the question, while for most Korean students, they felt it was so easy.


  When the class was finally over, it seemed to be relax, but for Korean students, there was another class waiting for them. Most of them needed to take training course just to improve their study until 10 P.M. The foreign students couldn’t believe, they kept studying all the time and had no time to play.

学习啦在线学习网   课程终于结束了的时候,似乎可以放松了,但对韩国学生,另一门课程正在等着他们。大多数学生需要去上培训班来提高他们的学习,学习到晚上10点。外国学生简直不敢相信,韩国学生竟然不停地学习,都没有时间去玩。

学习啦在线学习网   When they went back to their country, they felt so happy and lucky. Asian students are thought to be smart, for they spend so much time to study.



学习啦在线学习网   有灵魂地活着 Live With a Soul

  Recently, I saw the impressive words, it said that some people just died when they were 25, while they only to be buried after 70. It is true for many people, they do the same things every day, when they are old and look back on their passed days, nothing is left. What a sad story, living with a soul is the life we should live.

学习啦在线学习网   最近,我看到了令人印象深刻的话语,说有些人25岁时就死掉了,而只是在70对以后才下葬。确实对很多人来说,他们每天都做同样的事情,当他们老了,回首过去,什么也没留下。这是一个多么悲伤的故事啊,有灵魂地活着是我们应该过的生活。

  For a lot of students, they are looking forward to the first job, because they finally become independent and make living by their own. They are going to probe the world and they believe that there must be a lot of surprises waiting for them. While after woking for a few years, most students have been distressed by all kinds of difficulties, they give into the boring life.

学习啦在线学习网   对很多学生而言,他们期待着第一份工作,因为他们终于变得独立,靠自己生活。他们即将探索这个世界,相信一定有很多惊喜等着他们。但是工作几年后,大多数学生已经被各种各样的困难打击,陷入困境的他们屈服于枯燥的生活。

学习啦在线学习网   Living without a soul is like a walking dead, we are just wasting the time and repeating the same day until we die. It takes great courage to change the situation, for we are afraid of losing everything. We are born to own nothing and nothing to lose, just live the life we want.

学习啦在线学习网   没有灵魂的生活就像一个行尸走肉,我们只是在浪费时间,重复相同的一天,直到我们死去。改变现状需要很大的勇气,因为我们害怕失去一切。我们生来就一无所有,过我们想要的生活就好。


学习啦在线学习网   美国教育 American Education

  In China, the college entrance exam is believed to be the most cruel exam, which will decide a student’s future. Many young people complain about this educational system, they yearn for the western education, which is reported to be much eaiser. But the fact is that not all foreign students like that.

学习啦在线学习网   在中国,高考被认为是最残酷的考试,这将决定一个学生的未来。许多年轻人抱怨这个教育体系,他们渴望西方的教育,西方教育一直被媒体报道上学轻松。但事实是,不是所有的外国学生都是这样轻松。

  In America, high school students also need to take the very important exam so as to enter the college. Part of students choose to study in community college or just go to work, so they don’t have much pressure. They enjoy the high school life with joining many activities and taking all kinds of parties. But for the students who want to enter the top university, high school is not easy for them. They need to spend extra hours to study after class, which is much like Chinese students.

学习啦在线学习网   在美国,高中学生也需要参加非常重要的考试,为了上大学。一部分学生选择在社区大学学习或者是直接工作,所以他们没有太多的压力。他们享受高中生活,加入许多活动和各种各样的派对。但是那些想进入顶尖大学的学生,高中是不容易的。他们需要花额外的时间去课后学习,就像中国学生。

学习啦在线学习网   Actually, no matter in which country, every student needs to spend a lot of time studying in order to be competitive. If you yearn for an ease environment in high school, then you’d better prepare for the unexpected future.

学习啦在线学习网   其实,不管在哪个国家,每个学生都需要花大量的时间学习,才能有竞争力。如果你渴望在高中处于一个轻松的环境,那么你最好准备好迎接意想不到的未来。





