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  As the TV show Where Are You Going, Dad becomes the hottest topic in the whole summer, the way of how the father educate their children has been discussed by the public. In the show, the audience can have a look at the different communicational way between the fathers and their children. Some fathers are serious to their sons, because they want their sons to be the strong person. Some fathers are let their kids grow up in the natural way, they will teach their kids when they are making mistakes. I admire the fathers so much, they have their own way to educate their children. I am so impressed by the father who uses mild way to talk to his son. When his son makes mistake, he doesn’t condemn him first, instead, he asks his son to consider the result that caused by his mistake. Then the boy will never do it again. I think it is a good way to educate kids.



学习啦在线学习网   Beautiful outlook indeed attracts people’s attention, if people have the beautiful outlook, of course they will give people deep impression, just like the saying that everyone has the mind of appreciating beauty. But we must figure out the fact that outlook can’t decide everything, only the ability can do it. The good example is Mariah Sharapova, she is a famous tennis player. Early in her career, people noticed her beautiful outlook, but more and more beautiful female tennis players come into being, only Mariah gets famous all the time, the reason is that she is outstanding amongst these girls. She has won so many championships, which makes her the most attractive girl. Beautiful outlook opens a door for people, but only the ability makes them standing all the time. People will get the genius respect for their hard working instead of their attractive faces.

学习啦在线学习网   美丽的外貌确实吸引人们的注意,如果人们拥有好看的外表,理所当然能给人留下深刻的印象,就如有句话说爱美之心,人皆有之。但是我们必须弄清楚外表并不能决定一切,只有能力才能决定一切。玛利亚莎拉波娃就是最好的例子,她是一位出名的网球运动员。在她早期的职业生涯中,人们注意到了她的美丽外表,但是随后越来越多美丽的女子网球选手出现,而只有玛利亚一直有名气,原因在于她是这些女孩当中最出色的。她赢得了很多的冠军,这让她最吸引人们的注意。美丽的外表对于人们来说只是打开了一扇门,但是只有实力才能让她们一直出众。人们会因为他们的努力而得到尊重,不是因为他们吸引人的外貌。


学习啦在线学习网   When I was very small, I was so obsessed with the movie Harry Potter. I had watched all the series and I was so impressed by the role that acted by Emma Watson. Now so many years have passed, I keep paying attention to her. Emma is as smart as the role she plays. Though she keeps filming movies, she never gives up study. She got full A in her lesson and she could go to any top university, finally she went to Brown University. When she graduated, she was invited to give the speech He For Her. She called the men to be equal with the women. The speech was welcomed by the world and people gave great support. People call Emma the England rose, she is smart and elegant, which sets the good example for the England girls.

学习啦在线学习网   在我很小的时候,我是如此痴迷于电影《哈利波特》。我看了所有的系列,给我留下深刻印象是艾玛沃特森扮演的角色。如今许多年过去了,我一直关注她。爱玛如她扮演的角色那样聪明。虽然她不断拍摄电影,但是她从来没有放弃学习。她所有的课程都拿到了A,可以去任何一所顶尖大学,最后她去了布朗大学。当她毕业时,她被邀请去做演讲——《他为了她》。她呼吁男性与女性平等。演讲受到全世界的欢迎,人们给予了大力支持。人们叫艾玛为英格兰玫瑰,她是聪明和优雅,成为英国女孩的榜样。





