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学习啦在线学习网   英语作为一种重要的对外交流工具在我们现实生活和工作中占有很重要的地位,而英语阅读又在英语学习中起着至关重要的作用。小编精心收集了大学英语课后短文带翻译,供大家欣赏学习!


学习啦在线学习网   谁偷走了你的时间 Who Steals Your Time?

  When we are students, we are so eager to be busy, because it can make us feel our value. But the fact is that when we go to work, taking a break sometimes seems to be impossible, the work is never done. We have less time to think about life and begin to complain the time is occupied always. So who steals your time?


  No one can steal our time, even the boss. People always said that the time will be available if you try to make it. I can’t agree more. The reasons that we can’t make out some time just the excuse that we work inefficiently. When I have a lot of homework and only half a day left for me to finish, then I will focus my attention and can finish the work. But if I am left more time, then I will forget about the homework and play. Only in the last minute I will think about my work. So my time seems to be occupied, it is my laziness that wastes my time.


  Time is precious and limited, we can make use of it if we make the good plan.



学习啦在线学习网   失去的友谊 The Lost Friendship

  Friends are part of people’s life, we can’t live without friends, or we will be isolated from the society. When we have troubles, most people will think of their friends in the first time, for they don’t want the parents know their hard time. While most peole are losing their friends when they don’t know how to keep friendship.


  Before I went to high school, I lived in the coutryside, where I made a lot of friends. There was a girl who lived next my house was my best friend, we talked and share about everything. But when I moved to another city, we had to be aparted, though I promised her that I would write to her as I had the time, I only insisted for about half a year. Then I met new friend and I became lazy, we talked less and less, finally, we lose touch.

学习啦在线学习网   在我去上高中之前,我住在乡村,在那里我交了很多朋友。我家隔壁住了一个女孩子,她是我最好的朋友,我们聊天无所不聊,分享着一切。但当我搬到另一个城市,我们必须分开,但是我答应她,我有时间就给她写信,然而我只坚持了半年。然后我认识了新朋友,变得懒惰,我们说话越来越少,最后,我们失去了联系。

  Now I have new friends, but I still miss my best friend, our friendship is lossing as our communication stops. No matter how busy we are, we need to keep in touch with our friends, don’t let the time takes away this precious relationship.



学习啦在线学习网   最好的爱情 The Best Love

  Love is the most beautiful thing in the world, it gives people the power and make them become stronger. In most children’s eyes, they dream to have the relationship like their parents, who support each other all the time. This is the best love.


  I read a good story that told about a married couple. The wife read from a magazine that listing the unsatisfied problems between the couples could help them to keep their marriage better. So they listed the problems on a separated room. The wife was the first to talked about the unsatisfied problems, it surprised the husband that she got three pages. When it was the turn for the husband to read the problems, he got nothing in the paper. He told his wife that she was the most perfect girl in his heart and he didn’t want the girl change a thing.


  What a lovely couple, the husband shows people what love is. Love is to accept one’s good sides and bad sides, no matter what happens, they will always support each other. Just as the vow, no matter you are rich or poor, sick or healthy, we will never be aparted.






