Let your personal qualities surpass the requirements of your office,Do not let it be the other way about.
学习啦在线学习网 However high the post, the person should be higher. An extensive capacity extends and dilates more and more as his office becomes higher.
学习啦在线学习网 On the other hand, the narrow-minded will easily lose heart and come to duanwenw.com grief with diminished responsibilities and reputation. The great Augustus thought more of being a great man than a great prince. Here a lofty mind finds fit place, and well-grounded confidence finds its opportunity.
学习啦在线学习网 另一方面,心胸狭窄的人很容易灰心丧气。最终因职责和名声的日渐减损而徒自悲伤。
学习啦在线学习网 伟大的奥古斯都更看重自己是个伟大的男人。而不是一位伟大的君王。因此。胸怀高原者,总能找到用武之力。基础扎实者必能发现天赐良机。
Make use of the novelty of your position, For people are valued while they are new. Novelty pleases all because it is uncommon, taste is refreshed, and a brand new mediocrity is thought more of than accustomed excellence.
学习啦在线学习网 Ability wears away by use and become old. However, know that the glory of novelty is short lived after four days respect is duanwenw.com gone. Accordingly, learn to utilize the first fruits of appreciation, and seize during the rapid passage of applause all that can be put to use.
For once the heat of novelty is over, the passion cools and duanwenw.com the appreciation of novelty is exchanged for distaste at the customary. Believe that everything has its season., which soon passes.
学习啦在线学习网 Why do you spend your time in sadness? Know that you are the source of all happiness.
Why do you spend your days in fear? Know that your mere sight can make difficulties duanwenw.com disappear. Why do you cry and ask for help?
学习啦在线学习网 你为什么把时间花在恐惧上?要知道你的一个眼神就能让困难消失无踪。你为什么要哭泣着寻求帮助?
Know that you are the best man for your own help. Why do you feel so weak and helpless? Know that you are, in all sides, matchless. Why do you feel so depressed?
Know that you are the blessed. Why do you feel so stressed? Know that you can have anything at duanwenw.com your orders. Why don’t you act on opportunities? Know that you can go through all disasters. Why don’t you live life to the full? Know that there is no point in being dull. Why do you doubt your talent and skill? Know that you can achieve anything with your incredible will. Why do you spend life feeling so miserable4?Know that no matter what, your soul is indestructible.
学习啦在线学习网 要知道你是受上天眷顾的。你为什么感到有压力?要知道任何东西英语励志短文只要你想要就一定能得到。你为什么不抓住机会呢?要知道你可以战胜一切灾难。你为什么不让生活充实起来呢?要知道单调乏味的生活毫无意义。你为什么怀疑自己的天赋和才能呢?要知道你过人的意志力能让你实现所有愿望。你为什么让自己的生活如此悲惨呢?要知道不论怎样,你的灵魂都是无坚不摧的。