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学习啦在线学习网   英语散文的发展历程十分曲折,散文大家风格多变,兼之中英语言个性殊异,若要成功地把英语散文大家的作品翻译到中文,既须了解英语散文发展的概况,又须注意保证气韵逻辑通畅,文气沛然,才能传神译出,曲尽其妙,令汉语读者获得相同或相近的审美感受。下面学习啦小编为大家带来经典哲理散文欣赏,希望大家喜欢!


  “ It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life that no man can sincerely try to helpanother without helping himself.” J. Pearson Webster


  To help others, you don’t have to be an efficient expert in the art, the main thing is theintention. You may be crude and clumsy, wasteful and ineffective, but if you sincerely tryto help, your attempt produces nothing but good. The one you are trying to help knows yourintention and is strengthened and encouraged by the magic of your sharing. In nearly everycase, your simple desire to help, converted into action, produces the good sought. But perhapsthe greatest good is the good that you yourself get out of the attempt. Service to othersdelivers more joy to you than the joy you deliver to them. In doing good, you free yourself intoa clean world of joy and light. The good you simply try to do, regardless of the out come, isalways a success inside yourself.


  Unselfish giving is your most efficient formula for happiness. For you have embraced Eternityinstead of Self;you have felt Life, and you are now the world bigger than you were before youbegan the project.



  Two trains are traveling side by side and at the same speed along parallel tracks. We areseated in one of the trains, and with us we have a special speedometer that measures theirrelative speed. Since the trains are traveling at the same speed, their relative speed is zero; thespeedometer therefore reads "0."


学习啦在线学习网   Suddenly the other train seems to start pulling ahead of ours. The speedometer shows areading of 10 miles per hour. The other train has apparently increased its speed. But can we beabsolutely certain of this increase?


  If your answer is yes, you are wrong. You are wrong because all that we know is that therelative speed between the two trains changed from 0 mph to 10 mph. Nothing more. Thischange could have been brought about in one of two ways:

学习啦在线学习网   如果你回答说是的,那你就错了。你之所以是错了,我们所知道的仅仅是这两辆火车之间的相对速度由每小时0英里增加到了每小时10英里。仅此而已,这车速的变化很可能是由于下列两种原因中的任何一个原因所造成的:

学习啦在线学习网   The other train increased its speed.


学习啦在线学习网   Our train decreased its speed.


  There are thus two possible explanations to account for the change in speed, but we don't knowwhich one is right. Furthermore, regardless of which explanation we choose, the end result willbe the same: the other train will arrive at the station first. So it makes no difference whetherwe say that the other train increased its speed or that our train decreased its speed.

学习啦在线学习网   因而对于车速的改变就可能有两种不同的解释,但是我们不知道哪一种解释是对的。进一步来说,不管我们选定了上述两种解释中的哪一种,反正最终的结果是同样的:另一列火车将首先抵达终点站。所以,不论我们说另一列火车加快了车速,还是说我们所乘的火车减慢了车速,实际上这两种说法没有什么区别。

学习啦在线学习网   Since both explanations lead to the same result, you can choose either one. Whenever twothings are relative, you can choose either one of them. The converse is also true: whenever youhave a choice between two things that are equally possible, then the things are relative.


学习啦在线学习网   There is no reason, except convenience, for choosing one explanation over the other. Therelative speed between the trains remains the same, 10 mph; and the end result will be thesame.


  Now let's suppose that both trains are at the railroad station loading and unloading passengersand baggage. A half-hour passes. As we look at the other train through our window, we see thatour train seems to start moving, smoothly and slowly. For a minute or so, our train seems totravel at a uniform speed. Our special speedometer shows that the relative speed between thetwo trains is 20 mph. But as we look out our window, we suddenly see the last coach of theother train disappear from sight and notice the motionless station behind it. So we are notmoving after all. The other train has been moving!


学习啦在线学习网   This peculiar and often frustrating experience is an effect of relative motion. At the train stationwe cannot tell whether it was our train that changed its speed from 0 mph to 20 mph orwhether it was the other train that changed its speed from 0 mph to 20 mph. Only after theother train pulled out of the station could we see that it, and not our train, was moving.

学习啦在线学习网   这种奇特的而又经常使人沮丧的经历就是相对运动所产生的效应。在火车站上我们辨别不出是不是我们所乘坐的那一列火车把车速从每小时0英里改变成每小时20英里。只有当另一列火车驶出火车站之后,这我们才能明白原来是它在开动,而不是我们所乘坐的这列火车在开动。

  Now let us again raise the question that was raised at the beginning of this article: can we beabsolutely certain that the other train did indeed increase its speed, and in this case pull outof the station?

学习啦在线学习网   现在让我们再次提出本文开头所提出过的那个问题:我们能否绝对肯定确实是另一列火车加快了车速,在此情此景驶出了火车站呢?

学习啦在线学习网   If your answer is yes, then you are wrong again. All we can be certain of is that the relativespeed between the two trains changed.

学习啦在线学习网   如果你回答说是的,那么你就又错了。我们所能够完全肯定的一点只是这两列火车之间的相对速度变了。

  These examples illustrate an important principle in the special theory of relativity. If Aappears to be moving at a steady speed relative to B, we cannot know for sure if it is A that isreally moving. Perhaps A is standing still, and B is moving. Or perhaps both are moving.According to relativity, there is no experiment that can be devised to solve the problem. Asthere is no way of deciding which of the two objects is moving, we can choose either one as themoving object. The reason is that their motion is relative, and relativity, as we have seen,means that we have a choice.


  This principle - that if two objects are in uniform motion relative to each other, it isimpossible to decide which one is moving and which one is at rest - applies to all objectsmoving uniformly in a straight line through the universe.


  In relativity you'll find that whenever you have a choice among things that are equally possible,you are dealing with relative things. For example, time, which is measured with clocks andwatches, is relative because it can be shown that there is more than one system of time. Allsystems of time are equally possible and you can choose any system you with.













