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时间: 焯杰674 分享




  Sweet funeral bells from some incalculable distance, wailing over the dead that die before thedawn, awakened me as I slept in a boat moored to some familiar shore.

学习啦在线学习网   悦耳的丧钟声,从不知多远的地方飘来,为那些黎明前去世的人哀唱,此刻唤醒了睡在舟中的我,舟正泊在熟悉的岸旁。

  The morning twilight even then was breaking; and, by the dusky revelations which it spread, Isaw a girl, adorned with a garland of white roses about her head for some great festival,running along the solitarystrand in extremity of haste. Her running was the running of panic;and often she looked back as to some dreadful enemy in the rear. But when I leaped ashore,and followed in her steps to warn her of a peril in front, alas! from me she fled as from anotherperil, and vainly I shouted to her of quicksands that lay ahead. Faster and faster she ran; rounda promontory of rocks she wheeled out of sight; in an instant I also wheeled round it, but onlyto see the treacherous sands gathering above her head. Already her person was buried; onlythe fair young head and the diadem of white roses around it were still visible to the pityingheavens; and, last of all, was visible one white marble arm. I saw by the early twilight this fairyoung head, as it was sinking down to darkness—saw this marble arm, as it rose above herhead and her treacherous grave, tossing, faltering, rising, clutching, as at some falsedeceiving hand stretched out from the clouds—saw this marble arm uttering her dying hope,and then uttering her dying despair. The head, the diadem, the arm, —these all had sunk; atlast over these also the cruel quicksand had closed; and no memorial of the fair young girlremained on earth, except my own solitary tears, and the funeral bells from the desert seasthat, rising again more softly, sang a requiem over the grave of the buried child, and over herblighted dawn.


学习啦在线学习网   I sat, and wept in secret the tears that men have ever given to the memory of those that diedbefore the dawn, and by the treachery of earth, our mother. But the tears and funeral bellswere hushed suddenly by a shout as of many nations, and by a roar as from some great king’sartillery advancing rapidly along the valleys, and heard afar by its echoes among the mountains. “Hush!” I said, as I bent my ear earthwards to listen—“hush!—this either is the very anarchyof strife, or else”—and then I listened more profoundly, and said as I raised my head—“or else,oh heavens! It is victory that swallows up all strife.”



  You called me lovingly, drowning me in unexpected happiness just like spring breeze kissingmy face. Before this, I wandered anxiously outside your castle without courage to explorewonders in it, so I only savored your graceful figure afar and flied my heart randomly in thefancied sky, but those honey fancies always radiated a little light grief. My infatuatedexpression could not hide from your acute sight, and you saw through my mind of seeking anice dream. By chance, you gave me a sweet smile, and my heart was filled with greathappiness all of a sudden.

学习啦在线学习网   你的亲切召唤,好似春风拂面,带给我一份意外的幸福。前此的时光,我在你城外焦灼徘徊,却没有探求城内奥秘的一丝勇气,只好远远静观你那令人心醉神迷的优雅风姿,让心在幻想的天空任意飘荡,但甜蜜的幻想中总浸染着一层难以挥去的淡淡忧愁。我知道那副痴迷神态难逃你敏锐目光,你轻易看穿我寻梦的心思,一个偶然机会,你向我绽放一缕甜美微笑,那份久等后的惊喜顿时充满我的心房。

学习啦在线学习网   Your friendly sight burns the long-brewed passion in my heart. Your tender encouragementmelts away all my worries. Filled with great joy, I run towards the wonderful sky which has beendesired for many days and nights. Oh, I want to tell the whole world: All things there bring mea new flavor that I have never experienced before. The gorgeous flowers are smiling sweetlyat me! The beautiful birds are singing cheerfully for me! I feel the hard-won sincere love in thisworld within my burning heart. An angel flies into my life! Your refined heart is brimmed withmany brilliant colors and pure poems as well as many sweet joys and sincere blessings.

学习啦在线学习网   你友好接纳的目光点燃我心中酝酿已久的激情,你亲切柔和的鼓励卸下我所有顾虑,我满怀欣喜地奔向那方令我朝思暮想的美妙天空。醉了!我要大声向全世界宣布:那里的一切,给我从未经历过的全新感受,那么艳的花,向我甜甜微笑;那么美的鸟,为我欢快歌唱。我燃烧的心窝中感受到世间难觅的真诚的爱,天使降临我的生活,你优美丰蕴的心灵充满那么多亮丽的色彩和纯真的诗,那么多甜美的欢笑和真诚的祝福。

学习啦在线学习网   My God, I seem to become a merry bee and float freely in the fragrant ocean. You fill my cupof life with your nectar; only in one split second, I am endowed with a magic power, whichconvinces me that I will never fear various difficulties in my life. In face of any hardships andfrustrations, I will go ahead in high spirits, for I know you always stay in my heart andencourage me!


  My love, it will glorify my life most to serve you faithfully till the end of time! How I wish Icould become a clear spring moistening all fresh flowers for you! Your true love is the sunshinewarming my life. My life will wither away in the coldness and darkness if I lose your love. It ismy sacred mission to exhaust all my passion for your everlasting smile.


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