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学习啦在线学习网   英语散文的发展历程十分曲折,散文大家风格多变,兼之中英语言个性殊异,若要成功地把英语散文大家的作品翻译到中文,既须了解英语散文发展的概况,又须注意保证气韵逻辑通畅,文气沛然,才能传神译出,曲尽其妙,令汉语读者获得相同或相近的审美感受。下面学习啦小编为大家带来经典哲理散文双语,欢迎大家阅读!


学习啦在线学习网   The tides advance; the tides recede. Winter goes and summer comes. summer wanes and the cold increases. The sun rises; the sun sets. The moon is full; the moon is black. The birds arrive; the birds depart. Flowers bloom; flowers fade. Seeds are sown; harvests are reaped. all nature is a circle of moods and I am a part of nature and so, like the tides, my moods will rise; my moods will fall.


学习啦在线学习网   It is one of nature's tricks, little understood, that each day I awaken with moods that have changed from yesterday. Yesterday's joy wilI become today's sadness; yet today's sadness will grow into tomorrow's joy. Inside me is a wheel, constantly turning from sadness to joy, from exultation to depression, from happiness to melancholy. Like the flowers, today's full bloom of joy will fade and wither into despondency, yet I will remember that as today's dead flower carries the seed of tomorrow's bloom so, too, does today's sadness carry the seed of tomorrow's joy.


学习啦在线学习网   And how will I master these emotions so that each day will be productive? For unless my mood is right the day will be a failure. Trees and plants depend on the weather to flourish but I make my own weather, yea I transport it with me. If I bring rain and gloom and darkness and pessimism to my customers then they will react with rain and gloom and darkness and pessimism and they will purchase naught. If I bring joy and enthusiasm and brightness and laughter to my customers they will react with joy and enthusiasm and brightness and laughter and my weather will produce a harvest of sales and a granary of gold for me.


  Each day, when I awaken, I will follow this plan of battle before I am captured by the forces of sadness, self-pity and failure-

学习啦在线学习网   我怎样才能控制情绪,让每天充满幸福和欢乐?我要学会这个千古秘诀:弱者任思绪控制行为,强者让行控制思绪。每天醒来当我被悲伤、自怜、失败的情绪包围时,我就这样与之对抗:

学习啦在线学习网   If I feel depressed I will sing.


学习啦在线学习网   If I feel sad I will laugh.

学习啦在线学习网   悲伤时,我开怀大笑。

  If I feel ill I will double my labor.


  If I feel fear I will plunge ahead.


  If I feel inferior I will wear new garments.


  If I feel uncertain I will raise my voice.


  If I feel poverty I will think of wealth to come.

学习啦在线学习网   穷困潦倒时,我想象未来的富有。

学习啦在线学习网   If I feel incompetent I will remember past success.

学习啦在线学习网   力不从心时,我回想过去的成功。

  If I feel insignificant I will remember my goals.


  Today I will be master of my emotions.



学习啦在线学习网   How do you define yourself? As a mother, daughter, wife, friend, husband, son, teacher, student, lawyer, accountant, or any one of a myriad(无数) different titles? Or do you define yourself by others' perception of you? Do any of these come close to your own knowledge, your personal experience of whom you really are?


学习啦在线学习网   In your quiet moments, in times of inexplicable(无以名状的) joy, have you had the overwhelming and yet clear and lucid(清楚的) feeling of total invincibility(无敌) — a feeling that nothing can hold you down, that you can accomplish anything and everything if you put your mind to it? Well, that feeling is not a random one.


  What is it that gets in the way of your exquisite power?


  Consider for a moment an iron bar that has magnetic power inherently in it. It will attract or repel things based on it's own intrinsic magnetism. Over time, if this bar begins to rust, its power will begin to diminish. The oxidative damage from the environment that the magnet has not been able to resist, will render it ineffective, eventually. This in no way means the iron bar is not capable of its latent, original power. All it needs to do is shed its rust. Or, consider if you will, a light bulb that is lit, but covered with soot. As long as the soot remains, it will be unable to fulfill the very purpose it was meant to serve to radiate light.

学习啦在线学习网   试想,一个有天然磁性的铁棒,其固有的磁性能使其对别的物体产生吸引或排斥。但时间久了,铁棒就会生锈,磁力便开始逐渐消失。磁体无法抵制外界环境对其的氧化作用,磁力最终失效。这并不是意味着铁棒不具有潜在的原始磁力,只是需要将锈渍除掉而已。或者你也可以想象一个亮着的灯泡,上面罩了一层煤灰,若煤灰不除,灯泡就永远无法实现其照亮的功效。

  According to ancient Vedic texts, this is in effect what happens to the human experience. The infinite power that is naturally present in each and every one of us by virtue of our own consciousness, can be rendered ineffective if not tended to properly. The stress of our lifestyle, the pollution of our environment, and the collective stress of our world keeps us from functioning at our full potential.

学习啦在线学习网   根据古代的梵文记载,类似的现象也曾出现在人类的历程中。一种天生的无穷能量蕴含在每个人身上,若进行错误的引导,就不能淋漓尽致地将其发挥出来。生活方式、环境污染和各方面的压力都妨碍了我们潜能的发挥。

学习啦在线学习网   But there are remedies: incorporate modalities in your lifestyle that effectively combat stress and help keep you centered. Some of these options are:


  Be aware of what you eat, and what you use — both on yourself, and in your environment. Choose natural, organic products.


  Live a life of kindness, compassion, and charity — it keeps you connected to your center, your source, that infinite reservoir within you that is your powerhouse.


  Don't judge people, or situations — approach each moment with the knowledge that it contains within it the potential of any number of possibilities.


学习啦在线学习网   To connect with your real nature that is unbounded and invincible, practice yoga and meditation.


  Once you are in touch with your true nature, then nothing is beyond your means — you are truly empowered. And that is an accurate definition of you!











