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学习啦在线学习网 On one of those sober and rather melancholy days in the latter part of autumn when the shadows of morning and evening almost mingle together, and throw a gloom over the decline of the year, I passed several hours in rambling about Westminster Abbey. There was something congenial to the season in the mournful magnificence of the old pile, and as I passed its threshold it seemed like stepping back into the regions of antiquity and losing myself among the shades of former ages.
学习啦在线学习网 I entered from the inner court of Westminster School,through a long, low, vaulted passage that had an almost subterranean look, being dimly lighted in one part by circular perforations in the massive walls. Through this dark avenue I had a distant view of the cloisters, with the figure of an old verger in his black gown moving along their shadowy vaults, and seeming like a spectre from one of the neighboring tombs. The approach to the abbey through these gloomy monastic remains prepares the mind for its solemn contemplation .The cloisters still retain something of the quiet and seclusion of former days.
学习啦在线学习网 我是从西敏学校的内庭走进去的,先走过一条弧顶的矮矮的长廊,墙壁很厚,墙上有圆孔,略有光线透入,廊中幽暗,幽幽然似在地下行走。黑廊尽头,我远远地看见大寺里的回廊,一个老年香火道人,身穿黑袍,正沿着拱廊阴影里踽踽走去,看起来就像从附近的古坟里爬出来的鬼魂。我从当年僧院遗址那条路进入古寺,景象分外凄凉,我心也更适宜于往凄凉方面冥想了。回廊一带依然保留有几分当年的幽静出世之慨。
The gray walls are discolored by damps and crumbling with age; a coat of hoary moss has gathered over the inscriptions of the mural monuments. and obscured the death's heads and other funeral emblems The sharp touches of the chisel are gone from the rich tracery of the arches; the roses which adorned the keystones have lost their leafy beauty; everything bears marks of the gradual dilapidations of time, which yet has something touching and pleasing in its very decay.
学习啦在线学习网 灰色的墙壁为霉气所蒸,显得斑斑驳驳,年代已久,颓坏之象,也很明显。墙上长了一层白苍苍的苔藓,非但上面的碑文不可读,连骷髅像和别的丧用标志都模糊不清。弧顶布满雕刻花纹,可是斧钻的痕迹,也已模糊;拱心石上面雕有玫瑰花,可是当年枝叶茂美之状,已经不可复见。每样东西都可以看出年久衰败之象,可是即使处在颓朽之中,依然不乏赏心悦目之处。
The sun was pouring down a yellow autumnal ray into the square of the cloisters, beaming upon a scanty plot of grass in the centre, and lighting up an angle of the vaulted passage with a kind of dusky splendor From between the arcades the eye glanced up to a bit of blue sky or a passing cloud, and beheld the sun-gilt pinnacles of the abbey towering into the azure heaven.
学习啦在线学习网 一道带有秋意的黄色阳光,正从回廊环绕的广场上空倾泻下来;照耀着场中央一块稀疏的草坪,同时把上有拱顶的过道一角抹上一层阴郁的光辉。从拱廊之间向上望去,可以瞥见一抹蓝天,或一朵游云,还有那镀着阳光,伸向碧空的寺顶尖塔,也巍然在目。
Venice offers a unique travel experience with plenty of charm. You'll notice something missing as soon as you arrive in Venice - traffic noise! So, as you walk down the narrow streets, you only have to dodge people. And there are a lot of them! About 19 million tourists a year go to Venice for the romantic atmosphere, the art and the food.
While walking along the streets is fun, you can get around much easier on the city's many canals. As you cruise down the Grand Canal, Venice's main "street", in a vaporetto or water taxi, you'll pass under the Rialto Bridge, a famous Venetian landmark. Get off the water taxi and walk across the bridge. Enjoy the view and the many shops that line the bridge.
虽然走遍大街小巷相当有趣,不过利用城内很多条运河观光则容易得多。你搭乘水上 巴士或水上计程车,顺着威尼斯的主要街道大运河航行时,会从威尼斯著名地标里奥托桥下经过。跳下水上计程车,去桥上走一走吧!饱览桥上风光,再逛逛桥旁林立的店铺。
学习啦在线学习网 In those shops, you'll likely see lots of the glass that Venice is famous for. To see glass-making demonstrations,visit the tiny island of Murano. In 1291 all glassmakers in Venice had to move to Murano because their foundries endangered the city's many wooden buildings. While on Murano, don't forget to buy some glass as a souvenir.
No matter how long you're in Venice, you'll find an abundance of things to see and do. Museums, churches and the city's delicious seafood all deserve attention. And last but not least, take a romantic, relaxing gondola ride through the canals at night. You can then truly experience the charm of Venice.