学习啦 > 学习英语 > 英语阅读 > 英语诗歌 > 泰戈尔英文优美诗歌鉴赏


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  泰戈尔把神称为无限 ,把人和现象世界称为有限。在“有限”中证悟“无限” ,最后达到“神人合一” ,是他追求的最高精神境界 ,也是他宗教诗歌创作的主题。下面是学习啦小编带来的泰戈尔英文优美诗歌鉴赏,欢迎阅读!


  花的学校 The flower-school

  WHEN storm clouds rumble in the sky and June showers come down, 当雷云在天上轰响,六月的阵雨落下的时候,

  The moist east wind comes marching over the heath to blow its bagpipes among the bamboos. 润湿的东风走过荒野,在竹林中吹着口笛。

  Then crowds of flowers come out of a sudden, from nobody knows where, and dance upon the grass in wild glee. 于是一群一群的花从无人知道的地方突然跑出来,在绿草上狂欢地跳着舞。

  Mother, I really think the flowers go to school underground. 妈妈,我真的觉得那群花朵是在地下的学校里上学。

  They do their lessons with doors shut, and if they want to come out to play before it is time, their master makes them stand in a corner. 他们关了门做功课,如果他们想在散学以前出来游戏,他们的老师是要罚他们站壁角的。

  When the rains come they have their holidays. 雨一来,他们便放假了。

  Branches clash together in the forest, and the leaves rustle in the wild wind, the thunder-clouds clap their giant hands and the flower children rush out in dresses of pink and yellow and white. 树枝在林中互相碰触着,绿叶在狂风里萧萧地响着,雷云拍着大手,花孩子们便在那时候穿了紫的、黄的、白的衣裳,冲了出来。

学习啦在线学习网   Do you know, mother, their home is in the sky, where the stars are. 你可知道,妈妈,他们的家是在天上,在星星所住的地方。

  Haven't you seen how eager they are to get there? Don't you know why they are in such a hurry? 你没有看见他们怎样地急着要到那儿去么?你不知道他们为什么那样急急忙忙么?

  Of course, I can guess to whom they raise their arms: they have their mother as I have my own. 我自然能够猜得出他们是对谁扬起双臂来:他们也有他们的妈妈,就像我有我自己的妈妈一样。


  商人 The Merchant

学习啦在线学习网   IMAGINE, mother, that you are to stay at home and I am to travel into strange lands. 妈妈,让我们想象,你待在家里,我到异邦去旅行。

  Imagine that my boat is ready at the landing fully laden. 再想象,我的船已经装得满满地在码头上等候启碇了。

  Now think well, mother, before you say what I shall bring for you when I come back. 现在,妈妈,好生想一想再告诉我,回来的时候我要带些什么给你。

学习啦在线学习网   Mother, do you want heaps and heaps of gold? 妈妈,你要一堆一堆的黄金么?

学习啦在线学习网   There, by the banks of golden streams, fields are full of golden harvest. 在金河的两岸,田野里全是金色的稻实。

  And in the shade of the forest path the golden champa flowers drop on the ground. 在林荫的路上,金色花也一朵一朵地落在地上。

学习啦在线学习网   I will gather them all for you in many hundred baskets. 我要为你把它们全都收拾起来,放在好几百个篮子里。

  Mother, do you want pearls big as the raindrops of autumn? 妈妈,你要秋天的雨点一般大的珍珠么?

  I shall cross to the pearl island shore. There in the early morning light pearls tremble on the meadow flowers, pearls drop on the grass, and pearls are scattered on the sand in spray by the wild sea-waves. 我要渡海到珍珠岛的岸上去。那个地方,在清晨的曙光里,珠子在草地的野花上颤动,珠子落在绿草上,珠子被汹狂的海浪一大把一大把地撒在沙滩上。

  My brother shall have a pair of horses with wings to fly among the clouds. 我的哥哥呢,我要送他一对有翼的马,会在云端飞翔的。

  For father I shall bring a magic pen that, without his knowing, will write of itself. 爸爸呢,我要带一支有魔力的笔给他,他还没有觉得,笔就写出字来了。

  For you, mother, I must have the casket and jewel that cost seven kings their kingdoms. 你呢,妈妈,我一定要把那个值七个王国的首饰箱和珠宝送给你。


学习啦在线学习网   职业 Vocation

  WHEN the gong sounds ten in the morning and I walk to school by our lane, I wish I were a watchman walking the streets all night, chasing the shadows with my lantern.

  Every day I meet the hawker crying, "Bangles, crystal bangles!" 早晨,钟敲十下的时候,我沿着我们的小巷到学校去。

学习啦在线学习网   There is nothing to hurry him on, there is no road he must take, no place he must go to, no time when he must come home. 每天我都遇见那个小贩,他叫道:“镯子呀,亮晶晶的镯子!”

学习啦在线学习网   I wish I were a hawker, spending my day in the road, crying, "Bangles, crystal bangles!" 他没有什么事情急着要做,他没有哪条街一定要走,他没有什么地方一定要去,他没有什么时间一定要回家。

学习啦在线学习网   When at four in the afternoon I come back from the school, 我愿意我是一个小贩,在街上过日子,叫着:“镯子呀,亮晶晶的镯子!”

  I can see through the gate of that house the gardener digging the ground. 下午四点,我从学校里回家。

  He does what he likes with his spade, he soils his clothes with dust, nobody takes him to task if he gets baked in the sun or gets wet. 从一家门口,我看得见一个园丁在那里掘地。

学习啦在线学习网   I wish I were a gardener digging away at the garden with nobody to stop me from digging. 他用他的锄子,要怎么掘,便怎么掘,他被尘土污了衣裳,如果他被太阳晒黑了或是身上被打湿了,都没有人骂他。

学习啦在线学习网   Just as it gets dark in the evening and my mother sends me to bed, 我愿意我是一个园丁,在花园里掘地。谁也不来阻止我。

学习啦在线学习网   I can see through my open window the watchman walking up and down. 天色刚黑,妈妈就送我上床。

学习啦在线学习网   The lane is dark and lonely, and the street-lamp stands like a giant with one red eye in its head. 从开着的窗口,我看得见更夫走来走去。

学习啦在线学习网   The watchman swings his lantern and walks with his shadow at his side, and never once goes to bed in his life. 小巷又黑又冷清,路灯立在那里,像一个头上生着一只红眼睛的巨人。





