学习啦在线学习网 在大四的时候,刘敦觉得自己终于做好了准备,于是决定自立门户,从事自己热爱同时擅长的事业。他说,“我喜欢娱乐与休闲,也对互联网有所钻研。所以我想通过网络推广武汉的娱乐与休闲行业。”
Early success
He set his eyes on young people who want to have fun in Wuhan, yet know little about the city. Together with his team, Liu used his spare time to visit unique stores; those that had the right characteristics were enlisted as partners. “We recommend these stores to our registered costumers on WeChat, who can get special treatment or discounts in these stores. It’s a win-win situation,” says Liu.
学习啦在线学习网 刘敦将目光锁定在那些想在武汉游玩却对这座城市知之甚少的年轻人身上。刘敦和他的团队一起,利用空闲时间寻访一些与众不同的小店,将正对胃口的商店列入合作伙伴的清单。他说,“如果这些商店愿意提供特殊优惠或打折,我们会将他们推荐给我们微信公众号的订阅用户。这是一种双赢的办法。”
Now, Liu has partnerships with more than 100 stores in Wuhan, ranging from restaurants to boutique stores. A Shenzhen investor believes Liu’s company is worth 5 million yuan and wants to purchase a 20 percent share for 1 million yuan.
学习啦在线学习网 “I’m still thinking,” says Liu. “This company is like my own child. I want it to have a good parent in law.”
学习啦在线学习网 对此,刘敦表示“我还在考虑。毕竟,这个公司就像是我的孩子一样,我希望他在法律上也有个好父母。”