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学习啦在线学习网   学习啦整理“2016年6月大学英语六级翻译练习题:餐饮文化”,更多关于英语六级翻译、英语六级翻译词汇,请访问学习啦!下面是学习啦小编带来的,欢迎阅读!


  当来中国的游客发现一桌标准的8人晚宴有4道凉菜、4道热菜,并配以汤和米饭时,他们往往会感到惊讶。一桌标准的宴席(banquet)包括4~8道准备好的凉菜,8道热菜—每次只上1道热菜,以及2-4道观赏大菜(whole-sized showpiece dish)。同坐一张桌子的人互相敬酒时通常会“干杯(Gan Bei)”。“干杯”是指举起酒杯,将酒全部喝完,让玻璃杯或酒杯“连最后一滴也干了”。人们干杯时传递给别人的信息是:自己是真诚、快乐的。向主人敬酒时,外国人更愿意接受的方式是喝一小口而不是喝干整杯。


学习啦在线学习网   Visitors to China are often surprised when a standard dinner for a table of eight people consists of four courses of cold dishes and four courses of hot dishes,coupled with soup and steamed rice. A standard banquet consists of four to eight prepared cold dishes, eight hot dishes served one at a time, and two to four whole-sized showpiece dishes. People at a table usually “Gan Bei" when toasting to each other. “Gan Bei” means to raise one's wine glass and drink it all the way down so that the glass or cup is “dried up to the last drop”. People drink up their wine to communicate the message to others that they are sincere and joyful. It is quite acceptable for a foreign guest to take a sip instead of emptying the glass when toasting to his or her host.


学习啦在线学习网   1.配以汤和米饭:可译为coupled with soup and steamed rice。用过去分词结构作状语。

  2.将酒全部喝完:可译为drink it all the way down。其中all the way down表示“一路下去”,此处是形象的比喻。

  3.传递给别人的信息:可译为communicate the message to others,也可译为convey the message to others。

  4.自己是真诚、快乐的:可译为that they are sincere and joyful,作“信息”的同位语。

学习啦在线学习网   5.外国人更愿意接受的方式是喝一小口而不是喝干整杯:可以理解为“对于外国人来说,他们更愿意接受喝一小口…翻译时可以使用“it is +形容词+ for somebody to do”的句式。其中,“喝一小口 ”可译为take a sip。


  思乡(homesickness)是中国人的一个永恒的话题。从古至今,无论男女,家是他们永久的港湾,思乡是他们不老的情结(complex)。正是这样的情结成为中国历代文人重要的创作题材,并以各种方式,从各种角度加以体现。是故乡,唤起了他们心灵深处最美好的回忆,在对故乡的思念中,他们又仿佛回到了那单纯无邪的童年时代,回到了母亲的怀抱,身心的创伤得到了暂时的平复,精神的空虚得到了刹那的充实,故乡成了他们终极的归宿地(ultimate destination)。


  Homesickness is an eternal topic for Chinese people.Since ancient times, home has been a permanent harbor for both men and women, and homesickness is their ever-young complex.It is such kind of complex that becomes the important theme of Chinese literati in all dynasties; they expressed this theme in various ways and form various angles.It is home that arouses the best memories in their hearts.Thanks to those memories, they feel like going back to the pure and innocent childhood and returning to mothers arms.The wounds in body and mind will get healed temporarily and spiritual emptiness will be enriched for a while.Home has become their ultimate destination.


学习啦在线学习网   1.思乡:可译为homesickness,其形容词形式为homesick。

学习啦在线学习网   2.不老的情结:可译为ever-young complex,其中“不老的”译为ever-young,意为 “永远年轻的”。

  3.以各种方式,从各种角度加以体现:译文以人作主语,把句式从被动变为主动,并用分号将两个分句连在一起。文中翻译为the they expressed this theme in various ways and from various angles。

  4.是故乡,唤起了…:此处可用It is...that...的强调句形式。“唤起”译为arouse或bring out。

  5.回到了…回到了…:可分别译为go back to和return to,以避免重复,从而体现用词的多样性。

  6.身心的创伤得到了暂时的平复:可译为The wounds in body and mind will get healed temporarily。其中“身心的创伤”译为 the wounds in body and mind, “得到平复”译为get healed。