学习啦 > 学习英语 > 英语阅读 > 英语文摘 > 大学英语四级文章带翻译


时间: 韦彦867 分享


学习啦在线学习网   今天小编为大家带来了一些大学英语四级的文章,还带有翻译的哦。下面是学习啦小编带来的,欢迎阅读!


  Father's Day inspires appreciation, respect and love for a man who is a steady source of security and guidance in the lives of his family. Take heart in knowing there are some thought-provoking and timeless treasures that make wonderful Father's Day gifts.


学习啦在线学习网   Fathers will be so busy taking care of their families, that they often they neglect to take care of their own health. Buy Dad a membership to the local gym or fitness center. He will be receiving the gift of good health and enjoying himself in the process.

学习啦在线学习网   父亲照顾家会很忙,因此他们经常忽视了对自己健康的照顾。给父亲买一张当地健身房或健身中心的会员卡。他会欣然接受这份健康之礼,并在锻炼过程中享受自我。

学习啦在线学习网   For those who are on a tight budget, yet want to show Dad he's thought of and remembered, a little token of love might be a personalized photo mug. This is a practical gift that would make Dad think of his son or daughter each and every day.


  For the younger crowd who loves arts and crafts, the options are unlimited. Comprise a family photo album, with special pages to commemorate certain events that held meaning for Dad and his loved ones.

学习啦在线学习网   对于热爱艺术和工艺品的年轻人来说,有无数的点子。做一本家庭相册,里面的特别页用来纪念对于父亲和他所爱的人很有意义的特定日子。

  Simple things can mean so much. Why not take Dad out for a lovely relaxed dinner. The two of you can talk at a leisurely level and pace. Afterward, plan to attend a movie, or some other type of concert. Of course, tickets to see his favorite sports team would always be appreciated.


  If Dad enjoys cooking, get him a personalized apron to wear while cooking up his favorite recipes. Don't stop there. Add to Dad's enjoyment by gifting him with a new set of cooking tools. What a fun Father's day gift idea that could be!


  Wine or other types of liquor could be a gift of choice. What better way to unwind after a long hard day at the office than with his favorite liquor. Choose wisely, and remember, there's no need to remind Dad to drink responsibly.


  A subscription to his favorite magazine is a nice idea, and sure to be well received. Most often he will neglect to treat himself to this type of leisurely fun. Now is a good time to do the favor for him.


  If he's in need of a new wallet, present Dad with a leather billfold and place a special photo inside.

学习啦在线学习网   如果他正需要一个新钱包,送给父亲一个皮夹子,并在里面放上一张特别的照片。

学习啦在线学习网   To keep Dad looking handsome and dashing, present him with a new electric shaver. Let him indulge without the hassle of having to use shaving cream.


学习啦在线学习网   For those who wish to indulge Dad with an extraordinary present, why not present a portrait of his children? Surprise him with an oil painting or watercolor to capture the essence of his children. This gift will inspire memories to cherish for a lifetime.



学习啦在线学习网   A study by the National Bureau of Economic Research traced the professional activity of 5,000 men in Indonesia for seven years.


学习啦在线学习网   By the end, it found the taller participants saw a far greater increase in hourly earnings than the shorter ones.

学习啦在线学习网   最终,这份研究发现和较矮的人相比,高个子的时薪增长速度要快得多。

  According to a graph mapping the data, a 170cm-tall man would likely earn 1,000 Indonesian Rupiah (

学习啦 > 学习英语 > 英语阅读 > 英语文摘 > 大学英语四级文章带翻译


时间: 韦彦867 分享


学习啦在线学习网   今天小编为大家带来了一些大学英语四级的文章,还带有翻译的哦。下面是学习啦小编带来的,欢迎阅读!


  Father's Day inspires appreciation, respect and love for a man who is a steady source of security and guidance in the lives of his family. Take heart in knowing there are some thought-provoking and timeless treasures that make wonderful Father's Day gifts.


  Fathers will be so busy taking care of their families, that they often they neglect to take care of their own health. Buy Dad a membership to the local gym or fitness center. He will be receiving the gift of good health and enjoying himself in the process.

学习啦在线学习网   父亲照顾家会很忙,因此他们经常忽视了对自己健康的照顾。给父亲买一张当地健身房或健身中心的会员卡。他会欣然接受这份健康之礼,并在锻炼过程中享受自我。

  For those who are on a tight budget, yet want to show Dad he's thought of and remembered, a little token of love might be a personalized photo mug. This is a practical gift that would make Dad think of his son or daughter each and every day.


学习啦在线学习网   For the younger crowd who loves arts and crafts, the options are unlimited. Comprise a family photo album, with special pages to commemorate certain events that held meaning for Dad and his loved ones.

学习啦在线学习网   对于热爱艺术和工艺品的年轻人来说,有无数的点子。做一本家庭相册,里面的特别页用来纪念对于父亲和他所爱的人很有意义的特定日子。

学习啦在线学习网   Simple things can mean so much. Why not take Dad out for a lovely relaxed dinner. The two of you can talk at a leisurely level and pace. Afterward, plan to attend a movie, or some other type of concert. Of course, tickets to see his favorite sports team would always be appreciated.


  If Dad enjoys cooking, get him a personalized apron to wear while cooking up his favorite recipes. Don't stop there. Add to Dad's enjoyment by gifting him with a new set of cooking tools. What a fun Father's day gift idea that could be!


  Wine or other types of liquor could be a gift of choice. What better way to unwind after a long hard day at the office than with his favorite liquor. Choose wisely, and remember, there's no need to remind Dad to drink responsibly.


学习啦在线学习网   A subscription to his favorite magazine is a nice idea, and sure to be well received. Most often he will neglect to treat himself to this type of leisurely fun. Now is a good time to do the favor for him.


  If he's in need of a new wallet, present Dad with a leather billfold and place a special photo inside.


  To keep Dad looking handsome and dashing, present him with a new electric shaver. Let him indulge without the hassle of having to use shaving cream.

学习啦在线学习网   为了让父亲看起来更帅更时髦,送给他一个新的电动剃须刀,让他沉浸在剃须的乐趣中,不必为用剃须刀而烦恼。

  For those who wish to indulge Dad with an extraordinary present, why not present a portrait of his children? Surprise him with an oil painting or watercolor to capture the essence of his children. This gift will inspire memories to cherish for a lifetime.



  A study by the National Bureau of Economic Research traced the professional activity of 5,000 men in Indonesia for seven years.

学习啦在线学习网   在一项历时7年的研究中,国家经济局追踪记录了印尼5000名男性的职业历程。

  By the end, it found the taller participants saw a far greater increase in hourly earnings than the shorter ones.


  According to a graph mapping the data, a 170cm-tall man would likely earn 1,000 Indonesian Rupiah ($0.8) more than a 155cm-tall colleague.


  The researchers Duncan Thomas and Daniel LaFave, who teach at Duke University, controlled variable factors such as health and family background.


  They also took their own measurements to avoid participants exagerrating their height.


  And they sourced a pool of men in various industries, including manual labor and desk jobs.


  Analyzing the data, Thomas acknowledged that there could be genetic reasons for the correlation.


学习啦在线学习网   He also said he believes height is rewarded in the labor market.

学习啦在线学习网   他还说自己认为在劳动力市场上,身高是一个优势。

  ’There is no question that height is rewarded in the labor market over and above all other controls,’ he told Bloomberg.


  ’It’s not that height is just a proxy for cognition, and it’s not just a proxy for other measures of health. It is rewarded in and of itself.’


  It is the latest batch of good news for tall people.

学习啦在线学习网   对于那些长得高的人来说,这又是一个好消息。

  Last year, a study found tall people are genetically more likely to be slim.


学习啦在线学习网   Height has also been a benefit for men on dating sites as women tend to swipe right more often for taller suitors.


  And according to the American Heart Association, taller people have a lower risk of cardiac arrest.


学习啦在线学习网   That study, published in 2013, also found short men were one-third more likely to die from any cause in a given time period compared with tall men.

学习啦在线学习网   那份发表于2013年的研究还指出,和高个子男性相比,矮个男人在指定时段内死于任何癌症的几率都要高出三分之一。

  Short women, meanwhile, were 5.5 per cent more at risk of premature death from any cause.


学习啦在线学习网   Experts had assumed one of the possible reasons for an increased tendency to heart disease was shorter people having smaller coronary arteries which were more prone to becoming furred up earlier in life.

学习啦在线学习网   针对心脏病呈上升趋势发展的现状,专家们曾假设了一个可能的原因。他们认为矮个子的冠状动脉更小,这样他们年轻的时候血管更容易堵塞。

.8) more than a 155cm-tall colleague.


学习啦在线学习网   The researchers Duncan Thomas and Daniel LaFave, who teach at Duke University, controlled variable factors such as health and family background.


  They also took their own measurements to avoid participants exagerrating their height.


  And they sourced a pool of men in various industries, including manual labor and desk jobs.


  Analyzing the data, Thomas acknowledged that there could be genetic reasons for the correlation.


学习啦在线学习网   He also said he believes height is rewarded in the labor market.


  ’There is no question that height is rewarded in the labor market over and above all other controls,’ he told Bloomberg.


学习啦在线学习网   ’It’s not that height is just a proxy for cognition, and it’s not just a proxy for other measures of health. It is rewarded in and of itself.’

学习啦在线学习网   “身高并不仅仅只是认识一个人的一方面,身高也不仅仅只是健康状况的一个反映。身高本身就是一个优势。”

学习啦在线学习网   It is the latest batch of good news for tall people.

学习啦在线学习网   对于那些长得高的人来说,这又是一个好消息。

  Last year, a study found tall people are genetically more likely to be slim.

学习啦在线学习网   去年一项研究发现,从遗传上来看,高个子的人更有可能身材苗条。

学习啦在线学习网   Height has also been a benefit for men on dating sites as women tend to swipe right more often for taller suitors.


  And according to the American Heart Association, taller people have a lower risk of cardiac arrest.

学习啦在线学习网   另根据美国心脏协会透露,高个子心脏骤停的风险也更低。

  That study, published in 2013, also found short men were one-third more likely to die from any cause in a given time period compared with tall men.

学习啦在线学习网   那份发表于2013年的研究还指出,和高个子男性相比,矮个男人在指定时段内死于任何癌症的几率都要高出三分之一。

学习啦在线学习网   Short women, meanwhile, were 5.5 per cent more at risk of premature death from any cause.


学习啦在线学习网   Experts had assumed one of the possible reasons for an increased tendency to heart disease was shorter people having smaller coronary arteries which were more prone to becoming furred up earlier in life.
