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  Amazon has joined forces with Twitter to let consumers tweet products they like into theirshopping baskets, as technology companies search for ways to fuse social media andecommerce.

学习啦在线学习网   亚马逊(Amazon)与Twitter开展了合作,允许用户以Twitter消息的形式将喜欢的商品发送到购物篮中。这些高科技企业正在想办法把社交媒体和电子商务融为一体。

  The feature is aimed at turning Twitter into a new shopping window for Amazon, which has onlydabbled with social media, partly because Jeff Bezos, its chief executive, does not want toshare its customers with other companies, according to former employees.

  这一功能旨在将Twitter转变成亚马逊新的购物窗口。目前,对于社交媒体亚马逊还只是略有涉及,按照亚马逊前雇员的说法,这部分是因为亚马逊首席执行官杰夫•贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)不愿意与其他公司分享其客户资料。

  Through the tie-up, consumers on Twitter who see a tweet with an Amazon product link will beable to drop it into their Amazon.com basket by replying with the hashtag #amazoncart in theUS and #amazonbasket in the UK.


  Despite the potential for consumers to obtain shopping ideas from friends and experts onTwitter, Facebook and Pinterest, social media has so far had only limited success in generatingecommerce transactions.


学习啦在线学习网   Twitter last year hired Nathan Hubbard, former chief executive of Ticketmaster, to work onmobile device commerce projects.

  去年,Twitter曾聘请曾任Ticketmaster首席执行官的内森•哈伯德(Nathan Hubbard)从事移动设备电子商务项目的开发。

  Although Twitter will not make any money from Amazon sales directly, the group hopes that itwill encourage ecommerce sites and other companies to spend more money on advertisingthrough the site.


学习啦在线学习网   Twitter’s “cards” – widgets within an individual tweet that are most commonly used to showphotos or videos – are already used by online retailers such as eBay to show more informationwhen the user tweets a link to a product. However, consumers still have to click through to thesite to make a purchase.

学习啦在线学习网   目前,Twitter提供了一种“卡片”工具,这种小工具常用于在个人Twitter消息中显示照片或视频。eBay之类的在线零售商已经开始使用这种“卡片”工具,让用户能在Twitter消息中发送商品链接时显示更多信息。不过,用户仍需要通过点击连至相关网站才能完成购物。

  The partnership could contribute to Amazon’s goal of removing friction from the shoppingprocess. In a video on the tie-up, the company exhorts: “No more switching apps, typingpasswords, or trying to remember items you saw on Twitter.”


  Sucharita Mulpuru, analyst at Forrester Research, said: “I really don’t think it’s that necessaryfor [Amazon], because the social networks are best for awareness and they certainly don’thave an awareness problem.”

  Forrester Research分析师苏乍利达•墨普鲁(Sucharita Mulpuru)表示:“我确实认为这对(亚马逊)没什么必要,社交网络最适合用来让人知道某个东西的存在,而亚马逊当然不会有这样的问题。”

学习啦在线学习网   She noted that when many people were interested in a product they were just as likely tosearch for it on Amazon as on Google regardless of where they first saw it.


学习啦在线学习网   “The problem is Twitter is really a news and information stream, it’s not really a commercestream,” Ms Mulpuru said. “The experiments with purchasing that have happened to date onTwitter have not been wildly successful.”


  The partnership also touches on wider questions about how much of their lives people want toreveal on social media, and whether the willingness to share interests and habits extends toshopping.


学习啦在线学习网   The Amazon video shows consumers tweeting their desire to buy Procter & Gamblepersonal products – Pampers nappies and an Oral-B electric toothbrush – as well as a videogame for the PlayStation 4 console.

  在亚马逊推出的视频中,用户在Twitter上发送了一条消息,表达了想要购买帮宝适(Pampers)尿布以及Oral-B电动牙刷等宝洁(Procter & Gamble)个人用品及一个PS4视频游戏的愿望。

学习啦在线学习网   The number of Americans accessing Twitter each month is estimated to rise 11.6 per cent to48.2m in 2014, according to eMarketer, a research group. In the UK, the number of Twitterusers is forecast to increase 13.4 per cent to 13.6m.

学习啦在线学习网   根据研究集团eMarketer发布的数据,2014年美国Twitter月访问人数估计会增长11.6%,增至4820万人。在英国,Twitter用户数预计将增长13.4%,增至1360万人。

  Amazon itself has nearly 1.1m followers on Twitter.

学习啦在线学习网   亚马逊自身在Twitter上拥有将近110万粉丝。

学习啦在线学习网   While Amazon has not fully embraced the latest round of social media, analysts point out thatthe customer book reviews that it pioneered on its website were an early version of the form.
