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学习啦在线学习网   X.509 describes two levels of Authentication, simple authentication, based on use of a password to verify user identity, and strong authentication, using credentials created by cryptographic methods. The standard recommends that only strong authentication should be used as the basis of providing secure services. Public-Key Cryptography is used for strong authentication, but X.509 is not dependent on the use of a particular cryptographic Algorithm, though two users wishing to authenticate must support the same Algorithm.



  X.500 is an open, distributed, online directory service which is intended to be global in scope. X.500 is a support service for data exchange which includes providing directory support for data communication services specified by other OSI application standards. The X.500 series of standards covers services available to users, the functional model and protocols connecting the component parts of the directory, an information framework and a schema of the information held by the directory, and a mechanism for allowing OSI components to authenticate each other.



学习啦在线学习网   X3D is the name under which the development of VRML is continued. X3D is based on XML and is backwards compatible with VRML. Furthermore, it is componentized, profiled, and extensible, which makes it possible to use X3D in very different scenarios, from high-end visualizations to lightweight applications.

学习啦在线学习网   X3D是虚拟现实造型语言(VRML)命名空间的延续。X3D基于XML并向后兼容VRML。而且X3D的组成、剖面、拓展等特性应用范围可以从高端的开发到轻量级的开发,这使得它开发不同的游戏情节成为可能。


学习啦在线学习网   Internet technical specifications often need to define a format syntax and are free to employ whatever notation their authors deem useful. Over the years, a modified version of BNF, called ABNF, has been popular among many Internet specifications. It balances compactness and simplicity with reasonable representational power.

学习啦在线学习网   互联网技术规范经常需要定义一种格式化语法并能自由地使用作者认为是有用的任何符号。多年来,巴克斯范式(BNF)的一个修订版,即扩展巴克斯范式(ABNF),已经在许多互联网规范中流行。该版本平衡了压缩性和简单性,具有合理的表达能力。


学习啦在线学习网   Shortcut

  In Microsoft Windows 98,an icon that provides fast access to a program .A fter you create the shortcut ,you see the program's icon on the desktop ,where you can start it quickly by double-clicking the icon.


学习啦在线学习网   在Microsoft Windows 98中提供的对程序进行快速访问的图标。当你建立了快捷方式后,你在桌面上就看到了该程序的图标,通过双击图标你就可以迅速地启动该程序。


学习啦在线学习网   Shortcut Key

学习啦在线学习网   A key combination that provides one-stroke access directly to a command or dialog box ,bypassing any intermediate menus.


学习啦在线学习网   是一组提供直接对命令或对话框一次敲击访问的键组合,绕过任何中间菜单。

学习啦在线学习网   计算机英语(3)

学习啦在线学习网   Signature

  In electronic mail and UseNet newsgroups ,a brief file (of approximately t hree or four lines )that contains the message sender's name ,organization ,address ,e-mail address ,and (optionally )telephone numbers .You can configure most s ystems to add this file automatically at the end of each message you send .Ne tiquette advises against long ,complicated signatures ,especially when posting to UseNet .In virus-protection utilities ,program code identifiable as belongi ng to a known virus.


学习啦在线学习网   在电子邮件和UseNet新闻组中,包括消息发送者的姓名、机构、地址、e-mail地址和(任选的)电话号码的简要文件(大约3或4行)。你可将多数系统配置成在你所发送的每一条消息的最后自动加上这个文件。网上礼仪建议不要有太长太复杂的签名,特别是当邮送到UseNet时更是这样。在病毒保护实用程序中,当病毒已知时,程序码是可以识别的。


  Wait state

  A microprocessor clock cycle in which nothing occurs .A wait state is programmed into a computer system to allow other components ,such as random-access memory (RAM) ,to catch up with the central processing unit (CPU) .The number of wait states depends on the speed of the processor in relation to the speed of memory .Wait states can be eliminated—resulting in a "zero wait state" machine—by using fast (but expensive )cache memory ,interleaved memory ,page-mode RAM ,or static RAM chips.





  A Web site that serves as a gateway to the Internet .A portal which may be a search engine or a directory web page is a collection of links ,content , and services designed to guide users to information they are likely to find interesting —news , weather , entertainment , commerce sites , chat rooms , and so on . Yahoo! ,Excite ,MSN.com ,Infoseek ,AOL ,Lycos and Netscape NetCenter are examples of portals .A web page is the starting point for web surfing .


学习啦在线学习网   计算机英语(1)


  A wide area network (WAN) .A network that connected Department of Defense research sites across America. Created in 1969 with funding from the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) .Undergoing constant research and development in the early-to mid-1970s,ARPAnet served as the test bed for the development of TCP/IP( the protocols that make the Internet possible ).A Major goal of the ARPAnet project was to increase the military's command and control capability by enabling communication across a variety of physically dissimilar media ,including satellites .An allied goal was to create a robust network capable of withstanding outages ,such as those that might result from a nuclear exchange .ARPAnet met these objectives ,but it also surprised its creators :It was found in short order that most ARPAnet users preferred to use the network for communication ,such as electronic mail and discussion groups .Initially ,the ARPAnet was available only to government research institutes and to universities holding Department of Defense (DoD) research contracts .In 1983,ARPAnet was divided into a high-security military network (Milnet )and an ARPAnet that was recast as a research and development network .Although it formed the foundation of the Internet ,it was decommissioned in 1990.


学习啦在线学习网   ARPAnet系一种广域网(WAN),一种连接整个美国的国防部研究机构的网络。它是由美国高级研究规划署(ARPA)提供资金,于1969年创建的。ARPA网作为开发TCP/IP(一种使互连网成为可能的协议)的试验台,在70年代的早期到中期就进行了不断的研究和开发。ARPA网项目的主要目标是通过能够在各种实际不相似的媒介(包括卫星)上进行通信来提高军事指挥与控制的能力。一个相关联的目标是建立一种能够耐受故障(诸如那些可能由核交换导致的故障)的健壮网络。ARPA网满足了这些要求,但也令其创建者惊奇的是,立即就发现大多数ARPA网用户更愿意将该网用于通信,如电子邮件和讨论组。最初,ARPA网仅用于政府研究机构和持有国防部研究合同的大学。1983年,ARPA网被分成高安全性军事网(Milnet)和作为一个研究和开发网络而重建的ARPA网。尽管ARPA网构成了因特网的基础,但它最终于1990年退役。

学习啦在线学习网   计算机英语(2)


  An unwanted graphic ,usually small ,that remains on a screen after an image is distorted by a mistake ,omission ,or limitation in graphics software or hardware .Artifacts may cause pixels to be dropped or to clump together .Other types of artifacts occur when the quality of a videotape is poor (if metal particles flake off the tape ,for example )or when decompression is faulty.




学习啦在线学习网   Access Site

  Location on a network where users can find data or programs .Each site has a unique name .For example ,at Washington University State Library ,there is an archive database stored on a particular computer .It can be accessed by someone who has logged onto the Internet and entered the name "wuarchive.wustl.edu." A woman in Florida or a man in Beijing can each retrieve the files they need from the database .A site's address generally says something about what kind of organization is offering the data.


学习啦在线学习网   网络上的位置,用户可从那里找到数据或程序。每个站点都有一个唯一的名称。例如,华盛顿大学州立图书馆有一个存储在特殊计算机上的档案数据库,它可由登录到因特网上访问并输入"wuarchive.wust1.edu."这个域名的某个人访问。佛罗里达州的一位女士或北京的一位先生可各自从该数据库中检索他们所需要的文件。一个站点的地址一般告诉什么机构在提供这些数据。


计算机专业英语课程综合了计算机专业知识和英语语言运用能力,是计算机应用、软件开发、信息处理、网络通信、多媒体设计、电子商务等专业学生的必修课程。下面是学习啦小编带来的计算机专业英语文章,欢迎阅读! 计算机专业英语文章 X.509