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学习啦在线学习网   Students can settle in to a false sense of security if they take the time to study but don’t retain much of the information. This happens because they don’t study in the most effective way.


  If you don’t study the right way, you can show up on test day feeling prepared, and then draw a blank on the test. Are you guilty of these seven sins of studying?


  1. Passive Study


学习啦在线学习网   Reading your text book is a great first step when it comes to studying, but you can’t just read your text book or passage. That is passive studying. To study effectively, you have to get active with the material in your book. The more we “work” with information, by reading, writing, drawing, and quizzing, the more we remember it.

学习啦在线学习网   开始学习时第一步主要是阅读课本,但你不能只读你的课本或文章。这是被动的学习。要想有效地学习,你必须积极地去理解书中的内容。我们越多地“运用”这些信息——通过阅读、写作、画图、测验,我们会记住更多的内容。

学习啦在线学习网   2. Studying Without Structure


学习啦在线学习网   Every topic that you study has been presented to you in some type of sensible structure, whether it is math – which comes in building blocks, or social studies - which comes in categories. Take some time to examine how the material you’re studying was presented to you, and frame the material this way as you study.


  For example, you must study math in the sequence of steps or blocks that was presented in your chapter, because you are unlikely to understand “step three” if you didn’t see it as a follow-up to steps one and two.


学习啦在线学习网   In social sciences, you must find out what types of categories or subtopics your text is presenting. If you are studying several civilizations or populations, for example, what topics are presented as chapters? It could be customs, governments, hereditary traits, or more. Find patterns in your notes and chapters. Then create reusable comparison charts and fill them in from memory a few times.


学习啦在线学习网   When you study any social science, you must recognize subtopics and make charts to:

  Compare,Contrast,Contextualize.By comparing and contrasting government types, for example, you will be prepared to recognize incorrect choices in a multiple choice exam.


学习啦在线学习网   3. Single Cramming Session


  Memories are reinforced through repetition. Do not fool yourself into believing that you can really learn material in a single session of cramming. Some of the information will absorb, but some will evaporate, which means it’s an OK strategy if you’re going to be happy with a C grade .

学习啦在线学习网   记忆可以通过重复加强。但不要欺骗自己去相信可以通过单一的填鸭式方法学习知识。重复的学习方式可以接受一些信息,但有一些则不会掌握,这意味着如果你乐意得到一个C级的分数,这个策略可行。

学习啦在线学习网   The more you revisit information, the more you absorb and retain. Study a week or so before a test and then follow up with your cramming sessions. That’s a formula for an A.


  4. Failing to Preview


学习啦在线学习网   Your brain works best if we give it time to create a framework for the information we’re taking in. It might be helpful to think of your brain as a filing cabinet. When you do your assigned readings before class, you establish “drawers and files” for the information you hear in class lectures.

学习啦在线学习网   Without this ready storage system, your brain doesn’t know where to file things, and it is more likely to get lost in confusion.



  5.Ignoring Images


学习啦在线学习网   One very common mistake students make is glazing over images and charts in their readings. Those visuals are chosen for a reason, and instructors often include information from the information on exams.The next time you’re reviewing a chapter for an exam, make sure to notice the images, and work into that information your flashcards.


  6. Lazy Flashcards


学习啦在线学习网   Flashcards are terrific study tools, but you have to learn to use flashcards the right way in order to make the most of your study time. The first step of effective flashcard use is the method you’re already using: put key terms or dates on one side and definitions on the other. Quiz yourself repeatedly until you can define every term from memory.

学习啦在线学习网   抽认卡是很棒的学习工具,但是你必须学会使用抽认卡的正确方式,以充分利用你的学习时间。抽认卡使用的第一步是你已经使用的方法:把关键词或日期放在卡的一面,而把解释和定义放在另一面。反复测验自己,直到你可以记忆每个术语的定义。

  Step 2 of flashcard use is to use your terms to make comparisons. Go through your stack again, selecting two random cards. Then write a short paragraph explaining how the two terms relate to each other. This exercise will help you understand how individual terms fit into the bigger picture.


  7. Late Night Study Before Your Test


  Students love to stay up late to study, but this is a dangerous practice on the night before a test. Often, students cram for a test late into the night, and then go to bed with the adrenalin (or caffeine) pumping through their veins.

学习啦在线学习网   学生喜欢熬夜学习,但在考前的晚上这是一个危险的行为。通常,学生为考试死记硬背到深夜,然后在肾上腺素(或咖啡因)奔涌在静脉中的状况下入睡。

学习啦在线学习网   When this happens, you run the risk of getting too little sleep and taking the test in a zombie-like state. You just defeat the purpose of studying in the first place if you try to take a test in a dozy haze. Take care of your brain and give it the rest it needs on the night before your test.

学习啦在线学习网   当这一切发生的时候,你就会承担睡眠太少的风险,以木讷的状态进入考试。如果你在一种困倦的状态下来完成考试,起初熬夜学习的目标便会破灭。所以,请照顾你的大脑,在考试的前一晚给它所需要的休息吧。



学习啦在线学习网   How, in the days before refrigeration, before electric fans, before air-conditioning — did people make it through summer in New York?


  The short answer is: A lot of them didn’t. Nearly 1,500 New Yorkers died during a heat wave in 1896, and nearly 700 fell victim to another one in 1901.

学习啦在线学习网   简单说来,很多人没有熬过夏天。有将近1500名纽约人1896年的时候死于热浪,另有将近700人1901年的时候被热天害惨。

  There were roughly 600 heat deaths in the city each year between 2000 and 2006, and experts predictclimate change will cause that number to soar in the coming decades — but the conveniences of modern life mean they’re not as dangerous as they used to be.


学习啦在线学习网   Air conditioners became fixtures in public spaces in the 1930s and spread to private homes throughout the middle part of the 20th century. The risk of heat death has steadily dropped in conjunction with AC’s rise.

学习啦在线学习网   20世纪30年代,空调成了公共设施,20世纪中叶,普及到私人住宅。空调数量激增,中暑身亡的风险也稳步下降。

  But the lack of AC also gave our recent ancestors an advantage: it made it easier for them to tolerate the heat.

学习啦在线学习网   但我们的先人们没有空调也有优势:他们更耐热。

学习啦在线学习网   Our reliance on air-conditioning is actually making the world hotter; residential cooling uses such a massive amount of energy, that AC use has climate researchers worried.

学习啦在线学习网   事实上,我们依赖空调也让世界变得更热,住宅制冷所需能量之多引起气候研究人员的担忧。

  But on a psychological level, it’s also making the air outside feel hotter: The more air-conditioning you have, the more you need it to feel good.


学习啦在线学习网   Scientists call this the “adaptive comfort model”: the idea that our ideal temperature depends in part on whatever temperature we’ve recently been exposed to.
