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学习啦在线学习网   在学生的英语学习中,英语阅读起着非常重要的作用,是他们接触英语的主要方式。下面是学习啦小编带来的好的英语文章带翻译,欢迎阅读!


学习啦在线学习网   震惊!这才是一次性筷子的正确使用方法!

  An Australian woman has accidentally become a viral online sensation after sharing an image of a ''life hack'' which has shown people worldwide they've been using chopsticks wrong all their lives.


  The nifty trick is fairly simple: just snap the chunky wooden taboff the end of a pair ofdisposablechopsticks and use it as a stand to avoid putting utensils straight onto the table.


学习啦在线学习网   However, it seems the trick was enough to break the Internet when people reacted to the ground-breaking chopsticks news with absolute shock and amazement.

学习啦在线学习网   然而,这个技巧似乎足以震惊网络。当人们看到这个具有开拓性意义的筷子新闻时,他们的反应是相当的震惊。

学习啦在线学习网   An Australian woman saw the photo on Facebook and, deciding it was funny, thought she'd reshare it on Twitter. Bort of Darkness' tweet went viral almost immediately and, two days later, she can still barely use her phone as she is bombarded with messages and retweets from amazed social media users.

学习啦在线学习网   一位澳大利亚妇女是在脸书上看到这个图片的,当时她觉得很有趣,于是在推特上进行了分享。这条推特传播的速度之快堪比病毒,两天以后,这位博主(Bort of Darkness)仍然几乎无法自己的手机,因为社交媒体上有太多用户被这条推文惊艳到了,他们发来的消息持续轰炸着她的手机。

学习啦在线学习网   The bemused young woman has also now been credited as the brainchild behind the life hack in news articles around the world, from Ireland to Germany.


  Although she's found the staggering response quite absurd, Bort says it's given her an intriguing insight into how quickly online content can go viral.


学习啦在线学习网   ''I just tweeted it thinking a couple of people would be like 'oh', but it got retweeted about ten times in a minute,'' Bort told Daily Mail Australian.


  ''I went to bed thinking it would have blown over by the morning. I think it was on 1000 retweets at bedtime and when I woke up a friend had posted on my Facebook wall to say she had been reading her Irish news site and my tweet was on there!''


  She says she has received a range of responses – most commonly: 'what?','noooo way' and 'my life is a lie' – but her favourite tweets have been the photos shared showing 'failed chopstick hacks' where people have tried to imitate the trick only for it to go terribly wrong.


学习啦在线学习网   ''I guess my conclusion from this whole thing was that it was nice to have had responses from all over the world and to see people having some nice discourse about proper chopstick etiquette!''

学习啦在线学习网   “我觉得我从整件事情中得到的结论就是:可以获得来自世界各地的回应,并且可以看到人们对正确使用筷子进行交流论述实在是太好了!”


学习啦在线学习网   2016全球创新指数 中国首次跻身世界创新25强

  China has broken into the world's top 25 innovative economies for the first time, thanks to investments in education and research and development that have translated into new patents and licenses, a study said on Monday.


  The world's second-largest economy is catching up to traditional innovation front-runners, who were led again this year by Switzerland, Sweden, Britain and the United States, said the annual report by the U.N.'s World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), INSEAD Business School and Cornell University.

学习啦在线学习网   联合国世界知识产权组织(WIPO)、英士国际商学院和美国康奈尔大学联合发布的年度报告显示,全球第二大经济体正在赶追创新领域那些传统的领先者。目前,第一集团主要是由瑞士、瑞典、英国和美国引领。

  More than 100 countries are ranked according to 82 indicators of innovation, which is critical to driving growth in a competitive globalised world, said "The Global Innovation Index 2016". China's move up from 29th last year marks the first time a middle-income country has joined the top 25.


学习啦在线学习网   "Let me point to the performance of China, in coming in at number 25 in the rankings, is now joining the upper income group of countries that have traditionally dominated the top slots in the global innovation index," the WIPO director-general, Francis Gurry, told a news conference.

学习啦在线学习网   世界知识产权组织总干事弗朗西斯.高锐在记者会上表示“中国的表现必须予以强调,他们的排名排到了第25位,与那些多年来一直位居全球创新指数前列的高收入国家比肩而立。”

学习啦在线学习网   "That of course is in keeping with all of the developments that we have seen in China in recent years, including the current enormous emphasis on innovation as a major component in the transition of the Chinese economy from 'Made in China' to 'Created in China'," he said.


学习啦在线学习网   China's innovation indicators show "consistent steady improvement", Gurry said, adding: "And there's no reason to think that that will not continue."

学习啦在线学习网   中国的各个创新指标显现出“持续稳健的进步”,高锐表示,“没有理由认为这前进的脚步会停下来。”